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17th December 2012, 10:14 PM
Damned things, but, been having problems on and off for about 6 weeks, had reinstalled the operating system about 4 times, finally today, the main hard drive failed, just coming up for 3 years of life.

Am so glad i am anal about backing up files on a daily and weekly basis, only hassle for me is having to contact Microsoft to allow the activation again and the purchase of a new hard drive.

A timely reminder to those of you who may not back up regularly, ooer missus, do it today, you never know :computer:

The Dogfather
17th December 2012, 10:26 PM
I even backup my backups as I’ve had quite a few hard drive failures.

I also backup my photos to a 64GB USB stick that I store in the garage, just in case of a fire/break in. Its the only thing that I couldn’t replace by another means.

All my music is in the iCloud so that’s safe.

AndyP & Lenore
18th December 2012, 12:37 AM
All my music is in the iCloud so that’s safe.

Unless the Martians invade and attack the internet and shut down Microsoft and McDonalds and steal all your music and play it at high volume from the Moon and...

OK. I may have been reading too much lately. I'll get my coat.:blush:


19th December 2012, 12:54 AM
Performed an extensive system check on my other hard drives, moved files about, formatted and checked the drives again, finally put all the files where they need to be, all good........................ so far.
Next step is to move stuff to the new NAS and perform back ups from there daily and weekly :computer:

The Dogfather
19th December 2012, 07:24 AM
Just be glad you don’t have a Mac, you can’t backup a working copy of your hard drive to a network drive unless its an Apple Time Machine.