View Full Version : Away to test drive a JCW Countryman on Friday. :)

AndyP & Lenore
29th November 2012, 12:37 AM
At Lloyd MINI in Carlise. Been waiting for this beast for a couple of years so I'm hoping it won't disappoint.

A. :D

29th November 2012, 05:07 AM
Good stuff, take your cheque book

29th November 2012, 09:45 AM
And a safety hat ... For when you fall over when they tell you the price....

AndyP & Lenore
29th November 2012, 10:01 AM
And a safety hat ... For when you fall over when they tell you the price....

Lol Brian. Already know the price cos we've specced a car 20 times on line.

A. :D

29th November 2012, 01:46 PM
Nice one Andy:thumbs up: Remember pics if possible:yes nod:

29th November 2012, 02:00 PM
Auto or manual demonstrator?

29th November 2012, 02:11 PM
Auto or manual demonstrator?

Manual Ian

29th November 2012, 06:58 PM
Enjoy Folks! :thumbs up:
Just both be REALLY CAREFUL getting in and out... :hand: No more injuries! :smilewinkgrin:

29th November 2012, 08:16 PM
I bought my first mini there :) if you come across Simon Peascod or some similar name tell him he sold some girl a mini 6 or 7 years ago and she's still mini.

29th November 2012, 08:24 PM
What colour scheme does Lenore fancy? Black with red looks great, but a nightmare to keep top notch.
Think I'll have to register "The Beast" as a trade mark, it's getting to common an expression now.......lol
Wait to hear what you both think. Does it come as an auto?

AndyP & Lenore
29th November 2012, 10:23 PM
Yeah it's a Manual demonstrator BUT! Lenore and I have been emailing and pestering MINI to feature an Auto transmission option in factory JCW's since our very first MINI. Until now, we've had to "make do" with dealer fit tuning kits. We've loved all our MINI's but in truth we've always envied the factory JCW owners. Now the table has been levelled and a proper bona fide factory JCW is available to us.

Only two real questions remain; which model and which colour combination. Likely to be either a hatch or a countryman. Hankered for a countryman JCW since before we even got our S Countryman. But then, we've hankered after a hatch JCW since MINI's day dot. As for colour.... :shut up:


AndyP & Lenore
29th November 2012, 10:44 PM
Both our R56 Hatch and the Countryman will be traded in for the next MINI whatever it turns out to be. Countryman JCW makes sense as an all-rounder, but will we always think "wish we'd gone for a hatch"? If we go for a hatch we'd still need a 4x4 of some sort.

30th November 2012, 01:47 AM
Enjoy! I expect a picture of the car parked sideways with your good wife all smiles then. :thumbs up:

Ewan Behave!

30th November 2012, 09:06 AM
:cool: I assume the boss will be doing the driving then since you have only got one foot right now :lol: I've driven behind the boss before and tried to keep up, so I know she can do that job just fine :thumbs up:

30th November 2012, 09:15 AM
Enjoy it Andy and Lenore! I remember when you test drove a Countryman for the first time you gave a decent review so you've got to live up to those standards!!

30th November 2012, 02:11 PM
It's 13.09 and I'm sure I could hear a big ....."keerrrrchinnng" noise in the distance? :D

30th November 2012, 04:20 PM
Aye but that was only the lunch bill! :smilewinkgrin:

30th November 2012, 06:11 PM
Good stuff who did u see at the dealers :) ??

30th November 2012, 07:05 PM
I think the cat might be up on the slates again :rolleyes:

AndyP & Lenore
30th November 2012, 07:09 PM
Just home.

In the end we couldn't decide between a JCW Countryman and a JCW Hatch, so we've ordered one of each. NOT!

The JCW Countryman was a bit of a disappointment. It looks lovely and it drives 'very nicely'. But I wasn't looking for a nice drive, I was looking for something that makes me feel like I was on the edge of my seat but at the same time planted in the back of it as I accelerated away and it didn't even come close. To be fair it only had 9 miles on it and it was as tight as a gnats ass, so there's no way I'd get a proper feel for how it would be once it loosened up. Once it had a few thousand miles on it, and it was a bit more loose I think it actually might just be a cracking drive. I'm not a subscriber to the "running an engine in" camp, but even I wouldn't hammer the stuffing out of an engine (which will eventually be someone's pride and joy) which only has 9 miles on it.

We also took a JCW Hatch out - also a manual. And I have to say that was so exciting it felt like someone was tugging on my gentleman's sausage the whole drive. Awesome!:yes nod::drool::drool:

So, now we just can't decide which way to go.:idunno::idunno::idunno:

Rob, it was mark Gemmell we saw.

Pics in next post.


AndyP & Lenore
30th November 2012, 07:09 PM





30th November 2012, 07:14 PM
Loving the alloys and the red interior dash surrounds.

Shame it didn't up to what you expected Andy, still least you've still got two stunning Mini's to choose ;)

AndyP & Lenore
30th November 2012, 07:40 PM
Never really noticed when we were looking round the car, but looking at the pic of that alloy, those callipers look tiny considering the size of the car. The ones in William's GP2 look twice the size.


30th November 2012, 08:02 PM
When you give a MINI the JCW badge you really must get an involved drive and an adrenaline surge from the sheer enjoyment of driving it, it doesn't sound like the Countryman delivered, i'd advise sticking with the hatch

30th November 2012, 09:53 PM
I apologise in advance and do not want to annoy anyone, but, I really don't like the look of the JCW Countryman. I am just about getting used to that model with the stripes etc. just make it look to much like boy racer car!

A JCW MINI has much more class.

AndyP & Lenore
30th November 2012, 10:09 PM
I apologise in advance and do not want to annoy anyone, but, I really don't like the look of the JCW Countryman. I am just about getting used to that model but the stripes etc. just make it look to much like boy racer car!

A JCW MINI has much more class.

Wouldn't life be boring if we all liked the same things.

30th November 2012, 10:12 PM
Wouldn't life be boring if we all liked the same things.


1st December 2012, 09:55 AM
It would be the hatch for me as well. Countryman looks smart but I love the hatchback.

MINI William
1st December 2012, 09:55 AM
Andy I really like that. Maybe it wasn't quite the drive you were looking for but the cars are heavy, All4 to overcome and not run in. The brakes are disappointing but can be changed. It seems that a JCW Countyman would suit your needs.

1st December 2012, 05:54 PM
Looks like you have lots of thinking to do Andy on what your after, Quite a hard decision... :idunno: ...Love the look of the Countryman in your photo's... :thumbs up:

You'll just have to do what you posted earlier, One of each, Problem solved...:lol:

AndyP & Lenore
1st December 2012, 06:37 PM
Cheers Rob. The key thing is really to go down to 2 cars. Only way to do that is to go for a Countryman. So, we're heading back on Monday to take it out for another run.:lol:


1st December 2012, 07:55 PM
Andy, i know you feel that you need to take care of the car when you test it, but, you're gonna have to give it some stick to see how it performs :thumbs up:

1st December 2012, 09:31 PM
Andy, the Countryman fJCW wins it for me, but will have to do with the CoopD for just now.

1st December 2012, 09:58 PM
Could they do you a GP with an auto box? has got to be possible if they can do an auto Works..........plenty of room for a dog carrier in the back? I'd go for the hatch, every time.

AndyP & Lenore
1st December 2012, 11:49 PM
Could they do you a GP with an auto box? has got to be possible if they can do an auto Works..........plenty of room for a dog carrier in the back? I'd go for the hatch, every time.

Malcolm, believe me, if they could do a GP2 with an auto box we'd be running into the dealership waving my credit card - well my bank details, but you know what I mean. But, alas, it's can't be done. Or more likely, it won't be done. Because I'm sure it can but they won't. You know how MINI are with this sort of thing - you can't even buy a One D with a contrast roof.:frown:

A. :D

2nd December 2012, 12:31 AM
Glad I'm not in your shoes Andy, coz I love them both, I've always wanted an S since my first Cooper in 02, never mind even thinking or contemplating an FJCW of any kind :Whistle:

Countyrman looks great mate, like Alan says your going to have to give it some stick on the next test drive, coz after all its a lot of ££££ to be spending if your not going love it for the entire time you have it and end up getting bored of it quickly.

2nd December 2012, 12:34 AM
So frustrating Andy. Need to do an Elfman and start with a high spec JCW Hatch and then do your own thing, building up to as near a GP2 spec as you can. There is more than enough power in the Works Hatch to make the auto drive very sweet. And it could all be done in blue!!

AndyP & Lenore
2nd December 2012, 12:47 AM
So frustrating Andy. Need to do an Elfman and start with a high spec JCW Hatch and then do your own thing, building up to as near a GP2 spec as you can. There is more than enough power in the Works Hatch to make the auto drive very sweet. And it could all be done in blue!!

We've been down the after market modding of new cars before and tbh, it just causes worry when booking the car in for servicing and impossible conversations when trying to get insurance. So whichever we go for I suspect would stay standard - spots and maybe some graphics on a hatch excepted.

As for colours, there isn't a decent blue in the list of colours from MINI at the moment. For what is supposed to be a 'fun brand' the colours lack any conviction in that. Off white, turd brown, washed out bluey-green, etc. Chili red is still a lovely colour but it's a lot of red on a car. I dunno. I just dunno.:idunno::idunno:


2nd December 2012, 01:40 AM
As for colours, there isn't a decent blue in the list of colours from MINI at the moment. washed out bluey-green, etc.

:stop: :shut up:
wash your mouth out! :ragin: :stamp: :frown:


ps dinna like your white one... :p :yawn:

AndyP & Lenore
2nd December 2012, 01:51 AM
:stop: :shut up:
wash your mouth out! :ragin: :stamp: :frown:


ps dinna like your white one... :p :yawn:

:p :D

Mini Ecosse
2nd December 2012, 02:59 PM
Ali I'm fairly sure the FJCW countryman is All4 by default. No 2wd option on that. But tbh, I wouldn't want it 2wd. One of the reasons the countryman appeals (especially in JCW guise) is that its ticks many boxes at once; 5 doors for transporting parents, huge boot for the dug and other stuff, great looking, 4x4 for improved traction in snow - especially if we put snow tyres on, and..... Powerrrrrrr!!!

A. :D

Hmmmmm not sure Lenore will like being called "other stuff" lol

2nd December 2012, 05:37 PM
I'm not sure you should be putting Lenore in the boot to be honest :stop:

3rd December 2012, 10:10 AM
You still going back today then ??

AndyP & Lenore
3rd December 2012, 10:38 AM
You still going back today then ??

Yeah. Roads look pretty clear. :thumbs up:

3rd December 2012, 10:59 AM
Yeah. Roads look pretty clear. :thumbs up:

Good stuff - yeah main roads are fine ;)

3rd December 2012, 04:21 PM
Your heading Back! That sounds very Bucks Fizz :thumbs up:

"Your making your mind up!"

The Dogfather
3rd December 2012, 05:52 PM
4WD for snow?

I’ve for RWD and have no problems with snow once the winters are on. With FWD (MINI) I managed to drive around with the snow coming over the top of the bonnet.

Go for the FJCW Hatch, the money you save on that will pay for some winters and a set of snow chains in case it ends up as a repeat of 'the day after tomorrow'

AndyP & Lenore
4th December 2012, 12:03 AM
Had a more successful test drive today. Much happier with the fJCW Countryman but it still didn't tug my gentleman's sausage the way I really wanted it to if it was going to replace the hatch.

So, I'm not even gonna tell you what our tentative plans are now. You'll all just have to wait and see...:hand:

Bwa ha ha ha haaaaaa. :lol:


4th December 2012, 01:21 PM
Has your Audi not got the Quattro?
If so that will be fine for the snow, particularly if you put winter tyres all round.

My Dads last TT quattro even with summer tyres was great in the snow. We actually used to go take it out for fun to blast about like Gene Hunt.

4th December 2012, 03:55 PM
Andy, if you really like the JCW Countryman, but feel the bulk blunts the performance, I think a wee trip to P-Torque wouldn't be too much of a warranty risk...

4th December 2012, 06:21 PM
The Countrymans not pulling your gentleman's sausage :scratch: I think your doing something wrong Andy your sausage should not have anything to do with this :frown:

p.s you can tell me wots happening I wont tell :yes nod:

AndyP & Lenore
4th December 2012, 07:29 PM
Andy, if you really like the JCW Countryman, but feel the bulk blunts the performance, I think a wee trip to P-Torque wouldn't be too much of a warranty risk...

Wouldn't want to do anything that requires me to declare a "modification" to an insurance company to be honest. Dealer-fit accessories and graphics they are fine with, but when you start to do anything with an engine it just gets messy. :sad:

AndyP & Lenore
4th December 2012, 07:30 PM
The Countrymans not pulling your gentleman's sausage :scratch: I think your doing something wrong Andy your sausage should not have anything to do with this :frown:

p.s you can tell me wots happening I wont tell :yes nod:


And, nae chance. :lol:

AndyP & Lenore
4th December 2012, 11:11 PM
:lol: Ali. It was the real deal, honest. :thumbs up:

The Dogfather
5th December 2012, 08:31 AM
Has your Audi not got the Quattro?
If so that will be fine for the snow, particularly if you put winter tyres all round.

My Dads last TT quattro even with summer tyres was great in the snow. We actually used to go take it out for fun to blast about like Gene Hunt.

My ‘old’ Audi did have Quattro but I never fitted the winters as we had the MINI with them. It went forward OK but was hopeless at stopping and turning. I actually lost control of it when coming home in an unexpected snow storm damaged all 4 alloys and narrowly missed a huge ditch (I was taking it easy) as well. I think it would also struggle in the really bad stuff regardless of the Quattro system.

4WD only keeps you going it doesn’t make you able to drive in the snow safely.

5th December 2012, 10:13 AM
Wouldn't want to do anything that requires me to declare a "modification" to an insurance company to be honest. Dealer-fit accessories and graphics they are fine with, but when you start to do anything with an engine it just gets messy. :sad:

I was being a bit cheeky, as I do agree with you Andy, that's the reason I put all the 'proper' Works kit on my car (apart from the Downpipe etc :smilewinkgrin:), while it was under warranty, so I know where you're coming from. Life has enough hassle without getting into a warranty argument with MINI. The P-Torque remap would be pretty safe though... and nobody would know... unless they read this thread :argh:

'evo' describes the performance of the JCWC as 'adequate', whereas the same (latest) engine in the JCW hatch is a different story. Weight Kills Fun (unless you listen to 'Whole Lotta Rosie' by AC/DC - which the old sausage might appreciate :blush:). It also depends on how much of a 'Thrill Factor' you really need in a Countryman. I suppose you have to 'weigh' the practicality (and still decent performance) of the JCWC against the less practical but more entertaining hatch. Horses for courses... :idunno:

Really surprised that the JCWC has the 'wee brakes' though (especially for the £ outlay) when pushed, they're not up to much on the hatch, so the combination of speed and weight in the Countryman would just melt them on a medium blast.

5th December 2012, 01:28 PM

Would you say there was enough of a difference from driving your Cooper S ALL4 CM compared to the fJCW CM?

Mon the fish
5th December 2012, 02:14 PM
R56S brakes are more than good enough with the right pad compound, whether they fit the right pads is a different story. R53 JCW callipers are the same as R56 S callipers, but R53 JCW pads are better. Maybe they've fitted those.

Does seem odd not to fit the Brembos though

5th December 2012, 02:37 PM
R56S brakes are more than good enough with the right pad compound, whether they fit the right pads is a different story. R53 JCW callipers are the same as R56 S callipers, but R53 JCW pads are better. Maybe they've fitted those. Does seem odd not to fit the Brembos though

Point taken, but would you agree that the Brembos (again, with the right pads) would be better? Although there is the increased weight issue... :scratch:

Mon the fish
5th December 2012, 09:07 PM
Point taken, but would you agree that the Brembos (again, with the right pads) would be better? Although there is the increased weight issue... :scratch:

Running yellowstuff pads and EBC discs at the moment, sticking the Brembos on for trial next week so will find out then! Will try a few different pads as well

AndyP & Lenore
5th December 2012, 11:50 PM

Would you say there was enough of a difference from driving your Cooper S ALL4 CM compared to the fJCW CM?

Andrew, on the official figures for 0-62mph (S All4 with auto tranny is 8.3sec, fJCW manual or auto is 7.0sec) show that there should be a night/day difference in feel. That simply doesn't translate to the road. Our admittedly well run in S All4 feels looser and just as punch as the fJCW did. Despite the fJCW being tights as a gnats ass, there should STILL be a huge difference.


6th December 2012, 09:47 AM
Just to throw some more flies into your ointment Andy - I reckon your white S All-4 looks just as good if not better :smilewinkgrin: more of a 'Q Car... and if it goes just about as well too :idunno:

- - - Updated - - -

Running yellowstuff pads and EBC discs at the moment, sticking the Brembos on for trial next week so will find out then! Will try a few different pads as well

:off topic:I remember you mentioned Carbotech pads as a possible upgrade for the Brembos. That would be interesting to try, but with the annual miles I put on the car I'll probably never wear out the standard ones! I'm not too heavy on the brakes anyway, and have never really had issues with the Brembos. The only times I've got them to 'go off' (very slightly) is when I'm on a prolonged blast say from Tyndrum to Dalmally when I'm going for it and it gets twistier towards the end - but even when they're grumbling a bit they're still doing the stopping thing OK.

6th December 2012, 08:28 PM
Just to throw some more flies into your ointment Andy - I reckon your white S All-4 looks just as good if not better :smilewinkgrin: more of a 'Q Car... and if it goes just about as well too :idunno:

Good point Elfman, what you say makes perfect sense.

AndyP & Lenore
7th December 2012, 12:01 AM
Plan at the moment is to stick with our All4 S Countryman.

Not sure what we're doing with the hatch. Like the local council and the proverbial pot-hole, we're looking into it. :lol:

A :D

7th December 2012, 09:46 AM
Good point Elfman, what you say makes perfect sense.

Well, that proves it, the world has gone completely insane.

- - - Updated - - -

Plan at the moment is to stick with our All4 S Countryman. Not sure what we're doing with the hatch. Like the local council and the proverbial pot-hole, we're looking into it. :lol:
A :D

That makes sense Andy, if something's not totally floating your boat (or in this weather - skidding your sledge), spending the thick end of £30K on it would be daft.
Think of the MASSIVE Xmas prezzie you could get Lenore for a fraction of that! :xmastree: :santa: