View Full Version : Austin Factory Tour

27th April 2012, 11:42 AM
Hi all,

Living near Birmingham as I do, I found about this recently - might be worth a combination with a trip to the factory?

There are apparently a lot of old Mini's in it (have a look at SniffPetrol on twitter from yesterday for some pics), and Lord Austin's old office is there as it was when he worked there.


28th April 2012, 11:51 AM
Heritage Motor Centre Museum & Conference Centre Gaydon is 33 miles from oxford on the way home as well but it’s a case that some will probably just want to get back up the road, but it does look fantastic. It has a good Mini part to it.


http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/public/2SRTM8FZ1_SDMwYntQeIEFNw4nmZWgnEqrPSL-Kdo7cnLfXskTZrNeaZC7mIKEmu2smWE6Wcu_To0ml5smiJdzKb px6BUO1MiC7n_UWBBNgtFdo2VBwb6Hg

28th April 2012, 12:58 PM
Interesting Euan :thumbs up:

Stewart - we have stopped there on the way home previously cos it's great to see. Not cheap to get in however :frown:

28th April 2012, 08:49 PM
that looks cool, shame it's pricey! look a wee ice blue something-or-other bang in the middle of stews pic ;)

30th April 2012, 08:54 AM
Interesting Euan :thumbs up:

Stewart - we have stopped there on the way home previously cos it's great to see. Not cheap to get in however :frown:

I get in to Gaydon free with my work pass ;)

Have a look at some pics from Sniffpetrol (worth a follow on Twitter purely for the F1 chat) - http://twitpic.com/photos/sniffpetrol