View Full Version : Traded our Beemer for an Audi S5

AndyP & Lenore
11th August 2012, 11:21 PM
I fully admit I've said in the past that I find Audi's a bit bland. However, we've been looking to change the BMW 125i M Sport Convertible for a while and Audi S5's caught our eye. Found this one on the interweb, did a deal and picked it up on Friday. Absolutely LOVE it. Certainly NOT bland and absolutely packed spec-wise. Someone obviously decided to tick ALL the boxes.

It's a 2 year old Audi S5 3.0 Quattro Convertible.

Drove up from the dealer on Friday in the glorious weather and had the top down the whole way. Fantastic car to drive. We loved the BMW but the foru wheel drive of this will give us more confidence in wet weather and maybe even a bit snowy weather if necessary.

Some piccies...






11th August 2012, 11:28 PM
Very nice andy the white polishes up nicely ;)

11th August 2012, 11:32 PM
Just dinnae turn into an Audi driver !! :lol:

Nice car - where's the petrol tanker ?!?!? ;)

AndyP & Lenore
11th August 2012, 11:32 PM
Very nice andy the white polishes up nicely ;)

Cheers Rob.:thumbs up::thumbs up: Looking forward to getting stuck into getting it "AndyP clean" as opposed to dealer clean. :lol:


AndyP & Lenore
11th August 2012, 11:33 PM
Just dinnae turn into an Audi driver !! :lol:

Nice car - where's the petrol tanker ?!?!? ;)

Kept out of shot. :lol:

Big Gordy
12th August 2012, 01:10 AM
Very nice Mr.P

12th August 2012, 05:57 AM
Yep, a cracker

12th August 2012, 06:55 AM
Lovely ............ Where's the Salon? :smilewinkgrin:

12th August 2012, 07:52 AM
Very nice Mr + Mrs P :yes nod: :thumbs up:

Mini Ecosse
12th August 2012, 08:11 PM
Looks good, happy motoring :thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
12th August 2012, 08:15 PM
Looks good, happy motoring :thumbs up:

Cheers Stephen. :thumbs up:


13th August 2012, 08:45 AM
Andy, another :cool: looking motor...

Neil and Lorna
13th August 2012, 09:39 AM
Looking good Bro


13th August 2012, 11:04 AM
Looks good! somebody's swapped out your gearstick for something funny looking tho! ;);):p

Love Audis in white! :cool:

AndyP & Lenore
13th August 2012, 02:53 PM
Looking good Bro


:thumbs up::thumbs up::thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
13th August 2012, 02:55 PM
Looks good! somebody's swapped out your gearstick for something funny looking tho! ;);):p

Love Audis in white! :cool:

Cheers Burple.:thumbs up:

That's the "go faster" lever... You wiggle it backwards and forwards and it makes the car purr like a pussy cat and races away like Usain Bolt.:thumbs up::thumbs up::cool:


13th August 2012, 07:56 PM
What a lovely car, great choice!:) Audi convertible for me next but the TT in white as white is spot on with the running lights etc.. Hope sun keeps up for you to enjoy roof down moments for bit longer!

13th August 2012, 08:21 PM
Looking Very Nice Andy... :thumbs up: ... I'm sure you'll be posing around Gala and looking very... :cool: ...in this, Happy Motoring... :motoring:

13th August 2012, 08:53 PM
Cracking looking motor Mr P, the S5 is on my list of favourites! One of my neighbours has the hard top version with the same alloys and it looks swish! Happy motoring!

AndyP & Lenore
13th August 2012, 09:45 PM
Cheers for the kind comments folks:thumbs up::thumbs up:. Car hasn't turned a wheel since we got home in it.:frown:

Bit of a contradiction, but we need the rainy weather to drive customers into the cinema in order to generate the money to pay for a cabriolet to drive around in the sunny weather.:frown:


13th August 2012, 10:01 PM
Bit of a contradiction, but we need the rainy weather to drive customers into the cinema in order to generate the money to pay for a cabriolet to drive around in the sunny weather.:frown:


Eh!! ....... Having a Stella moment here (bliss) brain befuddled :beer:

AndyP & Lenore
13th August 2012, 10:45 PM
Eh!! ....... Having a Stella moment here (bliss) brain befuddled :beer:

Tell me about it.:shut up:

14th August 2012, 07:54 PM
Very nice andy:thumbs up::cool::smilewinkgrin: