View Full Version : New Jet Ski Puller

10th January 2013, 07:17 AM
Decided the clunker had to go, step forward the new beast

Currently getting the bonnet repainted and the small dents, dings and swirls taken care of.

If you're a tree hugger or eco warrior look away, 5.3ltr V8, 310BHP and a whopping average 18mpg :Whistle: which is an improvement on the old clunker :clap:

Better pictures when i get home :thumbs up:

Thanks to my Mini dealer John for going out of his way to get this for me :smilewinkgrin:

Edit: Pictures added:-














10th January 2013, 07:24 AM
Is your jet ski the size of an oil tanker?

10th January 2013, 07:43 AM
Will you be able to see over the wheel in that Alan ? :lol:

Nice big car tho ;)

10th January 2013, 07:43 AM
Is your jet ski the size of an oil tanker?Ah Ken, it actually will pull 2 jet ski's at any time, but, this vehicle has the added advantage of being able to turn into a truck by removing the cargo top, it'll easily carry an 8ft x 4ft board if needed, but, every person in America needs a truck :thumbs up:
Remember, i'm getting rid of a 5.7ltr V8, so, this is my offering to reduce global warming :Whistle:

10th January 2013, 07:45 AM
Will you be able to see over the wheel in that Alan ? :lol:It's the same wheelbase and cab as the current clunker, just a different body style on top, that's the great thing about American vehicles, they generally stick to the same chassis and multiple parts fit multiple vehicles

Besides, i need something decent for Zimbo, John and Gaynor to drive when they come over

10th January 2013, 09:01 AM
Oh yeah - superb Alan ;). America knows how to do a good looking truck !

And better mpg - it's all good ;)

10th January 2013, 09:31 AM
Alan, it looks just the job...:thumbs up:

10th January 2013, 09:12 PM
what colour?!

10th January 2013, 09:51 PM
That's one BIG :arms: TRUCK Alan...Looking Good... :thumbs up: ...Look forward to seeing the photo's...

11th January 2013, 05:22 AM
what colour?!I was gonna say read the advert, but, since i've bought the vehicle they have removed it from their listings :lol: it's Black, with black/ebony 2 tome interior :thumbs up:

11th January 2013, 09:48 AM
Besides, i need something decent for Zimbo, John and Gaynor to drive when they come over

I'll just use your Countryman then :thumbs up: :lol:

I'll need to wait and se your pics of this beast Alan as I've missed the pic you obviously posted earlier on mate.

16th January 2013, 10:37 AM
Pictures added to the 1st post :thumbs up:
Heated seats in Florida :lol:

16th January 2013, 01:13 PM
Those pictures pretty much sum up motoring in America...brilliant!!!!

16th January 2013, 08:54 PM
huge! looks like it would eat minis for breakfast :unsure:. yeah sorry there was never an advert that I saw, the link only took me to a home page and i had to seek out the model myself :p

17th January 2013, 08:11 PM
Those pictures pretty much sum up motoring in America...brilliant!!!!

Unless you want to haul something in a straight line like Alan's new barge in my opinion there aren't many brilliant cars built in America...

I've lived there and driven many a rental car over there, nowhere near the quality or driving experience of a MINI, VW, BMW, Audi, European Ford, Vauxhall, Skoda, Seat, ...

18th January 2013, 01:24 PM
We hired two cars while in the states one was the cheapest as it was just going to sit in car parks all week at the various theme parks and the second week I’m sure it was a Trans AM. It was only months old and for that split second your living the American dream but it was disappointing even if still enjoyable and very plastic.

It was more or less this in Black.


Like the Look of Alans toy all the same!

18th January 2013, 03:51 PM
huge! looks like it would eat minis for breakfast :unsure:

It looks like it ate EVERYTHING for breakfast!!!!!! :laugh:
Have fun Alan :thumbs up: :smilewinkgrin:

18th January 2013, 06:22 PM
Unless you want to haul something in a straight line like Alan's new barge in my opinion there aren't many brilliant cars built in America...

I've lived there and driven many a rental car over there, nowhere near the quality or driving experience of a MINI, VW, BMW, Audi, European Ford, Vauxhall, Skoda, Seat, ...

I agree entirely Ken, quality wise, they are not great. For example, one of my best friends is a Canadian ex-pat who lived in Aberdeen for 4 years. He said no one in Canada buys Audi's etc, however, after owning an A3 S-Line for the 4 years he was here, the first thing he did on his return was buy a fully loaded Q5 for the quality. But for me, it's not hugely about the quality, it's about owning a pick up truck with a 6.0 engine that does 4 miles to the gallon, that's what I'm meaning. No one in their right mind in the UK would buy a truck that does 4 miles to the gallon, but as per the point Stewart has made below, I would if I lived there.

I'd also buy a car like the Camero, sounds ace, has a reasonable amount of squirt, but who cares if it cannot go around corners...there are non in the states. My wife's cousin lives in Dubai and owns a Mustang...the fuel economy is terrible, but it costs her £9, yes £9 to brim it every week!

Please note this disclaimer, I am not for one minute saying Canada and the USA are the same before anyone has a crack at me for that, and I also am aware that there is corners in American, I don't just take that lanky fool Clarkson's word for it :thumbs up:

Yeah sorry for OT on Alans new toy as well but its in relation just to what I experienced in the states. This was back a bit but we took it to the Kennedy Space centre and took it on a good run over to the Gulf Coast and it had the look but we did not think it was anything special. We enjoyed it all the same with the hood down but it was just one of those cars that are fine but you’d never actually buy one.

Painful to think what we paid for Gas back in 97. It was something like 70p a Gallon “yes Gallon” I remember filling it up for something like $13 and walking out thinking I had just robbed a bank.:cool: