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View Full Version : Good Medicine

Monsta Mo Mini
9th May 2003, 09:18 PM
A farmer had about 30 cows that needed servicing, but he did not have a
bull, so he went to his friend down the road and asked if he could buy
one of his bulls. The friend said he would sell him his best bull and he
would guarantee him. A week later the two met in town and the friend said,
"How is my bull doing?" The farmer said, "He isn't doing anything. All he
does is just sit around and eat; he hasn't touched one of my cows."

The friend says, "I guaranteed him, take him to the vet and he will fix
him up and I will pay the bill." So that was what the farmer did.

A week later they met in town again. The friend says, "How is my bull
doing now?" The farmer said, "I couldn't believe it, he serviced all 30 of
cows in just one afternoon." The friend said, "My goodness what did the vet
give him?"

The farmer said, "I don't remember the name of the medicine, but it sort
of tasted like peaches."