View Full Version : SPOTY

27th November 2012, 09:01 AM
So then, Sports Personality of the Year nominees are in and all I can say is good luck for picking a winner. For those of you who do not know who has been nominated see Contenders (http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/sports-personality/20466947)

For me, I always have to back either Murray or Wiggins. Most folk think that Bradley Wiggins won the Tour de France and Olympic gold, but he became the only rider in history to win Romandie, Paris-Nice, The Dauphine and the Tour de France in the same year and then added a gold medal on top of that. Is there ever going to be a rider who can do that again? Then on the other hand you've got someone like Andy Murray. What he has achieved this year has been nothing short of sensational. First Wimbledon finalist for some 70 years, first gold medal in over 100 years (I think) and finally breaking the British jinx and becoming a tennis major champion. Finally, if you throw David Weir into the mix for his utter domination of wheelchair sports I just cannot choose. I think to see a Paralympian win would be a great testament to disabled sport and underline what London has tried to do with the Paralympics and make it as great as the Summer Olympics. I think because its sports personality I have to go with Wiggo.

So then folks, put forward your favourites and remember, there is no right or wrong answer, everyone is entitled to their opinion!

Neil - TXJ
27th November 2012, 10:08 AM
Not easy.

Personally think Team Sky should get the team event award rather than Wiggins getting the individual. It is hard comparing team events to individual events.

I find it hard to see past Weir - he won the 800m, the Marathon plus 2 other events which is unbelievable - he also won the London marathon. The only question I have is how competitive is the sport but you can only beet what is in front of you.

Considering I think both Tim and Greg have won before then Andy deserves it but don't think it is his year - he can get it when he wins Wimbledon.

I actually think it will be either Jessica or Mo and out of those 2 I would pick Mo.

AndyP & Lenore
27th November 2012, 01:53 PM
So many worthy winners.

I'd love Andy to win - obviously - but to be honest, I suspect Wiggins will lift it this year. So many achievements, it's hard to see past them.


27th November 2012, 02:14 PM
Has to be Mo, I enjoyed all the Team GB medals and enjoyed the whole thing when I thought I’d not get into it. But Mo had me off my seat shouting for his second Gold the one he started at the back with his "I’ll go in my own good time" tactic!

Love Sir Chris Hoy, as he comes over as just a nice guy that just goes out and does the business and Wig’s as well worth a shout.

27th November 2012, 03:07 PM
If not Hoy then i think Wiggo, will be interesting because i always feel the winner is picked with their personality in the mix as well, so, a slight chance for Murray with his emotional scene at Wimbledon.

Big Gordy
27th November 2012, 05:54 PM
GOD....how do you pick a winner from that lot....!!! I think Wiggo's going to get it tho...his achievements this year have been, well....HUGE

Mon the fish
27th November 2012, 09:05 PM
Craig Levein

27th November 2012, 09:15 PM
Craig Levein

PMSL :lol: