View Full Version : The Hobbit - Anyone seen it, what did you think?

11th January 2013, 10:27 PM
So, have you managed to see the Hobbit in the cinema yet?

Being a huge LOTR fan, i saw it on opening day, and been again since.

I loved it, thought it was terrific, and more than happy that there are another two movies still to come, more hobbity and dwarfy goodness!!

I read the book yet again before i went, and it really helped enjoy the movie all the more i think, and yes at first i was very skeptical about just how characters such as Frodo, Radaghast and the Necromancer would be introduced into a story where they had no place, but i think it really worked.

Anyone any thoughts?

11th January 2013, 11:21 PM
sorry completely :off topic: ..... you look like you have some interesting passtimes!

12th January 2013, 05:09 AM
Yep, i saw it almost on the day of release, in true LOTR fashion it was too long, the story is there to be told but a lot of the scenes are overly drawn out.
But, the visuals were fantastic, if a little too CGI in some areas, like in the cave for example, Gandalf was like he was stuck onto the falling wood most of the time
I'll not go back and watch it at the cinema, but, i will buy it when all movies have been released and then i'll do my usual and watch half the movie one night and then the other half the next

Edit: meant to say, if you're an avid book reader why don't you pop over to The Book Joint (http://www.thebookjoint.com/forums/forum.php) :Whistle: (shameless plug)

12th January 2013, 03:59 PM
Seen it in 3D in that High frame rate. I thought it was great, you get sucked in so the time flew in for me. I agree with the view it looked a bit CGI when they all fall in that cave but things like that I forgive when you see the landscape and detail in other parts.

Great escapism for a few hours!

13th January 2013, 10:55 AM
Yes I saw it and I cant wait for the next episodes :thumbs up:

...with the price of going to the cinema these days, with it being a long film I at least as a bonus come out after the film feeling like I've got my moneys worth :yes nod:

13th January 2013, 11:15 AM
What did you think of the comedy elements brought into the Hobbit?
It certainly wasn't as serious as LOTR, and i thought this was a more well rounded story. Comedy example without giving anything away, goblin king, that'll do it?

The second time around, i took the kids to see it (Scott, 7 and Megan 5) - They really enjoyed it, and not once asked me, Daddy how long to go now? Which is a real surprise as they always ask me that after 5 mins of any movie has started!!!

The one character i wasn't happy with the first time was Oin, he was a little 'Camp' for my tastes and didn't fit in with the whole rough and ready dwarf image we had seen and gotten used to so far, however after thinking about it more and watching a second time, the character grew on me and did make some sense, it's one for the kids, a dwarf version of Dennis the Menace!!

13th January 2013, 03:19 PM
I just love that the Dwarfs are more or less Scottish!!!!


Big Col
25th January 2013, 09:36 PM
Well. As a massive Tolkien fan the unnecessary mingling of The Hobbit story with the Silmarillion with the appendices of LOTR in order to pad the film out to 3 films is rather annoying for anyone not enamoured with the cynical money making approach to books. That being said, can't wait for the next one. But I'm a newbie so what do I know. :cool: