View Full Version : Highland Tour 5 - the counterfeit 4/5/6 May 2013

Alex from NM
1st July 2012, 08:09 PM
Crudely copy & pasted from NM so forgiveness please for any bad code :smilewinkgrin:

Well I kind of got nominated to do the HT5 in the boozer and I reckon I will give it a bash for the hell of it.

What I'm looking to do though is a 'Best Of' Highland Tour

So what I want to know is what their favourite parts of the runs have been from year to year.

If I can fit them into a 2 day run I will go for it.

So what I would like to know is;

favourite start point
favourite road section
favourite overnight location

Now, although I will organise the dates and try and get a deal with accommodation I'm not sure about me and my 'Driving Miss Daisy' style driving for leading the run so I might be looking for someone to step up and lead.

So post away peoples and let me know. I will also build an interested list up too


1. Alex & Gill
2. Stevey T in a mystery mobile
3. Parkiest of all Bobs & Matt
4. Duncan & Helen
5. Stephen & Allyson
6. Mum & Dad
7. Stewart
9. Ali Works
10. Leanne
11. Emma

ps- there are also wild and unsubstantiated rumours that there may be a bacon butty support vehicle on the tour

I will also try and update this thread when I can but please bear in mind I am useless and will probably forget

So far we have a start point of STIRLING SERVICES
Day 1 stop will be PLOCKTON
Day 2 stop will be TONGUE

The run will commence at 9.30am on Saturday 4th of May and be over the bank holiday weekend, so no excuses about not getting the holidays off work :moonie:

Duncan Stewart
1st July 2012, 09:35 PM
Well done Alex - you can count us in :thumbs up:
Favourites are so hard to chose on such a great run but I'd say mine are the same as yours :D
Looking forward to it already

1st July 2012, 10:37 PM
As always! Wait I've not even cleaned the car from the last one.:thumbs up:

Mini Ecosse
2nd July 2012, 09:59 AM
Yes please :))

2nd July 2012, 10:07 AM
Well done young Sir for taking up the batton. Count us in. My favourite bits are the ferries and Mom's favourite bits are the pubs!!
Wouldn't worry about the pace, because although the pace was fine this year (following an MX5....lol), going a bit slower would at least give us time to see the scenery and I think might encourage a few more people to join in.

2nd July 2012, 11:38 AM
Put me down as a mabie the now please :D

Alex from NM
2nd July 2012, 09:25 PM
getting a bit of interest which is good to see :D

Some interesting feedback from Duncan about the roads south of Fort William being the least favourite bit of the trip which is something I can relate to. I know Paul tried to change it but with the Rest and Be Thankful shut that got scuppered. I think it would be great to do Sma Glen on the way up for a change.

If anyone wants to do any google maps as well feel free. I will get around to it when I get some time

30th July 2012, 07:45 AM
Me and V500EMA are interested in coming along as we loved the 2010 run :)

Alex from NM
30th July 2012, 06:33 PM
Gerrin! List will updated in a second

14th August 2012, 11:35 PM
put my name down :)

18th August 2012, 11:05 PM
Put me down as a 'Maybe', Alex. Missed the last one, so it would be good to do the next one!

18th August 2012, 11:27 PM
Im game for this ! :thumbs up:

23rd August 2012, 09:56 PM
A maybe for me and Catriona too please. Had to miss this year because of son's wedding, hols in the sun and DIY stuff. Hopefully next years trip won't clash with trip to Oz, not yet organised but def on the cards :jetski:

23rd August 2012, 10:11 PM
When does this run normally take place

Sheila, we are off to Perth for a month over Xmas, can't wait to get back

25th August 2012, 11:56 PM
When does this run normally take place

Sheila, we are off to Perth for a month over Xmas, can't wait to get back

Our hol destination is usually Dubai but Dani and Sam are moving to Perth in January hence going to Oz. Bit of a pain really because I love the luxury of slipping out of the appartment and being right on Jumeriah Beach. I keep being told that Perth is a lovely city but it's not the sandpit Ive become accustomed to. Looks like October will be our last trip there for quite some time. oz just seems such a long way away. Can't say I'm looking forward to the travelling. Will be gnawing at the window by the time we land

Alex from NM
27th August 2012, 02:47 PM
Cool peoples :cool:

Looking like its going to take place Sat 4th May to Sunday 5th, with the Sunday night in Tongue again

27th August 2012, 05:19 PM
Alex, you could well be a frikkin HERO.... thats the Monday holiday for the schools up here so Mrs D should have the Monday off... We may be able to make our first full HT. ;)

I'll get back to you once I've counted the coppers down the back of the DFS couch :thud: :lol:

Alex from NM
27th August 2012, 07:59 PM
nice one Craig, it was a part of the consideration. Its also my birthday weekend so I thought it would be ideal to combine the both. Its a shame that Stephen and Allyson can't make that day though :(

29th August 2012, 12:27 AM
Sheila, you will love Perth, and Cottesloe Beach and Hilary's Harbour are great places.
They also have a great Mini club over there as well

2nd September 2012, 08:39 PM
Well I know its rude to go on such a run without my usual MINI running partners but the Girl on the telly said the Weather was to be nice. As I was on a wee Holiday at Lochaber Lodges I felt it was worth the effort to head to Applecross, Went down the Mallaig road the other really nice day.

A few Pic’s, if only we could guarantee this kind of weather for the runs……:rolleyes::smilewinkgrin:


2nd September 2012, 08:48 PM
Ya jammy barsteward !! ;)

2nd September 2012, 09:22 PM
What Craig said... Well Jealous... :lol: ... An Excellent day for doing just that... Excellent Photo's Stewart... :thumbs up:

Duncan Stewart
3rd September 2012, 07:33 PM
Can we order some of that weather for the next Highland tour please? ;) Superb photos Stewart :cool:

4th September 2012, 03:13 PM
Lovely pics, but I think I can speak on behalf of those of us working too hard...

"Ya scenery-ridden, great-road usin', fresh air breathin' LUCKY GIT" :ragin:

Thanks Stewart, I knew you'd understand :yes nod: :thumbs up:

5th September 2012, 03:28 PM
Lovely pics, but I think I can speak on behalf of those of us working too hard...

"Ya scenery-ridden, great-road usin', fresh air breathin' LUCKY GIT" :ragin:

Thanks Stewart, I knew you'd understand :yes nod: :thumbs up:

If it makes you feel better it pissed down the Monday, the day after the Applecross Run. :smilewinkgrin: and when I say pissed I mean it was the industrial Scottish stuff..............Going up the pass there was a great bunch on Vespa's coming down it, must have been twenty of them all having a blast.:thumbs up:

5th September 2012, 05:21 PM
Going up the pass there was a great bunch on Vespa's coming down it, must have been twenty of them all having a blast.:thumbs up:

They were using the NMS Run 'alternative' route to Brighton! :thumbs up:
"We are the Mods, We are the Mods, We are, We are, We are the Mods!...and we're f***ing lost".

ps Still jealous.
Remember going over Applecross on the Highland Fling last year and we couldn't see it for the mist and clouds... come to think about it, we could hardly see the car in front!

Alex from NM
5th September 2012, 08:19 PM
that's par for the course though up there. I've been up more in murk than sunshine. At least in the murk you don't see who is driving the bus that tries to force you off the road!

7th September 2012, 06:34 PM
The only time I’ve been annoyed with driving up in the Highlands was when one guy deliberately did not pull in to let others pass when it would have been so easy and hold them up minimal. I'm sure it was on the Second HT on the road from Durness to Tongue with three MINI’s behind him and the fact is he’d probably seen the rest of the group but was passing big passing place after big passing place, he was ever driving slower I'm sure of it as well. Even if he’s a local and hates driving groups he could appreciate we are supporting the communities by holidaying there and take a second to think I’ll let these guys through. :ragin:

I missed the Truck episode being at the back but remember you were shaken that someone could just be such an arse to put it politely.:frown:

Got to emit 90% of the people you meet up there are considerate and enjoy the whole passing places thing. :smilewinkgrin:

13th October 2012, 07:35 PM
Hi Alex, is the date set now ??

It turns out its our wedding anniversary on the Sunday ;)

13th October 2012, 07:50 PM
Hi Alex, is the date set now ??

It turns out its our wedding anniversary on the Sunday ;)Congrats to you and Alex :Whistle:

Mini Ecosse
13th October 2012, 08:32 PM
Congrats to you and Alex :Whistle:


Alex from NM
27th October 2012, 12:11 PM
Hi Alex, is the date set now ??

It turns out its our wedding anniversary on the Sunday ;)

Yes, its safe to say it will be this week :D

15th November 2012, 12:03 AM
Now call me a senile old git if you wish but I'm pretty sure I replied on this thread recently & Alex responded saying "he liked"

Have I "lost it" or are we losing things to cyberworld ?!?!

Neil - TXJ
15th November 2012, 12:08 AM
Now call me a senile old git if you wish but I'm pretty sure I replied on this thread recently & Alex responded saying "he liked"

Have I "lost it" or are we losing things to cyberworld ?!?!

Different thread. It was on the thread about Northern Mini closing down.

15th November 2012, 12:15 AM
Now call me a senile old git if you wish but I'm pretty sure I replied on this thread recently & Alex responded saying "he liked"

Have I "lost it" or are we losing things to cyberworld ?!?!

Neil was being kind..... Your a senile old git ;)

15th November 2012, 12:20 AM
Neil was being kind..... Your a senile old git ;)

Acht I was just checking how alert you chaps/chapessessssss were :confused:


Alex from NM
6th January 2013, 08:36 PM
Right, thought about time I removed my finger from my rear and did something.

As before the overnight locations will remain the same

Saturday 4th overnight stop will be Plockton. Recommended hotel is the Plockton Inn (http://plocktoninn.co.uk/), but there are plenty of Bed and Breakfasts available
Sunday 5th overnight stop will be in Tongue. Recommended hotel is the Benloyal Hotel (http://www.benloyal.co.uk/)

Could people post up when they have booked so we can see where we are all staying?

7th January 2013, 08:34 AM
think i will have to pull out on this one im afraid :(

7th January 2013, 06:20 PM
We’ve decided to get married at the end of May


Alex from NM
7th January 2013, 08:48 PM
Alex, unless something monumental changes I won’t be attending. I had thought of popping up at locations along the route in the van.

We’ve decided to get married at the end of May so we’ll be probably going away at the end of the month instead.

I’m sure it’ll be a great run though.

No worries fella. Hope the marriage all goes well for you :D

think i will have to pull out on this one im afraid :(

no problemo

7th January 2013, 10:25 PM
Congratulations Paul! Lovely news :thumbs up: :whoohoo:

7th January 2013, 10:58 PM
Well done Paul and Jackie ;). You took yer time !! :lol:

Alex from NM
8th January 2013, 02:36 PM
Got me benloyal room booking confirmation through earlier :D

8th January 2013, 04:32 PM
Wait on Alex your ahead of the game are you not!!!!


Day 1 stop will be PLOCKTON 4th May
Day 2 stop will be TONGUE 5th May

Do we have a plan of Action yet over just dates?:smilewinkgrin:

8th January 2013, 06:17 PM
Thanks, we’ve been together for 12 years now and we actually moved in together after the 3rd week. I think its one of the longest test drives I’ve been on. :D

Congrats Paul! :thumbs up:
You do realise that after 12 years your Warranty's long gone, so you'll just have to rely on 'Extended TLC'! :smilewinkgrin:
Just hope you don't develop "Cold Start Rattle" or Jackie will scrap you...

8th January 2013, 06:39 PM
Congrats Paul and Jackie. Hope the race is as much fun as the "warm up" laps.

Alex from NM
8th January 2013, 08:48 PM
Wait on Alex your ahead of the game are you not!!!!


Day 1 stop will be PLOCKTON 4th May
Day 2 stop will be TONGUE 5th May

Do we have a plan of Action yet over just dates?:smilewinkgrin:

Oh I have a plan alright :thumbs up:

The only thing I really need to double check are the ferry crossing timings.

8th January 2013, 09:03 PM
I do love a great plan,......especially when it comes good

Alex from NM
8th January 2013, 09:37 PM
I do love a great plan,......especially when it comes good

now you mention it there are certain similarities


9th January 2013, 12:49 AM
Will check rotas asap & gets hols (if needed) & bookings confirmed :thumbs up:

9th January 2013, 05:05 PM
Booking enquiries in!

Right so We are booking the same place in PLOCKTON & TONGUE as both were great last year...:smilewinkgrin:


Booked Plockton for the 4th and Tongue for the 5th. :thumbs up: Think I've got Paul's room from last year :smilewinkgrin: Think there is one room left!!!!!!!!!

Plockton Hotel [info@plocktonhotel.co.uk]
We also have a double room in the annexe which is en-suite and is at the back with no view unfortunately.

Sorry, there are no rooms available in the hotel.

Over the years it's been my favourite MINI run, so big a run you can chill out and just enjoy the company and roads.

Duncan Stewart
27th January 2013, 06:10 PM
That's us booked :D
Plockton Inn and Ben Loyal

27th January 2013, 07:16 PM
We're booked too. Plockton Hotel and Ben loyal. I'm sure both hotels were a lot cheaper than last year?
Stewart, I think the Plockton Hotel still had a room in the anexe left.

27th January 2013, 07:32 PM
£50 for the Ben Loyal – I was only £40 last year but its got a view this year and not above the Bar :) Plockton £40 per night for the single is cheaper than I paid last year.

"I have reserved the single sea-view room in our annexe for you for the night of the 4th of May" :thumbs up:

Alex from NM
31st January 2013, 08:50 PM
whey hey! we got a room with a view too at the Ben Loyal. Sure I paid a small fortune mind :ragin:

- - - Updated - - -

I've got half a brain me. I just realised recommended places I put Plockton Inn and I shoulda put Plockton Hotel. Sorry for being a Doilham

Duncan Stewart
31st January 2013, 09:38 PM
I've got half a brain me. I just realised recommended places I put Plockton Inn and I shoulda put Plockton Hotel. Sorry for being a Doilham

So were booked in the wrong hotel? Is everyone else in the Hotel? If so we will try to change

Alex from NM
31st January 2013, 10:17 PM
So were booked in the wrong hotel? Is everyone else in the Hotel? If so we will try to change

Erm, yes :mad: although we might be in the same one as you. It was gill that noticed. The hotel and inn are probably less than 100 yard apart mind :o

31st January 2013, 10:27 PM
Duncan I'm sure there was only the room I took and one double left.

You can have your meal in the hotel same as last year I'm sure even if your not staying there.

Duncan Stewart
31st January 2013, 10:58 PM
Just stay where we booked then . Cheers

Alex from NM
1st February 2013, 09:05 AM
We're in the hotel too. Inn had no rooms left like Stewart says ;)

1st February 2013, 04:17 PM
We're in the hotel too. Inn had no rooms left like Stewart says ;)

Thought you’d be roughing it up at your Mum’s on the first night?????

PS you mean your in the Inn as the Hotel had no rooms left?:confused:

This all got a bit confusing. :scratch:

Just to reiterate::thankyou::smilewinkgrin:

I’m staying in the Annexe, (Pauls room last year) that is part of the Plockton Hotel on the shore front.

Mum & Dad : Plockton Hotel and Ben loyal
Duncan & Helen : Plockton Inn and Ben Loyal
Alex & Gill : Plockton Inn and Ben Loyal
Stewart : Plockton Hotel and Ben loyal

Alex from NM
1st February 2013, 04:38 PM
Nah we decided to go hardcore for once and stop in plockton. Stewart says I'm in the Inn...

1st February 2013, 04:42 PM
Nah we decided to go hardcore for once and stop in plockton. We're in the hotel with Duncan and Helen

Tell Gill to hit you with a big stick!!!!!!!! You're in the Inn.... :hand:

Makes very little difference being it’s a hundred yards between them. ;)

Duncan Stewart
1st February 2013, 04:49 PM
Yes, doesn't really matter where were staying. Just looking forward to a fantastic mini adventure!

Alex from NM
1st February 2013, 07:09 PM
Oh I'm confused already :confused:

I'm just gonna go where Gill tells me. She booked it in my defence :p

1st February 2013, 07:38 PM
That's right blame Gill!!!!!!:smilewinkgrin:

24th February 2013, 09:21 PM
Be great to have a few more Minis.

The Hotels seem to have a great cancelation policy and no money down so there is no harm getting in early. The Hotel in Tongue (although there is another across the road) was great last year and has a good number of rooms. However Plockton fills up fast as it’s a picturesque wee place and one is already full from what I understand. Mind with a good few place to stay and the place not being that big its not a problem as no matter where you stay we are all in the same place.

Alex from NM
25th February 2013, 08:54 AM
Agree with Stewart about plockton. Great thing is though even if you can't get a hotel room there are dozens of b&bs locally, plus Kyle of lochalsh and kylerhea is only a short journey away too.

26th February 2013, 12:18 PM

26th February 2013, 03:22 PM
:thumbs up:

Nice one!

Alex from NM
27th February 2013, 08:14 AM
Bravo! Another one in :D

Alex from NM
27th February 2013, 07:06 PM
Aye will do it when I get a proper internet connection. Day 2 is familiar, but day 1 is going across Perthshire through aberfeldy and down the side of loch Tay and out at killin. Then onto mallaig and ferry to Skye.

Duncan Stewart
27th February 2013, 07:38 PM
Excellent! Glad you are coming along Ali

Alex from NM
21st March 2013, 07:52 PM
Thought I had put these up but day 1 map here (https://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msid=203859444534611180853.0004d8739b8494d91f9b c&msa=0)

Day 2 map https://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msid=203859444534611180853.0004d873aca368803638 6&msa=0&ll=57.795016,-5.026245&spn=1.305744,3.911133

On day 1 I need to sort out which ferry crossing we need to take. I propose a 10am start and the total drive time I think to Mallaig will be 5 hours give or take. With lunch and various photo/toilet stops I would add another hour and a half which takes us to around 4.30pm. The sail times from Mallaig to Armadale are;

Depart Mallaig 16:40 Arrive Armadale 17:10
Depart Mallaig 18:00 Arrive Armadale 18:30

So, the questions is - do we have a leisurely drive with lots of stops and book the 6pm ferry, or do we get a wriggle on and book the half four ferry? Bear in mind we need to arrive half an hour before sailing time.

21st March 2013, 10:14 PM
Alex, how long do you reckon the drive is after the ferry? Assuming it's an hour, we wouldn't get to the hotel until 19.30, if we got the later ferry. That could seriously impinge on Mom's drinking time. I would rather start at 9.30 and get the earlier ferry, than incur Mom's wrath......lol :beer:

Alex from NM
21st March 2013, 10:27 PM
haha, maybe you're right. Start at 9.30 and aim for the 4.40pm ferry. Once you're off the ferry you're looking at around 40 mins to Plockton. So the 4.40pm one should see us in the boozer by 6pm. Happy days ;)

21st March 2013, 10:45 PM
Firstly I/we agree that the earlier ferry is best :beer: &

Secondly I WILL get my 'fingeroot' & get us booked when I'm off next week :yes nod:

22nd March 2013, 10:50 AM
About time too, ya muppett. Don't miss this year.....:hand:

22nd March 2013, 12:40 PM
About time too, ya muppett. Don't miss this year.....:hand:

Muppet/s getting into gear :blush::Whistle::thumbs up:

22nd March 2013, 02:08 PM
No Applecross????:confused:Or the Coast road off the main road to Mallaig B8008?????

or is this as rough as the Premier Club Social Club in Sunderland:smilewinkgrin:

Alex from NM
22nd March 2013, 02:28 PM
Applecross is there isn't it? It was supposed to be but I was trying to do 10 things at once last night so if I've missed it I apologise, but it is supposed to be there :thumbup:

22nd March 2013, 03:05 PM
Needs a wee tweak here and there then. :thumbs up:

22nd March 2013, 04:14 PM
Applecross better be in it :blink::huh::unsure: ............ will be sorted, I'm sure :thumbs up:

Alex from NM
22nd March 2013, 06:33 PM
Day 2 link fixed here (https://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msid=203859444534611180853.0004d873aca368803638 6&msa=0&ll=57.795016,-5.026245&spn=1.305744,3.911133), now with added Applecross. Let's see if I can not melt my brakes this year :sad:

22nd March 2013, 07:54 PM
Day 2 link fixed here (https://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msid=203859444534611180853.0004d873aca368803638 6&msa=0&ll=57.795016,-5.026245&spn=1.305744,3.911133), now with added Applecross. Let's see if I can not melt my brakes this year :sad:

Now with added apples!!!


28th March 2013, 01:27 AM
Last years Ferry crossing on the highland tour! pictures taken tonight and today of the wild fires they have just now due to the dry weather.


Glenelg from Kylerhea. (the other side of the Ferry)


Above Glenelg just round the corner from the Ferry.

Scary stuff if you lived there!

28th March 2013, 01:30 AM
oh wow, I hadn't heard there were fires going on!

Alex from NM
28th March 2013, 07:37 AM
Wow, hadn't realised about the fire.

Knew it had been dry. Was t-shirt weather in February up there

28th March 2013, 01:04 PM
I'm amazed. All the flooding throughout the UK and Skye has had a drought!! It seems unbelievable

10th April 2013, 07:02 PM
23 Days, just in time for that early summer heat wave. Car serviced and checked all be it my Brakes are needing done in 3-4K. I know the maps are rough etc but how rough is that day one as I’ll sort the Satnav to do it exact as it is. :smilewinkgrin: Still got the whole getting the car washed and de Tar etc and then start from scratch with the polish and stuff as I have done every year. This has flown low on the radar.

here (https://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msid=203859444534611180853.0004d8739b8494d91f9b c&msa=0)

https://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msid=203859444534611180853.0004d873aca368803638 6&msa=0&ll=57.795016,-5.026245&spn=1.305744,3.911133

Alex from NM
10th April 2013, 07:31 PM
Day 1 is bang on. Gonna book my ferry ticket tonight too ;)

- - - Updated - - -

Thank you for booking online, Mr Stephenson.

Booking Reference Number:

This booking number should be quoted if contacting us to check or change this reservation.
Your Booking Details are shown below. To ensure that you have an accurate record of your Booking Details, we strongly recommend that you print a copy of this page.



4 May 2013
Mallaig To Armadale

:thumbs up:

Neil - TXJ
10th April 2013, 07:51 PM
Is it to late to join this as I may be free this weekend now?

To be honest, I have tried to follow the thread but am a bit confused on where to stay and on what nights.


10th April 2013, 07:54 PM
Thank you for booking online, Mr Robertson.
Booking Reference Number:

4 May 2013 Mallaig To Armadale 16:20 16:40 17:10

Passengers and vehicles must be available for shipment no later than the latest check-in time stated, otherwise space will be re-allocated.

:thumbs up:

- - - Updated - - -

Is it to late to join this as I may be free this weekend now?

To be honest, I have tried to follow the thread but am a bit confused on where to stay and on what nights.


The more MINI's the better :thumbs up: just need to get booked in Plockton and Tounge although I dont think you'll have any probs with the later. Plockton has so many places and is so small that any place will do

Saturday 4th overnight stop will be Plockton. Recommended hotel is the Plockton Inn (http://plocktoninn.co.uk/), but there are plenty of Bed and Breakfasts available
Sunday 5th overnight stop will be in Tongue. Recommended hotel is the Benloyal Hotel (http://www.benloyal.co.uk/)

Alex from NM
10th April 2013, 07:57 PM
Is it to late to join this as I may be free this weekend now?

To be honest, I have tried to follow the thread but am a bit confused on where to stay and on what nights.


Hi, you are more than welcome
1st day set off from Stirling Services @ 10am ish on Saturday 4/5/13
you will need to book the 16:40 Mallaig to Armadale calmac ferry
1st night is in Plockton - Plockton Inn or Plockton Hotel
2nd day set off whenever
2nd night will be in Tongue on Sunday 5th May - everyone is booked into the Ben Loyal Hotel

You may not be able to get the hotel rooms but there will be loads of B&B's

Neil - TXJ
10th April 2013, 08:45 PM
Anybody got a link for the ferry :)

10th April 2013, 09:22 PM

Take it you found beds for the nights?

Neil - TXJ
10th April 2013, 09:43 PM

Take it you found beds for the nights?

Thanks Stewart.

Ferry booked and Ben Loyal booked - just trying to find a room in Plockton. May be asking to sleep in Mum & Dads clubman :)

10th April 2013, 09:51 PM
:thumbs up:

I thought the Plockton Inn could have a room but knew the Plockton Hotel was fully booked. In saying that I think everyone that has a spare room does B&B and I don’t blame them! :smilewinkgrin:

I wish you well on your Mission..


Mum & Dad : Plockton Hotel and Ben loyal
Duncan & Helen : Plockton Inn and Ben Loyal
Alex & Gill : Plockton Inn and Ben Loyal
Stewart : Plockton Hotel and Ben loyal
Ali Works: : Plockton Inn and Ben Loyal
Trigger: Ben Loyal

Ferry Booking! (16:40 Mallaig to Armadale)

Alex & Gill
Mum & Dad

Although I don’t know if Ali’s Dad and Mum are partaking roofless and spoiler up ;)

10th April 2013, 10:33 PM
That's our ferry booked.
If Plockton hotels are busy, there is a hotel near to Plockton which I think Fiona has used in the past, called the Tingle Creek. i have heard some good reports on it. http://www.tinglecreek-hotel.co.uk/

Duncan Stewart
11th April 2013, 10:32 PM
Ferry booked :thumbs up:

12th April 2013, 12:04 AM
Mum & Dad : Plockton Hotel and Ben loyal
Duncan & Helen : Plockton Inn and Ben Loyal
Alex & Gill : Plockton Inn and Ben Loyal
Stewart : Plockton Hotel and Ben loyal
Ali Works: : Plockton Inn and Ben Loyal
Trigger: Ben Loyal

Ferry Booking! (16:40 Mallaig to Armadale)

Alex & Gill
Mum & Dad
Ali (May the 4th be with him) well we hope so for the ferry......:yoda:


Nice Swedish bit of kit playing in our Waters!

This passed the ferry we used last year! Nice! (Kylerhea 07.00 hrs) More than 5,000 UK personnel are to take part in the largest military exercise in Europe this year, the MoD has said.The exercise will involve 13,000 military personnel in total, including forces from Sweden, Germany, Brazil and the US.

12th April 2013, 11:47 AM
Really sorry I'm missing this (again!), but circumstances mean things just haven't worked out, C'est La Vie! :frown: (that's French for 'It's the Toilet' :smilewinkgrin:)

Hope the weather's kind and that everybody has a safe and fantastically enjoyable time on "God's Own Roads" :thumbs up: :motoring:
Just watch for those tightening corners and pesky Speed Traps! :hand:

- - - Updated - - -


Nice Swedish bit of kit playing in our Waters!

Great pic Stuart, but massively disappointed it wasn't from your "Hot Scandanavian Mermaid Action" photo series... :frown: :blush:

12th April 2013, 04:09 PM
Great pic Stuart, but massively disappointed it wasn't from your "Hot Scandanavian Mermaid Action" photo series... :frown: :blush:

Not my own pic, I'd have loved to have seen that scream past.

Hot Scandanavian hope this will do! I hear she is into heavy metal!

Neil - TXJ
12th April 2013, 07:35 PM
Plockton Inn booked :)

13th April 2013, 10:29 AM
Mum & Dad : Plockton Hotel and Ben loyal
Duncan & Helen : Plockton Inn and Ben Loyal
Alex & Gill : Plockton Inn and Ben Loyal
Stewart : Plockton Hotel and Ben loyal
Ali Works: : Plockton Inn and Ben Loyal
Trigger: Plockton Inn and Ben Loyal
Mr C: Plockton B&B :thumbs up:

Ferry Booking! (16:40 Mallaig to Armadale)

Alex & Gill
Mum & Dad
Ali's Dad
Mr C ?????

16th April 2013, 07:35 PM
Plockton B&B booked :yes: :phew: (big changes at work and I could not fully commit until the new rota was published)

Unfortunately we will be heading off on day two once we reach Ullapool so no 'Tongue' for us.

Alex from NM
16th April 2013, 07:51 PM
YAY and also BOOOOOO :p

16th April 2013, 09:27 PM
1/2 a run is better than none...........:thumbs up:

16th April 2013, 09:43 PM
1/2 a run is better than none...........:thumbs up:

I'm more thinking 3/4 of a run (all of day 1 & half of day 2), but yours rhymes much better :smilewinkgrin:

Oh aye ......... & I will make it my personal aim to ensure Mum has sufficient (& suitable) drinking partners lined up for night stop two :beer:

17th April 2013, 05:18 PM
The Roadster cometh too????

27th April 2013, 10:45 PM
Alex, are we now leaving Stirling Services at 9.30am on Saturday morning? Will aim to get there in time for a bacon butty before we set off. Are you driving up from "Mackemland" on the Saturday morning? If it would help, you are more than welcome to stay with us in North Berwick on the Friday night? Let me know.

Alex from NM
28th April 2013, 07:43 AM
Yep, Stirling services at half 9. Thanks for the offer of the room but we got a bargain premier inn room booked on the doorstep of the services :cool:

28th April 2013, 04:34 PM
Should be there in good time probably just after nine.

Just to add the last few times I’ve been through Crianlarich there has been a mobile speed trap but its been aimed at cars coming into the village from the FW direction but I guess they do it from both sides entering into the 30. They also favour sites at Rannoch Moor on the A82 on a long stretch and at Kingshouse Glencoe as well.

Alex from NM
2nd May 2013, 01:48 PM
Run notes. Well here's the thing. It's kind of a bit of a distance for me to recce and it sticks to roads we've used before mostly. I was going to do some for day 1 possibly as I did make notes but I hadn't got around to it typing them up. I was going to do some maps and bring them with my phone number and some emergency meeting points if needed.

Will see what I get done tonight.

Another option if you have a sat nav is to use TYRE and put the map from Google on.

Alex from NM
2nd May 2013, 04:17 PM
Yes pal 9.30am from Stirling services. I will get some basic directions knocked up but most of day 1 should be in convoy. day 2 can be fast and furious so we could potentially get strung out a little but there is really only 1 road to take when you reach a certain point :D

Alex from NM
2nd May 2013, 04:18 PM
Also Stewart has his own leisurely pace at the back to sweep up

2nd May 2013, 05:17 PM
Also Stewart has his own leisurely pace at the back to sweep up

:thumbs up:

To be fair the cars always stop at a main turns like Applecross or when we come out the otherside of the coast road. I take it the Green Welly is a stop and Fortwilliam we fill up with the last of the cheap petrol before Highland prices kick in and we normally park behind McDonlads in a wee car park. We Do take a Coast Road before Malaig. Alex knows its ok if I'm the only one missing as I'll catch up :smilewinkgrin:

Dont know about the MINI but TomTom lets you uplaod a route made in a wee program called Tyre that you can do on the PC.I thought you could do a goggle route then send it to the car? Did Baz not say you could do that on the MINI connect thing?

Is there any stops before the usual Green welly like the car park at dalerb forrest park that we have used on MINi runs before???

Ali I’m coming from Glasgow and I’ll meet you no probs at Hamilton services on the Hamilton side if you want, just give us a time. I’m coming from the Airport early but I’ll be back at the House on the Southside first? Mr C is also from our neck of the woods.

Alex from NM
2nd May 2013, 05:23 PM
There was a potential stop overlooking aberfeldy I was considering. Might make a good photo opp, green wellie a few miles on, fort William then straight onto mallaig. Potential sands of morar stop if we're doing ok on time

Neil - TXJ
2nd May 2013, 08:45 PM
I will be travelling alone so run notes to a great help. Post code of the ferry is in my google App for a 'worst case scenario'.

Sure we will be fine.

2nd May 2013, 08:51 PM
Long way round for us to do Hamilton if that's ok. Stirling Services are a scoosh to find, very well signposted.

Still to book the ferry :blush: ............. or maybe we'll do a Top Gear & have a land/sea race :crazypilot::rolleyes:

Ok ok, I'm on the case :dizzy:

2nd May 2013, 09:01 PM
Sure we will be fine.

Harris today!!!!!!!

Ne'er cast a clout till May be out

Our new Moto!!!!! I'd have had this run in late June :idea::smilewinkgrin: Only joking big man - Alex your a star for getting us out in the cars!

take away the Rain........... Concentrate!!!!!!Cancentrate!!!!! (only a few will get this :))


Neil - TXJ
2nd May 2013, 09:05 PM
Harris today!!!!!!!

Ne'er cast a clout till May be out

Our new Moto!!!!! I'd have had this in late June :idea::smilewinkgrin:

Should have kept my winter tyres on.

See you 9:30 at Stirling services.

Just hope the 'force' will be with us

Alex from NM
2nd May 2013, 10:23 PM
Got some basic run notes. Apart from one little bit near the start its all straightforward. Trust me, I'm a doctor*

* well a first aid at work cert holder which is well on the way to being one :what:

Alex from NM
3rd May 2013, 10:51 AM
I just put my summer ones on :(

3rd May 2013, 12:01 PM
So looking forward to another great Highland Tour. Bring it on, whatever the weather. On a more serious point, remember that we need to leave Stirling at 9.30 sharp, if we are to make the ferry on time, so should aim to get to Stirling for 9.00am. It will also give Crombers more time for his swim!!
Alex, I have found a paper copy the 2011 run notes, which have a lot of detail. If you want to PM me a copy of what you have for this year, I can try and add in more detail and bring copies for everyone. I am assuming they are based on the notes in post's 79, 89 and 95? If you already have enough, I'll go back to hovering the car. lol

3rd May 2013, 12:54 PM
Have a great run everybody! :thumbs up: :motoring: :bigwave:
Sorry can't be with you :sad: Lots of photos please! :camflash:

Alex from NM
3rd May 2013, 01:20 PM
I got some notes which are ok but if you want you can bring the old notes? Day 2 will be familiar to anyone who has done the run before. Only day 1 has some variation, and even that isn't much

In one go Google maps reckons we have 4.5 hours of driving in total from Stirling to mallaig. As we have to be at mallaig for around 4, so we're not too rushed, so a half 9 start gives us a couple of hours for toilet stops, regroups and lunch etc

3rd May 2013, 01:21 PM
Weathers jumping around, one minutes Saturday is some showers next its fine down in the central belt. Plockton has heavy rain for Saturday and all the way up has gone to heavy rain on and off for Sunday. :sad:

Thankfully Sunday is still just on that 48 hour band that seems a bit iffy to predict when a fast moving weather system is doing its stuff. Fingers crossed.:smilewinkgrin:

Next year I'm going to the South of France sod this!!!!! :smilewinkgrin:

3rd May 2013, 02:09 PM
No probs Alex. I'll bring one copy of the old notes, in case we need to refer to them. Can only think of one wrong turning on a Highland Tour, which put Stuart in "Pole Position" for the next stage.
Great idea Stuart........Monaco for the GP via the Millau bridge. I'm in.........who else is in?

ps. Mom's in the kitchen baking to sound of The Corries...........think she's in the mood..............for the Tour, you dirtbags.

Alex from NM
3rd May 2013, 02:52 PM
I'm sure someone was organising a big run to Monaco next year. Maybe the Mersey mini club and someone else. I know there is a post on full on minis about it. Just sayin... ;)

3rd May 2013, 05:20 PM
Ferry booked .................... what's with all the hurry & commotion :rolleyes:

Now ........................ where we going again :confused: .. :thumbs up:

3rd May 2013, 07:18 PM
Mom's in the kitchen baking to sound of The Corries...........think she's in the mood..............for the Tour, you dirtbags.

It's OK Malcolm, I knew what you meant. I never found the Corries THAT sexy... :smilewinkgrin:
But here's a richt wee Hielan' Groove o' theirs tae get ye's a' in the mood!

Probably my fave Corries tune - just listen to it and you're in a boat off the West Coast, sailing through the mists of time
- just like you'll be tomorrow.
BON VOYAGE! :bigwave:

3rd May 2013, 07:31 PM
Munching on scones, tea loaf and ginger cake as we go............we may get lost in the"mists of time" but we'll no starve

3rd May 2013, 07:41 PM
Munching on scones, tea loaf and ginger cake as we go............we may get lost in the"mists of time" but we'll no starve

There's a line in the song "Castle Hall I see it now, the feast for us prepared o'....." Obviously Sioban got there ahaed of the Corries!

4th May 2013, 12:17 AM
crikey that really is quite snowy :unsure:

have a great time everyone, if the weather fails, mom's snacks will still be there to make you all grin. Safe travels :bigwave:

ps I was told the May is out thing related to the May flower of hawthorne descent... ? :idunno:

Alex from NM
4th May 2013, 07:05 AM
Well morning runners! Suns out in Stirling right now :cool:

4th May 2013, 07:13 AM
Well morning runners! Suns out in Stirling right now :cool:

:rain: Must still be dreamin..........sun is out south of Glasgow (sorta) but there is no rain.........nuthin..nada

It's not right :idunno::scratch::unsure:

4th May 2013, 10:19 AM
Went to see off the crew from Stirling Services. Hope you guys have a great time, sorry we couldn't make it (Family Commitments) :thumbs up:

Fingers crossed the weather is kind to you ;)

Some pics from them leaving - keep it rubber side down folks :yes nod:

NMS Highland Tour 2013 (http://s271.photobucket.com/user/cadbed12/library/NMS%20Highland%20Tour%202013?sort=3&page=1)

4th May 2013, 10:43 AM
Have a brill weekend guys sorry can not make it just to much on :(

Alex from NM
4th May 2013, 01:58 PM
It's a bit rainy! Have taken refuge in Morrison's

5th May 2013, 12:11 AM
A good night had by all at the Plockton Inn after a spirited day at the wheel :motoring::thumbs up:

Dam these MINI's are fun :hand:

5th May 2013, 12:48 AM
Glad you're having a good one folks! :thumbs up:

5th May 2013, 06:22 PM
We are now all safe at the Ben Loyal, first pint of Guinness in front of me.:beer:

After 5 years still think this is best run of the year. Weather was good today and we managed to crack on. Had some great fun.

Alasdair Snr had his top off all day, and his wee spoiler was up and down like a barmaids apron.
Pictures to follow.

Duncan Stewart
5th May 2013, 06:30 PM
Another superb highland tour! Fantastic job Alex & Gill. Looking forward to next year already

Alex from NM
6th May 2013, 05:43 PM
Well what can you say? Fantastic people, fantastic roads, ferry drama and the Tongue flat earth society debating team!

Hope you all got home safely. Been back about an hour or so battered and bruised from some enthusiastic driving. Will do a proper post when I get a chance and will whip some of Gill's photographs too.

Here's one of my few if tapatalk will post it

Neil - TXJ
6th May 2013, 06:12 PM
Well just back. Good journey down apart from delays around Inverness and lovely detour via Tomintoul and Braemar.

Thanks for organising Alec, great weekend.


Duncan Stewart
6th May 2013, 07:24 PM
Another fantastic Highland Tour. Brilliant fun, huge thanks to Alec and Gill for organising it, and to everyone who came on the run :thumbs up:












6th May 2013, 07:48 PM
Looks incredible,great pictures, bet you all had a great time. Maybe the next one. Wheres the bridge in the photos pls.

6th May 2013, 07:49 PM
A few photos from me

Cpt Sensible in full flight

What a cracking wee motor
http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c394/weefossy/highlandtour2013029.jpg (http://s31.photobucket.com/user/weefossy/media/highlandtour2013029.jpg.html)

A great view from the Bealach Na Ba
http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c394/weefossy/highlandtour2013009.jpg (http://s31.photobucket.com/user/weefossy/media/highlandtour2013009.jpg.html)

Kylesky Bridge ...... anyone notice the "tourist"
http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c394/weefossy/KyleskuBridge2013.jpg (http://s31.photobucket.com/user/weefossy/media/KyleskuBridge2013.jpg.html)

View of Ben Loyal from hotel window
http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c394/weefossy/BenLoyalfromcarpark.jpg (http://s31.photobucket.com/user/weefossy/media/BenLoyalfromcarpark.jpg.html)

Neat bit of car parking
http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c394/weefossy/hiding2.jpg (http://s31.photobucket.com/user/weefossy/media/hiding2.jpg.html)

Is it the Nordscheife heading down into Adenau or is it Stu on the A827?
http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c394/weefossy/highlandtour2013032.jpg (http://s31.photobucket.com/user/weefossy/media/highlandtour2013032.jpg.html)

6th May 2013, 08:34 PM
Great photos! Particularly the Kylesku Bridge ones. I see the Applecross road was being its usual 'myst'erious self!

6th May 2013, 10:22 PM
Great photos, very jealous of you all driving in such brilliant scenery.

7th May 2013, 12:03 AM
More of the same picture wise but what the hay! I passed that Countryman with the big numbers in FW on the way back...I'm sure its off here? As always great fun, great scenery and great company. It was great for Neil and Ali and his Dad to get a very decent run from Plockton onwards with dry roads and mostly sunshine. It was fair blowing a hoolie at the top of the cross that’s for sure as it was only me and Dad that ventured far enough for a pic. :thumbs up: As always Thanks goes to the Car leading the pack or as I call it – The car a I’ll see again at the next stop. :smilewinkgrin:

Thankfully the site has compressed the pictures for easier viewing.


May not work as its not supported on my iphone utube even when its the same settings as clips that are fine! :(


7th May 2013, 12:02 PM
Great video Stuart, worked fine. Music not as good as Yes's "Close to the Edge" which I played to Mom's anoyance going up the Bealach Na Ba

Neil - TXJ
7th May 2013, 08:07 PM
Just realised I drove over the 3 highest roads in Scotland over the weekend. Applecross and 2 in Cairngorms - not bad over one weekend!

7th May 2013, 10:15 PM
looks great!
I don't think I have ever seen (or noticed) a car with different wheels on before...
and I love how Stew 'In full flight' looks like he's stopped at the side of the road. ;)

8th May 2013, 05:20 PM
Joanna looks fine to me :smilewinkgrin: almost a Blur! I had gave up and joined the MG owners Club at that point as that’s all I was seeing on the road. :D


Did no one take a picture of that Horse in the Bar???????

8th May 2013, 05:47 PM
Loving the write ups and photos .. ;)

I intend to live forever ... So far so good !

8th May 2013, 06:02 PM
Looks like you all enjoyed yourselves... :thumbs up: ...Excellent photos and video clip, love the music choice, What I want to know is, who was the Wolf Man and who was the Clown... :lol:

8th May 2013, 07:26 PM
What I want to know is, who was the Wolf Man and who was the Clown... :lol:

I think Dunc had the Wolf in sheeps clothing but I protest at being the Clown following them all :smilewinkgrin: Anyway no Buses were robbed but we do believe in Ghosts!!!!:thumbs up:

"I canny let you go"

10th May 2013, 03:38 PM
All photo's uploaded http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/forums/images/smilies/link.gif (http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/Gallery.html)

Alex from NM
12th May 2013, 04:14 PM
Gill's photographs HERE (http://s1075.photobucket.com/user/awooga69/slideshow/Highland%20Tour%20V) :thumbs up:

15th May 2013, 02:34 PM
Gill's photographs HERE (http://s1075.photobucket.com/user/awooga69/slideshow/Highland%20Tour%20V) :thumbs up:All photo's added to the NMS server :thumbs up: