View Full Version : What can l buy for £8000

27th March 2012, 10:22 PM
I have £8,000 to buy myself a Cooper S
I obviously want the best car l can get ;)

Anyone know of any good cars going for that price.

Thank you

27th March 2012, 11:30 PM
For that money I would go for a high spec good R53. For that money you won't get an N18 engined R56 Cooper S and the earlier engine has too many issues to ensure you get a good one .

Best of luck ;)

Mon the fish
28th March 2012, 08:14 AM
Try the forums - most likely to get a car at a decent price that's been looked after. A lot of private sellers still have their head in the clouds when it comes to price, and will have only followed the basic BMW servicing schedule

28th March 2012, 08:42 AM
Thanks, l didnt realise they changed the engine in the R56, do you know what year they changed to the N18.

I might be able to stretch to £10,000 for the right car


28th March 2012, 08:51 AM
I'm sure it came out last year but maybe best to do a google search to find out exactly when ..

28th March 2012, 09:19 AM
It was late on last year Craig I think, so not much chance of getting the new engine I'm afraid.

28th March 2012, 10:58 AM
8,000 Lottery Tickets? :smilewinkgrin: OR.....

How about a nice R53 JCW 210? Magic Motor!

I know there were/are engine 'issues' with the early R56 and its 'Death Rattle' :ragin::argh: :sad:, but I have a 2008 R56, and have only had (touch wood!) to have the Tensioner Fix and the recent Aux. Water Pump replacement carried out. Cracking car with LOADS of tuning possibilities - and from my own experience it's easier and cheaper to get a decent power-hike compared with the R53...

:thumbs up: :motoring:The R53 is widely regarded as the better 'Driver's Car' and I would agree with that, it has a 'visceral' quality which they 'smoothed out' of the later car - and of course there's that unique Supercharger Whine - but to be honest, for driving fun a nicely sorted R56 really isn't a kick in the @rse off it! But there are a lot of decent R53's out there now for good prices.

Rather than stretching to £10K, I'd maybe spend less on the initial purchase and use the remainder for tuning goodies like Suspension and Brakes :yes nod:

Mon the fish
28th March 2012, 01:22 PM
06 R53 for £6k or so, £1k on suspension, £300 on brakes, the rest on power will give you 270bhp or so

29th March 2012, 05:50 PM
Im selling my 06/55 MCS if you're interested - see for sale section (http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?23318-Mini-Cooper-S-R53) as just put an ad up

30th March 2012, 10:15 PM
Hi folks, thanks for all the replies but l think l prefer Elfmans suggestion ;). l live in aberdeenshire but travel down to Livingston quite regular so the better fuel consumption of an R56 would help.
I was also basing the £8,000 on not having a car to trade in, that has changed now and l will have a car that is probably worth about £3,500(partner has just got a company car and given me her old one) so now going to look at cars around the £12,000 mark.

31st March 2012, 05:04 PM
Tam, You should get a cracker for that sort of money.

Re. MPG - I've noticed a fairly huge difference in MPG with the R56 versus my JCW 210. The older car was arguably more fun, but when out on a long 'mixed' run, the fuel consumption could be a problem, I know I sometimes ended up driving with one eye on the road, and one on the fuel gauge... which I had to offset against the more exuberant nature of the car. I never really minded though, because apart form the noise and the FUN, although it was a daily driver, I work close to home, so didn't pile on the miles except on NMS Runs and holidays. Ironically, now I have a more economical MINI, I actually do less miles!

I'd still go for 10K and spend 2K on upgrades. The R56 is a good car, but you can make it considerably more interesting for a relatively small outlay. I've found my mods have all worked, and have managed to get back a bit of the 'spirit' of my beloved old 210. Best of luck however you choose to spend - hope it all works out OK, or I'll get the blame!

31st March 2012, 11:37 PM
Yeah, l like that idea, although l only drive a 16 mile round trip to work Mon-Fri lm still going to go for the R56.
Hopefully get out and about tomorrow to have a wee look round at whats available
