View Full Version : ipad wanted

20th August 2012, 01:27 PM
hi, just on the offchance, I'm thinking I might get myself an ipad, it might be useful for college. Not bothered about it being the latest greatest so if anyone is upgrading and has an old one to offload can you run it by me? thanks ;)


20th August 2012, 02:49 PM
Going for a new look Jo? :smilewinkgrin: Pirate College?

3751 :laugh:

20th August 2012, 02:54 PM
an IPAD elfers not an EYE PAD. :frown: :idunno:


20th August 2012, 04:33 PM
an IPAD elfers not an EYE PAD. :frown: :idunno:Arrrrrrr.

3753 "Just A little Cap'n jack wordplay luv, you won't 'ave me walkin' the plank will ya? You knows 'ow I 'ates to get me tootsies wet! An' by the way, we don't do the 'Aaaaaaarrrr' nowadays - it's ol' Pirates Hat that is!:smilewinkgrin:

20th August 2012, 11:46 PM
hi, just on the offchance, I'm thinking I might get myself an ipad, it might be useful for college. Not bothered about it being the latest greatest so if anyone is upgrading and has an old one to offload can you run it by me? thanks ;)


Greig was selling one on Facebook in July so he might still have it, if thats what your looking for, worth having a look and giving him a shout... :thumbs up: