View Full Version : Good Show

17th June 2012, 09:12 PM
Am watching a very good show tonight!
Portugal v Holland, lots of dramatics and role playing, an absolute disgrace to even think these guys play football.
Robben, the worst offender, get your ballet shoes off and try and play the game

AndyP & Lenore
17th June 2012, 10:29 PM
This is why I don't watch football. You'd never get such prima donna's in Tennis. No tennis player would be seen behaving in such a reckless manner. No tennis player ever misbehaves on court. No tennis player would ever..... oh.... wait.

Nalbandian disqualified from Queens in final. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/tennis/18477937)


17th June 2012, 10:57 PM
:lol: silly boy

AndyP & Lenore
17th June 2012, 11:44 PM
:lol: silly boy

Aye. I suspect his coach will be avvin' a word this evening.:frown::frown:


18th June 2012, 08:58 AM
This is why I don't watch football. You'd never get such prima donna's in Tennis. No tennis player would be seen behaving in such a reckless manner. No tennis player ever misbehaves on court. No tennis player would ever..... oh.... wait.

Nalbandian disqualified from Queens in final. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/tennis/18477937)


What a twat seen this last night and it's shocking

18th June 2012, 01:08 PM
He's now apparently being investigated by the police for ASSAULT...

OK, he was an eejit and rules are rules, but it's not as if he got a 'bad call', grabbed the line judge and thumped him! It wasn't a deliberate act of violence, it was a stupid momentary loss of control in the wrong place at the wrong time. He's been disqualified from a major final and will no doubt get a hefty fine - but assault? B*ll*cks. I think that shows the 'victim' is as much of a twat as the 'culprit' - he should 'man-up', accept Nalbandian's apology and rise above the incident. Assault? They obviously haven't been outside Hamilton Palace nightclub at closing time...

19th June 2012, 09:54 AM
Health and safety will be called in next to investigate why the official wasn't wearing hard hat, boots, glasses, gloves etc .. The worlds gone totally mad !

AndyP & Lenore
19th June 2012, 11:47 AM
He's been fined the maximum amount available to the ATP 10,000euro's. But he's also lost his prize money £64,000 and forfeited the ATP ranking points. On top of that I would imagine he'd give up all of that again twice over if he could go back and NOT kick the board in the first place.

Should he be investigated by the police for assault; I'm torn on that one. It was a mistake, for sure, but people should pay for their mistakes when they have physical consequences for someone else. But you could argue he's paid enough.


19th June 2012, 01:50 PM
:thud:The Line Judge should've just decked him and shouted "OUT!" :bow: :smilewinkgrin: instead of hopping about like a giant child, wingeing and pointing as if he had a compound fracture.

Following Stoney's point - maybe in future tournaments they'll have to put up signs (racing circuit stylee) saying "Tennis can be Dangerous"... :hand: :frown: If the mad dash for litigation gets any worse, nobody will be able to do or play anything for fear of being sued by hordes of grumpy tw@ts and their accompanying ambulance-chasing legal hounds.

19th June 2012, 02:23 PM
Good iIwas called in to see the replay of the wood flying and said I hope he loses his runner up winnings as well.:thumbs up:

19th June 2012, 03:43 PM
I hope he loses his runner up winnings as well.:thumbs up:

Ooooh, you're HARSH, man! :frown: :hand:

Presumably, if NalBANNEDian was disqualified from the tournament he should forfeit ANY prize money, and the guy who he beat in the semi ( :blush: painful...) should be 'promoted' to runner-up, and could split the prize money with the other semi-finalist? How's that for egalitarianism? :smilewinkgrin: Or stupidity? :confused: