View Full Version : New Kitteh!

24th October 2012, 05:20 PM
Had to share.... :smilewinkgrin:

WE nipped along to the Arbroath Cat's Protection centre last Sat, with a view to adopting a new tiny furry friend for our current monster furball..
When we got there tho, we realised that the little calico girl kitten we'd been keen on was really really tiny, and our existing kitty might have thought she was a nice snack - since he was hand reared and hasn't really had any cat on cat interaction, we didn't know how he'd react to a totty wee kitten.

Soo.. after various cat-logistic-scenario type ideas, we decided it would be a much nice thing to do if we adopted an older cat - since everybody goes for kittens. That way they'd both be able cope a little bit better...

We just... JUST missed out on an 18 month old Half-Maine coon girl - she was HUGE, and chatty and cuddly :cool:... then we saw a dainty little cat in the end pen, and had to investigate. She was 2, just had kittens who had all been rehomed, and was very pleased to see us.

So.. long story short, we were offered a cat box to take her away there and then, so we did :D
Got her home, took her up to our bedroom and plonked her on the bed, and she immediately curled up for a big purry cuddle.
So.. this is Bella (Formerly Tinkerbell - I'm not going out in the garden and shouting THAT name haha)



Next... trying to get 2 cats to make friends... so far there's been lots of growling, hissing and general big-tailed puffiness.. They're still under supervised visiting rights, haha.

24th October 2012, 05:23 PM
She is a wee cutie

24th October 2012, 05:40 PM
Looks like a cracker I remember when we put are 2 together who are best pals now :lol:

24th October 2012, 07:34 PM
I love cats! We also have two who despite being together for 14 years just tolerate each other. They have never been obvious pals but I really feel they appreciate one another's company in their usual aloof way.

My advice is to just let them see how they get on. A bit of hissing and the odd scrap is to be expected! Keep us posted please on how they get on.

24th October 2012, 09:36 PM
:smilewinkgrin: cute!
I've fancied a cat in the last couple of years... am allergic but know other people who are allergic and have them!

AndyP & Lenore
24th October 2012, 10:20 PM
Lovely cat. :thumbs up:

A. :D

25th October 2012, 12:55 AM
Like able cat, did you spell the header correctly?

25th October 2012, 08:55 AM
Like able cat, did you spell the header correctly?

It's ok Alan, Ewans english is not that great :Whistle:

...so how is this cat going to get out the house when/seeing as the other monster is not allowed out? is this one going to get a back door key or something? :lol:

The Dogfather
25th October 2012, 11:10 PM
:smilewinkgrin: cute!
I've fancied a cat in the last couple of years... am allergic but know other people who are allergic and have them!

I’m allergic to dogs, but I own two Border Collies. I take them to the beach every few weeks to reduce the dander. I still get odd bout of runny eyes and wheezing (asthma) but they’re worth it.

Cats would be worse, as you can’t wash them without a serious battle.

- - - Updated - - -

Nice cat Ewan, although I think you missed a trick.


26th October 2012, 10:10 AM
Like able cat, did you spell the header correctly?

Yip.. that was intentional t'internet-speak ;)

It's ok Alan, Ewans english is not that great :Whistle:

Maybe.. but my apostrophes know their place!! Bazinga! :laugh::p;)

...so how is this cat going to get out the house when/seeing as the other monster is not allowed out? is this one going to get a back door key or something? :lol:
Yeah, she's a gonna get a wee key on a collar... :p
They'll both be getting out now we're somewhere quieter :p

I used to be quite allergic to cats AND dogs.. seems to have calmed down a lot now tho thankfully!
Think she's going to be a right wee character.

It came to blows last night.. well I say that.. it was more of a wee girly slap fight for a few secs..hissing and swiping, then they both walked away and had a wee wash. So they're getting closer..
We even managed to get them to have a wee drop of milk in separate plates about 2 feet apart with no drama..

- - - Updated - - -

I’m allergic to dogs, but I own two Border Collies. I take them to the beach every few weeks to reduce the dander. I still get odd bout of runny eyes and wheezing (asthma) but they’re worth it.

Cats would be worse, as you can’t wash them without a serious battle.

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Nice cat Ewan, although I think you missed a trick.

Cheers Paul... there's always one ;)
Actually one of Fi's friends has a white Persian kitten just like that.. next time I'm round.. I'll get a photo done ;)

From experience, I wouldn't try to wash a cat unless I had some ice hockey pads and welding gloves. And a deep sea diving brass helmet. :D