View Full Version : Saturday Night ... is hockey night

24th September 2012, 01:01 PM

The first SNL Dundee derby match between the Tigers (:thumbs up:) and the Comets (:moonie:) is this Saturday with a 19:30 face off at the Dundee Ice Arena.

These are usually explosive :explode: games with plenty of action, well worth a trip if you fancy something different to do this weekend.


30th September 2012, 08:58 PM
...game came and went...Comets won 4-2 :ragin:

predicited punch-up came in the dying seconds of the final period, an old score to settle from a previous meet...


30th September 2012, 09:39 PM
sounds good. I think one of my colleagues is into it and goes to Braehead to watch matches. actually I think he might be from Dundee... not sure who he supports.

30th September 2012, 09:54 PM
Ice Hockey is not everyones "cup of tea" but it is well worth going along to see what it is all about:D

The Scottish National League is for amateur teams with teams from Aberdeen, Ayr, Belfast, Dumfries (Solway), Dundee x 2, Edinburgh, Kirkcaldy and Paisley.

Go on get along to support your local team:clap:

1st October 2012, 09:33 AM
We sometimes head along to watch Clan Games when they're at Dundee, couple of friends are big Braehead fans:hand:;)

Good excuse for a curry from Ashoka Shak too ;)

2nd October 2012, 09:27 PM
I had a media pass for Braehead last year, haven't renewed it so far as no-one seems to want to buy the pics :(

Big Gordy
3rd October 2012, 07:44 AM
My dad was into hockey big time just after the war when a lot of Canadian ex-servicemen were playing :thumbs up: Falkirk Ice rink was the place back then :p I'm sure one of his uncles played with them :confused:

3rd October 2012, 01:57 PM
The media pit at Braehead was "fun"


and they wondered why I preferred shooting from the other side, behind the glass lol

3rd October 2012, 03:01 PM
Nice pic of FEAR on the photographer's face (one with the beanie):popcorn:

3rd October 2012, 07:36 PM
Nice pic of FEAR on the photographer's face (one with the beanie):popcorn:

That's when you discover adrenalin is brown ;)

as was


4th October 2012, 10:47 AM
That's when you discover adrenalin is brown ;)

as was

Haha, love it!!
Last Clan game we were at in Braehead, one of the goalies got the puck stuck in his face mask! :eek:
It was travelling at a fair old rate before that! ;)

Same game a wee girl (about 7 or 8) got another puck bounced off her napper about halfway up the stands! :eek::eek:
She got to keep it, and all the players went to talk to her after the game.. she was chuffed by that! :thumbs up:

4th January 2013, 02:24 PM
Another ice hockey derby match on Sunday 6th January - Comets vs Tigers at the Dundee Ice Area - Face Off 18:30 ...gloves off shortly thereafter:Whistle: