View Full Version : knockhill SMRC 12th Aug

24th July 2012, 08:05 PM
Ok who is going and what time shall we meet shall we say the BP just before the Kincardine bridge @ 9am

1 Stoney
3 Liam5993
4 MINIme
5 Craig
6 Big Gordy
7 Crombers if he makes it :lol:
8. Elfman if not hungover
9 evotomini
10 DarnShiv

24th July 2012, 08:27 PM
I'm up for this :)

24th July 2012, 08:33 PM
Am up for this aswell :) count me in

24th July 2012, 08:43 PM
I may well join you :yes nod:

24th July 2012, 09:30 PM
You know it Rob. Kincardine services is perfect. Say 9ish ?? ;)

AndyP & Lenore
24th July 2012, 11:16 PM
Working. :sad:

Off the next two Sunday's for a run then the BTCC so I can't really swing this one too. :sad:


Big Gordy
24th July 2012, 11:27 PM
I should be able to make this OK....count me in :thumbs up:

Kincardine services is perfect. Say 9ish ?? ;)

You having a long lie then :moonie:

25th July 2012, 08:07 AM
You know it Rob. Kincardine services is perfect. Say 9ish ?? ;)

eeek! lol I made scottish car show meet for 7am so should be fine for this... I was slightly late may I add.. will the meeting point be the carpark just behind the BP garage at Kincardine?

25th July 2012, 08:08 AM
You know it Rob. Kincardine services is perfect. Say 9ish ?? ;)

yep 9am ish sounds good :thumbs up:

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eeek! lol I made scottish car show meet for 7am so should be fine for this... I was slightly late may I add.. will the meeting point be the carpark just behind the BP garage at Kincardine?

yep thats the one ;)

25th July 2012, 08:13 AM
I should be able to make this OK....count me in :thumbs up:

You having a long lie then :moonie:

I was trying to be nice to some new folk and give them a bit of a late start ;)

25th July 2012, 08:24 AM
Craig this will be great chance for me to get stickered up and a lovely Tax disc holder.. thoughts? :)

25th July 2012, 08:32 AM
Craig this will be great chance for me to get stickered up and a lovely Tax disc holder.. thoughts? :)

Perfect - ill bring my box of goodies ;)

Big Gordy
25th July 2012, 08:35 AM
This could be a good excuse to dig out the 18's :cool: 2 runs in 2 weekends :p

25th July 2012, 12:47 PM
think I'll be there too guys and girls ;o) hahaaa... nae pressure on me eh???!!! haha

25th July 2012, 01:19 PM
I was trying to be nice to some new folk and give them a bit of a late start ;)

appreciated! :thumbs up: although 9 is still hard going for me ;)

25th July 2012, 01:52 PM
Perfect - ill bring my box of goodies ;)Take the big box :thumbs up:

25th July 2012, 01:54 PM
Craig/Gordy... make sure you bring over the NMS group to say hello. Met quite a few of you now, but I havent been on for so long there's gotta be some not so new newbies I havent met yet! :)

25th July 2012, 03:26 PM
think I'll be there too guys and girls ;o) hahaaa... nae pressure on me eh???!!! haha

Better be lol as your car is my fav one out there the now :D

25th July 2012, 04:15 PM
Craig/Gordy... make sure you bring over the NMS group to say hello. Met quite a few of you now, but I havent been on for so long there's gotta be some not so new newbies I havent met yet! :)

Will do - just have the free bar on that you normally put on :lol:

25th July 2012, 05:05 PM
9am perfect for me atleast I will get a long lie in since I start work at 5am during the week so 9am should be a piece of cake

25th July 2012, 05:13 PM
Better be lol as your car is my fav one out there the now :D

:thumbs up: Good to hear Stoney... you just need to make sure every NMS member is a Panda fan haha ;)

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Will do - just have the free bar on that you normally put on :lol:

LOL... ever the chancer!! There will be beers and cider there (hopefully), which the lads havent consumed from the night before... sure I could smuggle a couple drinks your way haha :yes nod:

Big Gordy
25th July 2012, 08:33 PM
Craig/Gordy... make sure you bring over the NMS group to say hello

You probably know more of them than me Hamish :Whistle::popcorn:

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9am perfect for me atleast I will get a long lie in since I start work at 5am during the week so 9am should be a piece of cake

Bet you'll be late now:lol::whoohoo:

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LOL... ever the chancer!! There will be beers and cider there (hopefully), which the lads havent consumed from the night before... sure I could smuggle a couple drinks your way haha :yes nod:

Just don't put the bacon and sausage on or you'll never get rid of me and Craig:drool:

25th July 2012, 09:55 PM
Well now :arms: ............................... don't put my name down as a defo (I may just miss my Sunday :soccer: for this) but lets just say 9am at Kincardine Services has been noted :welcome:

(Do we still 'mix it a bit' on the road up to the track :thumbs up:)

25th July 2012, 09:58 PM
I havent been on for so long there's gotta be some not so new newbies I havent met yet! :)
Indeed! - I'll be a year old this week :bigwave: look fwd to meeting both you and Gordy!

25th July 2012, 09:58 PM
Can you imagine Crombers AND Gordy at a meet .... Been a long time since that happened !! :lol:

25th July 2012, 10:02 PM
Can you imagine Crombers AND Gordy at a meet .... Been a long time since that happened !! :lol:

:thud::thud::thud::thud::thud::thud::thud::thud::t hud::thud::thud::thud::thud::thud:

25th July 2012, 10:34 PM
Can you imagine Crombers AND Gordy at a meet .... Been a long time since that happened !! :lol:

:huh: ....................... Big Gordy's going!!!!!!!!

.......................... :excited: it's race time :whoohoo:

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Can you imagine Crombers AND Gordy at a meet .... Been a long time since that happened !! :lol:

1983 I reckon ................................... but then again :scratch: :idunno:

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This could be a good excuse to dig out the 18's :cool: :p

I canny be ar$ed .............................................. I also canny find mine :confused: :blush:

Big Gordy
26th July 2012, 07:33 AM
Boy this run is digging out the 'long service award' members :smilewinkgrin:

26th July 2012, 07:50 AM
Its Just bringing out the old timers :lol: ;)

26th July 2012, 04:23 PM
Boy this run is digging out the 'long service award' members :smilewinkgrin:

There's a thought, ... wonder what the boss is planning for the big '10' next year (at his expense mind, on the NMS credit card :whoohoo:)

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Its Just bringing out the old timers :lol: ;)

Quiet at the back ....... & stop picking yer nose :thankyou:

27th July 2012, 12:15 PM
You probably know more of them than me Hamish :Whistle::popcorn:

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Bet you'll be late now:lol::whoohoo:

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Just don't put the bacon and sausage on or you'll never get rid of me and Craig:drool:

haha... bacon will be looooonnggggg gone, breakfast of champions haha, always starts the day well! :)

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Indeed! - I'll be a year old this week :bigwave: look fwd to meeting both you and Gordy!

haha, awesome... look forward to it too :bigwave:

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Boy this run is digging out the 'long service award' members :smilewinkgrin:

I'm quite excited... will be just like 'old times' ... all we need now is motorsportphotographic.com back in action! :yes nod:

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To anyone interested, our racing Facebook pages are...




Feel free to give us a like or an add... the more the merrier :D

Big Gordy
27th July 2012, 12:18 PM
We can be there earlier if breakfast is on offer :excited: Ommmnomnomnom :p

27th July 2012, 01:36 PM
, our racing Facebook pages are...




Feel free to give us a like or an add... the more the merrier :D

liked you yesterday ;) ..but I didn't realise there were 2 pages...... you guys must be good

27th July 2012, 02:26 PM
liked you yesterday ;) ..but I didn't realise there were 2 pages...... you guys must be good

haha, before anyone else jumps in and gives me a royal slagging, not that good! :) ... Set the person style up first, then realised I could create a 'page' so did that too. :blush:

Thanks for the add and like... trying hard to keep it all up to date with info and stuff. :cool:

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We can be there earlier if breakfast is on offer :excited: Ommmnomnomnom :p

dont start Gordy... lol, my tyre budgets bad enough without trying to keep you fed :moonie: hehehe

28th July 2012, 01:19 PM
Thanks to Leanne and Joanna for the Facebook page like... kind of ya's :D

30th July 2012, 04:47 PM
Right, turns put I've double booked myself :idunno: .....

I'll be there in the morning but gotta go home about 1 so I can go to another engagement at 2 ;)

30th July 2012, 06:42 PM
Can you tell me what the day entails in a bit more detail as I've never been? ;) what time does it start/finish, what is parking like and how much will the entry cost, food available to buy or take your own etc. Exposed / sheltered location - any cover? I hear there's a variety of racing including a bit of mini-ing :motoring:. Thank you!

30th July 2012, 08:14 PM
Can you tell me what the day entails in a bit more detail as I've never been? ;) what time does it start/finish, what is parking like and how much will the entry cost, food available to buy or take your own etc. Exposed / sheltered location - any cover? I hear there's a variety of racing including a bit of mini-ing :motoring:. Thank you!

OK, Qualifying normally starts from about 08:30hrs.... racing from about 10:30/11 depending on how many races they have on during the day.

Parking, this is anywhere round the track, we normally park down by the main straight.

Entry - normally £12 pp for SMRC meets like this one.

Food, take your own, or there is a restaurant or cafe where you can everything from rolls on bacon to a sit down meal. Prices are comparable to most fast food places.

Shelter..... :lol: your at Knockhill, it's always sunny :thud: There are sheds which give cover at Clarks and the Hairpin. The rest of the track, you are in the open.

Racing - Legends, MINI's, Fiestas, Formula Ford, Scottish Sports and Saloons, plus Classics Checkout more details at www.knockhill.com :thumbs up:

30th July 2012, 08:51 PM
thank you Craig :thumbs up:

30th July 2012, 10:22 PM
thank you Craig :thumbs up:

Your welcome. ;)

I'm gutted I'm double booked as I'll miss 2 of the mini races :(

31st July 2012, 10:30 AM
I'm SO out of touch... :argh:
I'm a 'maybe' for this one, as I'm waiting to hear from friends who are trying to arrange shifts etc for a long-awaited get-together :beer:

31st July 2012, 01:15 PM
You have to come Euan - noone else will put up with my chat for a whole day ;) Plus the special convoy from the west needs your elfness.

31st July 2012, 03:41 PM
You have to come Euan - noone else will put up with my chat for a whole day ;)

Possibly not if I have a ragin' hangover... as old Clint would say "a man's gotta know his limitations"! :smilewinkgrin:

31st July 2012, 08:51 PM
I know you don't mean that really :nag: :shut up::idea: :shut up: :argh:


31st July 2012, 11:58 PM
I know you don't mean that really :nag: :shut up::idea: :shut up: :argh: :smilewinkgrin:

You know Joanna, 'ELFMAN' in Chinese is 'Wan Big Lug' - all the better to hear you with :nag: :yes nod: :dizzy: :thud:

7th August 2012, 10:15 PM
:unsure: honestly can't remember and a quick scan through didn't find anything so I might have made this up....but did someone mention the possibility of a wee discount? :unsure: :arms:

is this a buy at the gate thing or a book in advance thing?


8th August 2012, 07:40 AM
I will be paying on the gate jo ;)

8th August 2012, 08:38 AM
I have my season ticket ;)

8th August 2012, 01:34 PM
I will be paying on the gate jo ;)

ok :thumbs up:

any chance I can meet you en route Stoney, as I don't know where I'm going! :motoring:

8th August 2012, 02:03 PM
Put me down for this aswell please but will meet you up at Knockhill as coming up from borders so easier to go straight to forth bridge and up that way.

8th August 2012, 03:21 PM
I should know by tomorrow night whether I'm on for this or not - pal's shifts are all up in the air because of holidays etc... :argh:

8th August 2012, 09:16 PM
Can you add me to this please (might not have the Mini though:sad:)

Just a thought. I can bring the gazebo if you think we can use it? I am also happy to bring some bacon to feed us all if someone wants to get rolls and butter? Let me know.

8th August 2012, 09:56 PM
That's you guys added ;)

9th August 2012, 01:23 AM
I don't see this affecting anyone but I might have a +1 ;)

oh i saw on the website it's £10 in advance or 12 at the gate in case anyone interested!

9th August 2012, 07:20 PM
Jo how about Cumbernauld shell just off the M80 to meet say around 8:30 ish ?

Neil and Lorna
9th August 2012, 07:23 PM
Yo Peeps

Planning on going on Sunday, first outing for our Countryman. :smilewinkgrin:

Will only be arriving in time for first race so will find you'z all somewhere. also coming up from the Borders.

Okay what to bring, shorts and tee shirt :cool:, or winter woollies:thud:, correction I'll bring both. Knockhill Weather :thumbs up:.

Neil and Lorna.

9th August 2012, 07:50 PM
Jings! Neil & Lorna, it's like an NMS reunion this Sunday :thumbs up:

9th August 2012, 08:04 PM
Will be there as well but not in Mini, will be in truck as transporting two of Team Sleigh racing minis but will look out for you lot.


Neil and Lorna
9th August 2012, 08:48 PM
Jings! Neil & Lorna, it's like an NMS reunion this Sunday :thumbs up:

Class of 2004.:thumbs up:

Neil and Lorna. :popcorn:

9th August 2012, 10:00 PM
Class of 2004.:thumbs up:

Neil and Lorna. :popcorn:

Y'now, that comment makes me feel goosepunkely

Over the years there have been many many highlights,

.... the many legendary NMS runs over the years, Oxford x ? & not forgetting The Highland Odesseys....

.... but Silverstone 2009 for the big 50 party was for me THE highlight & the banter at the hotel over the two nights was just brill :smilewinkgrin:

We will see you on Sunday folks

AndyP & Lenore
9th August 2012, 10:14 PM
Bummed we're gonna miss this but we're on next Sunday's run then the touring cars the Sunday after and we don't feel we can take three Sunday's in a row off. Have fun everyone.:thumbs up:


9th August 2012, 10:18 PM
Bummed we're gonna miss this but we're on next Sunday's run then the touring cars the Sunday after and we don't feel we can take three Sunday's in a row off. Have fun everyone.:thumbs up:


O/T for your staff, go.............on , come join the leg ends :thumbs up:

9th August 2012, 10:21 PM
g'wan g'wan g'wan! :yes nod:

9th August 2012, 10:41 PM
Jo how about Cumbernauld shell just off the M80 to meet say around 8:30 ish ?

Mini me did you see this ?

9th August 2012, 11:15 PM
Will be there as well but not in Mini, will be in truck as transporting two of Team Sleigh racing minis but will look out for you lot.


Will keep an eye out for you Martin ;)

9th August 2012, 11:16 PM
I'll remember and put in the zimmers for all these old folk turning up :thud: :thumbs up:

9th August 2012, 11:25 PM
I'll remember and put in the zimmers for all these old folk turning up :thud: :thumbs up:

As long as I get the 'fast' zimmer!!!..........

...... I know who I'll 'zim' in a minute ya fud!! :moonie: :thumbs up:

9th August 2012, 11:52 PM
Rob I was trying to find it on streetview ;) didn't find it yet!.... will PM you, prob tomorrow, I might have an EVEN better idea...

have we recruited that little elf? :p :motoring:

10th August 2012, 07:41 AM
It's easy Jo and yep think elf is coming with me

10th August 2012, 07:54 AM
As long as I get the 'fast' zimmer!!!..........

...... I know who I'll 'zim' in a minute ya fud!! :moonie: :thumbs up:

:lol: ;)

10th August 2012, 09:16 AM
I'm on for this now - out night before, but will take it easy-ish. I don't drink often these days, so 2 shandies and I'll probably fall asleep... Rock N' Roll eh?

Anyway, Stoney's very kindly going to let me be a 'GPassenger', which will remove any 'morning after blood/alcohol' worries. You know it makes sense folks!

Also, after getting my head burned to a crisp at the Scottish Car Show (next day I looked like a fat match), I'll be sporting my stunning 'Sun Cream and Daft Hat' combo - which will guarantee it'll be p*ss*ng down all day.

See you on Sunday.

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It's easy Jo and yep think elf is coming with me

JO - It IS dead easy to find the Shell place - you pass it on the M/Way before Castle Cary arches. I can find it, and I'm totally useless :argh:

10th August 2012, 10:13 AM
Anybody heading up from Fife or Edinburgh want to meet up?

10th August 2012, 01:33 PM
Ohhhhh the one that's actually ON the M80? Thought you meant I should take the cumbernauld turn off and it was there somewhere.

Can manage that no bother ;)

Hoping that if my pal comes I can somehow persuade him to get to somewhere handy or go halfs on a taxi to mine as he lives in pollockshields which would be a 30mile round trip to get him - in the wrong direction! And early :frown: I don't do early very well.

Next question is - anyone patient enough to not leave me too far behind on your blast up to the track from the kincardine bridge meeting place - sounds like a road you guys love and I will not be fast on! Or at least stop and wait for me if there's a turning! It will be interesting to see how stressful I find it being left for dust ;)

last question (for now :smilewinkgrin: ) is it worth taking a folding chair or do you need to stand to see what's going on?

Big Gordy
10th August 2012, 02:25 PM
I don't mind running 'tail gunner' to keep everyone right Jo :smilewinkgrin:
A deck chair would be handy as there isn't that many seats (unless you stay at the hairpin) Standing is advisable while watching the racing tho :thumbs up:

10th August 2012, 08:30 PM
I don't mind running 'tail gunner' to keep everyone right Jo :smilewinkgrin:
A deck chair would be handy as there isn't that many seats (unless you stay at the hairpin) Standing is advisable while watching the racing tho :thumbs up:

Tailgunner my ar$e, you & I are going for our usual.......Playminifest :cool:

Apologies MiniMe, we will make sure somebody sweeps up at the back BUT not Big Gordy!
:thumbs up:

10th August 2012, 10:10 PM
no bother ;) - sounds like you guys are long overdue a 'catch up'!

Big Gordy
10th August 2012, 10:48 PM
no bother ;) - sounds like you guys are long overdue a 'catch up'!

Yeh....last time I saw Crombers was 2010 Boness hill climb.

And Robsco I may add.

11th August 2012, 01:06 PM
I forgot, till yesterday may I add (oops) that it is my friends 21st party tonight so I won't be able to make this tomorrow :( don't want to risk still having drink in my system etc.. Looking set to be good weather so beware of the Knockhill tan.. Wind makes you forget and you end up burnt to a crisp lol! Enjoy :) :)

11th August 2012, 01:38 PM
cool ok Leanne will get the aerial next week :thumbs up: have a good night out m'dear :)

11th August 2012, 02:44 PM
You still need yer sticker young lady !!

11th August 2012, 04:33 PM
Well that's the car packed for tomorrow....

NMS merchandise ..... Check
Brolly......... Check
Folding Seat........ Check
Waterproof Hat......... Check

Yeah, I have seen the forecast but knockhill has its own weather system ;)

11th August 2012, 04:37 PM
Well that's the car packed for tomorrow....

NMS merchandise ..... Check:thumbs up:

11th August 2012, 04:48 PM
Craig you're organised! I was just contemplating whether to give mine a little wash.
Is it a pretty exposed location then?

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you don't have tax disc holders without a logo do you?

11th August 2012, 06:14 PM
It's on the top of a hill so it's either scorchio and you leave looking like a balechia beacon, or the wind and rain make you look like a drowned rat :thumbs up:

I don't have any tax disc holders without the logo, but why would you want that :confused:

11th August 2012, 06:18 PM
you know why :p I just want a plain one ;)

11th August 2012, 11:57 PM
Ok peeps,

Bed - just going
Petroleum - need some
Coffee - flask located
Chairs - in garage (i think)
MINI - in garage (i know)

Looking forward to tomorrow, it's been a while :thumbs up:

12th August 2012, 01:14 AM
flask - good idea.

Bed - also a good idea. I've got into a really bad habit of starting to paint walls at about 11.30 - 12pm ;) Finished that one now!

Stoney / Elf - remind me to get cash at the shell garage ;) otherwise I'll hold you personally responsible and will probably need to try and get you to buy me lunch. And pay my entrance fee :thumbs up:
see you about half 8 - I can picture a garage, (hopefully it's the same one you're picturing) but I can't rem how far along it is. Fingers crossed.

12th August 2012, 06:22 PM
Great to meet up with everyone today. Company and weather were superb. Face a tad burnt:rolleyes:

Here are a few pics.

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12th August 2012, 07:07 PM
Fantastic day had with Nms once again nice to see some new and old faces see most of u next week ;)

12th August 2012, 07:34 PM
Enjoyed my few hours up there ;). Great to see everyone ! Looking forward to my fish supper next Sunday ;)

12th August 2012, 07:58 PM
That was a good day out! I remembered my sun cream and daft hat, so only mildly toasted today - much like my fish in the canteen... they gave me a new one though (cooked this time), and the CHIPS (quiet Joanna) were tasty.

Really nice to see everybody today, especially those who have been 'Missing In Action' for so long! Most enjoyable to catch up, and Neil & Lorna's chair saved my back and legs in the afternoon. Good to meet a couple of 'New Faces' too - hopefully we didn't put you off. Oh, and the racing was pretty good as well!

Laugh on the way home when a certain very lovely black and shiny Maserati Quattroporte foolishly 'underestimated the alacrity' of Stoney and the GP when negotiating a certain long tightening right-hand bend and motorway slip road. They were under the impression that they could dispatch the wee motor with disdainful ease. They were sadly mistaken. Maserati 0, GP 1. Another golden moment for 'TEAM GP' on the final day of the Olympics!

All in all, a fine day. See you next Sunday for the Edinburgh to St. Andrews run :bigwave:

ps Joanna, if you're ever stuck for something to paint, I have a nice hut which needs doing... :smilewinkgrin:

12th August 2012, 08:04 PM
haha!! I saw that with the black car, had a wee grin to myself ;)

I wasn't sure what it was at the time, I just knew it was shiny, expensive and fast and that he had a superiority complex :smilewinkgrin: but not for long! :clap:

edit: Alacrity.....good word. I'll have to look that one up :yes nod:

12th August 2012, 08:05 PM
haha!! I saw that with the black car, had a wee grin to myself ;)

I wasn't sure what it was at the time, I just knew it was shiny, expensive and fast and that he had a superiority complex :smilewinkgrin: but not for long! :clap:

edit: Alacrity.....good word. I'll have to look that one up :yes nod:

It was a woman driving :lol: but it was fun giving it a run for its money :lol: ;)

12th August 2012, 08:13 PM
doesn't matter ;) the mini won!

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anyone else's calf muscles trying to kill them??! I wonder if it's just from standing on that slope for a while :confused:

12th August 2012, 08:55 PM
haha!! I saw that with the black car, had a wee grin to myself ;)
I wasn't sure what it was at the time, I just knew it was shiny, expensive and fast and that he had a superiority complex :smilewinkgrin: but not for long! :clap:

edit: Alacrity.....good word. I'll have to look that one up :yes nod:

Jo, we had GREAT BIG grins! ;)

Good Words? I'm full of these - must be the CHIPS! :idea:

12th August 2012, 09:09 PM
Great Day plus the Knockhill sun was a major plus

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And Thanks to everyone today for being so friendly and making me feel welcomed much appreciated

12th August 2012, 09:10 PM
You are very welcome that's what Nms is about and the banter ;)

12th August 2012, 09:25 PM
You are very welcome that's what Nms is about and the banter ;)

Amen to that Rob!! Too much sh**e going on in the world we need to share the love.....;). And rip the p**h from time to time :lol:

12th August 2012, 09:29 PM
Amen to that Rob!! Too much sh**e going on in the world we need to share the love.....;). And rip the p**h from time to time :lol:

To right had some good banter the day ;) look forward to next weekend ;) need to try and get the Nms crew back to the race meets again as it was good crack the day ;)

12th August 2012, 11:46 PM

and Hamish says he'll try and get us a discount next time, yee haa!!

And Colin said why didn't Craig take us all over to their BBQ :thud: better than raw fish Elfers!

Neil and Lorna
13th August 2012, 10:03 AM
What a day yesterday NMS banter spot on. Racing was fantastic also.

Good to see the old and new faces.

Hers some of the pics I took.

XR2s getting a a bit to close for comfort


Legends getting closer.


13th August 2012, 10:05 AM
Good to see you both again

And come on wheres the pics from the last race ;) :lol:

Neil and Lorna
13th August 2012, 10:21 AM
More pics from Yesterday

Oor Hamish shining in the Knockhill sunshine

Tim Sleigh incident

When you look at these please bear in mind that, Tim got himself out of the car, got on his bonnet and bowed to the crowd.

In total we think he flipped over 5 times.

Neil and Lorna.

13th August 2012, 10:37 AM

and Hamish says he'll try and get us a discount next time, yee haa!!

And Colin said why didn't Craig take us all over to their BBQ :thud: better than raw fish Elfers!

:idunno: remember I wasn't there at lunch ;)

13th August 2012, 01:12 PM
Wow, a credit to the roll cage and safety harness, glad he had the presence of mind to keep his arm inside, could have been a bad injury.
Good catch with the camera Neil, bet a lot of the "official" guys never caught it

13th August 2012, 01:30 PM
Great pictures Neil. I'm gutted I went to the hairpin now, no drama down there:frown:

Mini Ecosse
13th August 2012, 02:29 PM
Good photos Neil, motor drive working overtime :thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
13th August 2012, 03:01 PM
Ach, that'll buff out, that will.:p

That is one seriously buggered MINI. Can't see that back on the road, but I guess it depends on the chassis. Testament to the roll cage though, that he was able to walk away from that. Incredible.

Good pics too.:thumbs up:


13th August 2012, 05:05 PM
ABS failure in to Duffus. Tim tried to avoid collecting any other cars but in taking avoiding action the inside of his wheel caught the back of the donut kerb and launched him.

4 complete rolls, the cage has been passed for re-use by the scrutineers, the shell is fair worn out however.

13th August 2012, 05:07 PM
ABS failure in to Duffus. Tim tried to avoid collecting any other cars but in taking avoiding action the inside of his wheel caught the back of the donut kerb and launched him.

4 complete rolls, the cage has been passed for re-use by the scrutineers, the shell is fair worn out however.

Well the main thing is that Tim is ok glad there is some thing that can be salvaged ;)

13th August 2012, 07:38 PM
it was incredible to see him get out and bow to us all, so good to see he was ok.


Amazing pictures Neil, you made good use of that MASSIVE lens :smilewinkgrin:

13th August 2012, 07:44 PM
You still need yer sticker young lady !!

I know and a tax disc holder!! Lol

13th August 2012, 08:30 PM
Excellent Photo's Neil... :thumbs up: You certainly caught all the action... Glad to see that he was able to walk away from this... :yes nod: ...Amazing.

13th August 2012, 09:12 PM
I know and a tax disc holder!! Lol

Nae excuses this Sunday !! :lol:

13th August 2012, 09:40 PM
Great pictures Neil. I'm gutted I went to the hairpin now, no drama down there:frown:

Yeah!! Great idea the hairpin..........NOT, ..... lesson learned me thinks !! (it was my idea, hands up)

Good day, great weather (pm) & splendid to meet old & new


Neil and Lorna
14th August 2012, 09:26 AM
Good photos Neil, motor drive working overtime :thumbs up:

Steven, motor drive did its job perfectly.
The first 3/4 shots are not usable as there out of focus grass and the marshal station as the camera was being lifted, if the camera was a gun I'd probably of shot myself in the foot.:hand:

Thanks to all of the others who commented on the pictures, its good to see an expensive hobby get recognized.:thumbs up:


15th August 2012, 11:27 AM
hey all... not sure why, but i'm not getting notifications on this thread anymore!

Great to see you all... although looks like I missed some of you as well.

Was a good weekend by the end of it... we did 2 gearboxes on Saturday so only got 15 mins of testing. Qualified 8th but then got dropped to 10th due to setting fastest lap under a yellow (whoopsie)... hard 1st two races, finished 9th and 8th, but managed a good 4th in the 3rd race. Positively we were 3rd fastest in Race 1 which was pleasing.

Also very relieved Tim was ok... was a nasty smash, but Tims made of strong stuff luckily... I'm sure he'll be back stronger than ever.

Looking forward to the BTCC, hope some of you are coming up... be sure to stop by if you're there and say hello.

Hopefully see you all again soon.



Big Gordy
15th August 2012, 12:02 PM
Looking forward to the BTCC, hope some of you are coming up

I'll be up on the Saturday:thumbs up:
Can't manage the Sunday as I'm racing the motorbike:smilewinkgrin:

18th August 2012, 03:55 PM
I'll be up on the Saturday:thumbs up:
Can't manage the Sunday as I'm racing the motorbike:smilewinkgrin:

nice one Gordy... our race is like after 5pm I think on the Saturday... anyone else making it up, be sure to hunt me down and say hey! Sunday I think we race about 12:30, so I will be watching the racing after that too :)

Good luck on 2 wheels Gordy... I'm so tempted to get a bike (probs safer I dont haha)

18th August 2012, 06:38 PM
I'm hoping to be up both days Hamish ;)

AndyP & Lenore
18th August 2012, 11:43 PM
We'll be there on the Sunday. :thumbs up:

19th August 2012, 04:49 PM
I'm hoping to be up both days Hamish ;)

cool, see you then :)

- - - Updated - - -

We'll be there on the Sunday. :thumbs up:

Excellent... be good to see you both :)

22nd August 2012, 03:28 PM
Looks like the August races are on Motors TV on Thursday 23rd at 7.25PM:thumbs up:

22nd August 2012, 04:31 PM
Looks like the August races are on Motors TV on Thursday 23rd at 7.25PM:thumbs up:

Good stuff if in will have a look for it ;)