View Full Version : mini centre penrith

3rd October 2012, 06:27 PM
Hi, just wanted to know if anyone has ever been to the big mini store at penrith?

3rd October 2012, 07:04 PM
Didn't know about that....but I want to go there now!

3rd October 2012, 10:22 PM
What is it called?

The Dogfather
3rd October 2012, 10:36 PM
It’s http://www.cumbriaminicentre.co.uk

Its just off the A66/M6 junction, they started specialising in MINI within that last few years. They only had a couple of MINIs in when I first noticed them, its built up since then. I think they must have been a 2nd hand dealer prior to that. Never been to look at the cars directly, its just near to a store where we sometimes stop to pick up food in the motorhome.

Always thought they were overpriced TBH

5th October 2012, 07:42 PM
Didn't know about that....but I want to go there now!

Penrith is kinda far away from Glasgow, I'd cool the jets, far more indy garages in Glasgow that can & will look after non warrented cars :yes nod:

5th October 2012, 07:54 PM
I was thinking massive showroom with lots of pretty things to look at... And the going there wasn't any more than waffle so no worries there ;)

5th October 2012, 08:03 PM
I was thinking massive showroom with lots of pretty things to look at... And the going there wasn't any more than waffle so no worries there ;)

Okay dokay, waffle it is :thumbs up:

Santa's coming soon apparently :rolleyes: 'jingle bells' ..............