View Full Version : Should we stay on topic?

18th September 2012, 08:56 PM
It has been suggested that this forum may have seen better days. Do you think it is possible that the amount of "off-topic" posts may have a negative impact on the forum? I don't have statistics, but it appears a large amount of threads degenerate into off-topic "banter" and discussions never concentrate on what the opening poster intended.

Do you think this is a good thing, or do you think it is possible that people dropping by to check out the forum don't think it is a serious place to discuss MINIs?

Just a thought, let's discuss...

19th September 2012, 07:56 AM
Good point Ken, in the past we (admins and mods) have been accused of over modding and this is indeed one of those areas where we were accused of over the top editing of posts etc.

There is a very fine line between actually over modding and simply tidying up threads.

There was a recent case where a thread was stripped for this exact issue.

It will be interesting to see the views of the members to see if the off topic stuff should be corrected, sometimes the original poster requests that all off topic stuff be removed.

Personally, i prefer to maintain the topics on course, but, as already mentioned, we (admins and mods) are seen to be overly intervening.

Mon the fish
19th September 2012, 08:05 AM
I don't think threads on here go that off-topic IMO. And I don't think we should consciously try and be 'serious' or whatever - people join here for both advice/help and friendship. Less people may actually join or contribute if it's all a bit serious.

There's different areas on the site for different things. I've never noticed threads in (for example) the Engine & Gearbox section going off-topic, i.e. the sections for proper help and advice.

Threads go off-topic, it happens, people blether

19th September 2012, 08:18 AM
I DONT think this place has seen better days. It is just kind of quiet at the moment that's all as these spells come and go in all forums. I have noticed that there are a certain amount of regular posters contributors who do regularly post and participate on the forum despite the fact that there are a lot more members on NMS :idunno:

I personally don't mind if a topic goes 'off topic' just as long as it is not continuously or permanantly onto that path and that it returns to the original topic.

I think every forum out there on the WWW has these off-topic issues and always will, I dont think it's a big issue.

19th September 2012, 08:58 AM
It has been suggested that this forum may have seen better days. Do you think it is possible that the amount of "off-topic" posts may have a negative impact on the forum? I don't have statistics, but it appears a large amount of threads degenerate into off-topic "banter" and discussions never concentrate on what the opening poster intended.

Do you think this is a good thing, or do you think it is possible that people dropping by to check out the forum don't think it is a serious place to discuss MINIs?

Just a thought, let's discuss...

I think you have to be careful with your terminology here Ken.
Using words like 'degenerate' and saying discussions 'never concentrate' on what the opening Poster intended is, I feel, misleading.

I think many of the more 'Technical' threads stick very closely to their remit, with NMS members giving excellent and pertinent advice on a specific problem or query, whereas if a thread is more 'discussion/opinion' oriented, then it has more 'room for manoeuver', and can go off topic simply because it is more wide-ranging. This isn't the end of the world, even though it sometimes requires a three-point-turn or a strategically placed bollard to get back on track.

Different types of thread lead to different responses, just as in 'real life', conversations can go off at tangents before (hopefully) returning to the matter in hand. Someone may make a related point, or perhaps just a humourous remark, which others will pick up on and run with, and while I know that sometimes threads do veer off topic (I have 'previous' here), they usually come back, whether of their own accord, or by prompting from posters or, if necessary, the intervention of a Mod or two. There's no great harm in this. Maybe the original Thread/Posting had become a bit 'stale' and the 'off-topic' posts had opened up a new avenue for discussion - in which case a new thread is often created - eg the discussion on R56 Power Figures and Remaps, which 'grew' out of the New GP thread (the GP thread was fine, but it 'created' a new discussion which I'd argue was quite interesting in itself).

I think a great deal of the fun and interest on NMS is in the variety of topics and the variety of responses within those topics. I don't believe that NMS is primarily a "serious place to discuss MINIs", there are plenty of 'serious' discussions (if we can define 'serious' in a MINI context - there's irony there somewhere...), but heaven forbid we should have the introduction of 'Big Brother Ministry of Banter' or 'Off-Topic Crime'. In Car Club World, that's a very short step away from Flat Caps, jaggy tweeds and Serial Numbers... and I don't think anyone 'dropping by' would linger long if that was what they found on NMS. I know I wouldn't!

MINI is essentially about having FUN, and NMS is as much about the people and the banter as it is about our fab cars, so let's not throw throw the baby out with the bathwater.

By the way, did anybody see the new '5th Gear' the other night? Vicky's still looking good eh?..... AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHH! :off topic:

19th September 2012, 09:08 AM
Not concerned re off topic as it normally sorts itself out. If we as mods/admins go by the letter of the law and mod the off topic stuff out of most of the threads we would be accused of "over modding" and have been in the past. Damned if you do damned if you don't.

This site is as good as what the members put into it. I for one have put a lot of work into the site over the years and I've got A LOT of satisfaction out of it and made a lot of great friends :thumbs up: If your not happy with it, pull yer finger oot and do something for the site. (start a discussion, organise a meet/run/event). If nobody organised anything this place would be very very quiet. It seems to always be the same people organising events and the same people moaning like old fish wives that things aren't right. :frown: for the avoidance of doubt, these 2 groups are not the same people ;)

19th September 2012, 09:10 AM
I don't see a big prob with going off topic I am on a few forms and most threads go off topic at some point :)

But if the general feel is they should not then I will happily start moving off topic posts out of threads

19th September 2012, 09:48 AM
I think when threads go 'Off Topic' usually someone tends to suggest it has and the group works back on point.

I don't think NMS has seen better days, yes it is a little quiet, but then like Craig and others have said, if you (you meaning everyone) don't put anything in, don't expect to get anything back. Mon also made a very good point, people often only join for technical help etc. I for one joined TM and fully intended to post but that forum is HUGE and unless your on top of it daily it's very hard to keep up therefore I am one of the people who only use it for technical info.

I personally really like the pace of NMS, along with the banter and chat and like others have made some great friends. If I had more cash (don't we all wish that) and time I would attend more runs and heck, I'd even try and organise a meet for us folk from up north but sadly other things take priority in my life, and if my favourite Mini Owners Club (read NMS) is a little quiet then so be it, it WILL pick up eventually!

While I'm at it, a'l also bang the drum for the mods and say you guys do a great job of keeping this site friendly and on track!

19th September 2012, 10:27 AM
While I'm at it, a'l also bang the drum for the mods and say you guys do a great job of keeping this site friendly and on track!

I'd like to echo this sentiment! :yes nod:
There's a lot of work which goes on 'behind the scenes' so that people like me can come on here and play, and we really DO appreciate it :clap:

And the same goes for everyone (you all know who you are) who organises or has organised a Run or a Meet. I admire your determination, time-management and organisational skills - I don't seem to be able to organise myself, far less anything else... :frown:

THANKS! :thumbs up:

MINI William
19th September 2012, 10:32 AM
By no means are any of the threads over mod'ed. I can't remember the last time that I had to delete a post or move things around. The only example of any modding that I can think of recently is the GP reveled thread where things moved on from the new GP to remaps and power for the R56. This itself was a totally diffrent conversation and I dont think anyone could or would argue as to why these posts were moved to a new thread in the relevent part of the site.

As to the site seeing better, as others have said you only get out what you put in. Runs, meets, shows etc do increase regulars posting on the site but due to increased fuel prices and the economic climate as it is people dont a) have the money to either organise or attened a run or b) time to organise or attened a run. Anyone can organise or attened any NMS event we don't bite. On the other side some people don't like the social aspect of the site and are more than happy with just posting within the fourms, but I personally would find posts that were purely informative with all off topic banter stripped would make for a very boring site indeed and I doubt that people would join or even stay for boring.

19th September 2012, 10:46 AM
Can I just clarify that I did not post this as a criticism of the moderators. The site is well run.

19th September 2012, 10:56 AM
Can I just clarify that I did not post this as a criticism of the moderators. The site is well run.In no way did i see it as any other way than what your question asked.
As you can see, the replies have already slipped a wee bit off topic in that they do not all directly answer your question :lol:

Edit: I've moved this into the site feedback forum :thumbs up:

19th September 2012, 12:46 PM
As you can see, the replies have already slipped a wee bit off topic in that they do not all directly answer your question :thumbs up:

Please Sir! MINE DID! MINE DID! :excited:
OH B*GGER, by posting this, I may have gone :off topic: :argh: DOHHHH...

19th September 2012, 03:26 PM
I say a wee bit off topic and banter style posts within a thread are all good for the social and friendly image that this club portrays. Nobody wants to come on here and be policed and told what to do, and in general I don't think that happens on here. Striking a balance is what's its all about. I personally love the wee off topic bursts of banter and humour or even innuendo that the likes of Mr Elfman adds to almost every thread. That to me adds to the appeal of this friendly forum and I for one would like to see it stay that way.

Yes I would agree that this forum/club has become a little quiet of late and perhaps a way to deal with that is for us all to start leaving fliers in the dealers (with their permission) and leaving fliers under mini windscreen wipers

19th September 2012, 08:47 PM
yep I agree with everyone else! :yes nod: and not a lot else to add.
the bullet points:
- for me, the site is very nicely run by friendly people who hit a great balance of banter and control. I have never found any over-modding and when this issue came up last year I PM'd several of the admins to say that and to say thank you and declare my appreciation for the balance that they hit.
- I also remember talking to Craig a long time ago (I can't remember when but I've been a member for a bit over a year and it was many months ago - last autumn maybe?) about how I was sad that it had gone a bit quiet. His answer was that it always had cycles of activity and it would come back up. And it did. I expect that all sorts of things affect that - the time of year and what people are spending their time doing in particular.
- the wee bits of banter get self policed most of the time and what they do is add a lot of humour and enable people to get more friendly. In my experience someone always pulls it back on topic if it gets a bit too far off. I'd say that the friendly banter encouraged me to go along to my first events and I've been to loads of events now because the more people I know the more I go to. If it was all confrontational slagging I wouldn't have wanted to at all, but it isn't. I suppose I've put a fair amount of time in on the forum and therefore I get a lot back.
- I don't show and tell quite as much about my own car since the forums were opened up a bit more, so in that way I am perhaps guilty of being quieter. But I think I say a lot about a lot of other stuff and I have a feeling that quiet wouldn't be the first word some others may use! ;) :frown:

19th September 2012, 09:19 PM
Good discussion folks, thanks for taking the time to air your thoughts.

AndyP & Lenore
20th September 2012, 12:33 AM
I'd certainly agree the site is quieter now than it was a couple of years ago. But I don't think it has anything to do with over/under modding.

What I do think is that the proliferation of alternative social media like Facebook is partly to blame - certainly I'm a FB junkie I fully admit it. But I suspect one of the main reasons the site isn't as busy as it was is because the social side of the site (the MINI runs & events) are few and far between these days. And I suspect the main reason for that is because fuel is so expensive. A moderate run of 120 miles (maybe 200 or 250 when you add in commuting to run start point) is going to set you back £50 or £60. It's basic maths that 3 or 4 years ago when fuel was half the price "we" (NMS Members) could do twice the runs. When you consider the organiser would need to do the run an extra once or twice before the actual run itself and it's no wonder there is not a line of people waiting to organise runs.


Mon the fish
20th September 2012, 05:55 PM
Also, Mini's are no longer as expensive or unique as they once were - decent R53's can be had for the £5k mark these days. With members naturally moving on to other cars, the people buying Mini's may not be as obsessive about them as we all are, as they are less expensive to buy; ergo, less members on the site

20th September 2012, 11:49 PM
I think you have to be careful with your terminology here Ken.
Using words like 'degenerate' and saying discussions 'never concentrate' on what the opening Poster intended is, I feel, misleading.

I think many of the more 'Technical' threads stick very closely to their remit, with NMS members giving excellent and pertinent advice on a specific problem or query, whereas if a thread is more 'discussion/opinion' oriented, then it has more 'room for manoeuver', and can go off topic simply because it is more wide-ranging. This isn't the end of the world, even though it sometimes requires a three-point-turn or a strategically placed bollard to get back on track.

Different types of thread lead to different responses, just as in 'real life', conversations can go off at tangents before (hopefully) returning to the matter in hand. Someone may make a related point, or perhaps just a humourous remark, which others will pick up on and run with, and while I know that sometimes threads do veer off topic (I have 'previous' here), they usually come back, whether of their own accord, or by prompting from posters or, if necessary, the intervention of a Mod or two. There's no great harm in this. Maybe the original Thread/Posting had become a bit 'stale' and the 'off-topic' posts had opened up a new avenue for discussion - in which case a new thread is often created - eg the discussion on R56 Power Figures and Remaps, which 'grew' out of the New GP thread (the GP thread was fine, but it 'created' a new discussion which I'd argue was quite interesting in itself).

I think a great deal of the fun and interest on NMS is in the variety of topics and the variety of responses within those topics. I don't believe that NMS is primarily a "serious place to discuss MINIs", there are plenty of 'serious' discussions (if we can define 'serious' in a MINI context - there's irony there somewhere...), but heaven forbid we should have the introduction of 'Big Brother Ministry of Banter' or 'Off-Topic Crime'. In Car Club World, that's a very short step away from Flat Caps, jaggy tweeds and Serial Numbers... and I don't think anyone 'dropping by' would linger long if that was what they found on NMS. I know I wouldn't!

[B]MINI is essentially about having FUN, and NMS is as much about the people and the banter as it is about our fab cars, so let's not throw throw the baby out with the bathwater

What he said! Well, the on-topic bits anyway... It hadn't even crossed my mind that would put people off the forum. As more of a peripheral member than one of the "nms clan" I'm mostly amused by the waverings from topic, and once the banter's been had, someone always steers it back to the matter in hand. don't see it as an issue.

21st September 2012, 06:10 AM
Well, it seems I am in a minority of one:blush:

Thanks for posting your thoughts. Could I please to ask a mod' to close this thread as it has clearly reached a fair conclusion.


21st September 2012, 07:37 AM
Thread now locked Ken as per your request