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View Full Version : lighting error

4th November 2012, 07:44 PM
some lights were changed yesterday and I'm getting an error up. Which doesn't entirely surprise me!! I did say :Whistle:.....but no, would they listen?? :lol:

anyway, I can try and swap things back out later in the week or next weekend, but do I need to? I mean the error isn't ideal but does it ACTUALLY matter, considering the lights work? :idunno: dinna want to get :stop: or break the car or anything.

thanks as always :thankyou:

4th November 2012, 09:09 PM
Did you change to LED lights?

The change in current could maybe trigger errors if they don't have current matching resistor fitted.

Mon the fish
5th November 2012, 09:23 AM
It won't affect anything, you're not breaking the law, it's just annoying having the symbol on the dash

5th November 2012, 03:02 PM
yes, LEDs Ken, and thank you Mon, good to know - I've too much else on just now to deal with it right away to be honest