View Full Version : Stewart & Joanna

16th March 2012, 08:28 PM
Evening folks :thumbs up:

just a reminder about Sunday - see you @ 10:30hrs :cool:

I'll have the cleaning stuff with me also if needs be as I'm doing one of my regulars cars tomorrow. so the stuff will still be at my mums :smilewinkgrin:

16th March 2012, 08:41 PM
fabulous! Thanks so much for your help, it's so appreciated. will you be able to bring Elmo? Apart from being excited about seeing Elmo in the metal I'd be interested to compare our side lights as you changed yours for brighter ones I think? And the led number plate ones too. Plus a mini mini meet photo opportunity. Can't beat lined-up minis...

I'm sure you are too busy as you'd said, but just to put it out there, there is an open invitation if you were interested to take mine for a quick spin and see what you think of the steering especially as you now have a direct comparison car. I am hoping that it is a wheel alignment issue and once the wheels are swapped I'll get that looked at at National Tyres place in partick - think they only charge about £30 as opposed to the mega cost mini alignment. As I say, I have a feeling you won't have time though. Something's not right and I am sure I'm not making it up! (although I've been known to exhibit mild paranoia in the past ;) )

edit: and YES PLEASE to a wee wash. It's last wash was when I saw you in early january...
Will discuss with you later but I presume I need to think about a full on post-winter wax soon? Whatever you've got time for this weekend though.

16th March 2012, 08:46 PM
Yep, should hopefully have Elmo if I'm allowed :rolleyes:

I didn't change the number plate lights as they didn't work and I broke a bit off the tail gate handle... :argh: I did put them on the Sportage and they worked and looked :cool: I shoudl have time to take the car for a quick spin to see what the issue is... Got one of the girls from work coming by @ 11:30 to get a scratch taken out of her car ;)

The weather is supposed to be good too !!!

16th March 2012, 08:54 PM
phew you're a busy bee.

I'd better be on time eh. Special effort coming up, promise. can you pm me your mammy's postcode again so I can check the route on me sat nav please.

I will also try and take everything with me this time :rolleyes: don't let me put anything down!

16th March 2012, 08:57 PM
phew you're a busy bee.

I'd better be on time eh. Special effort coming up, promise. can you pm me your mammy's postcode again so I can check the route on me sat nav please.

I will also try and take everything with me this time :rolleyes: don't let me put anything down!


pm on the way :thumbs up:

16th March 2012, 09:01 PM
spot on. :bye:

17th March 2012, 06:23 PM
Sorry was out last night and first time back on NM just there!

Will try and be there bang on for you as you look like you have a bit of work on ;) Tardis wee Bottle on the boot.:thumbs up:


17th March 2012, 07:10 PM
Will try and be there bang on for you as you look like you have a bit of work on ;)

I'm going to stab a guess that what he ACTUALLY means is as follows: "I'll try and be there bang on for you as I know Joanna has no ability for time keeping WHATSOEVER and has nae chance of being on time, even if she promises"

It's true. :idunno: I'll try :nag:

Tardis wee Bottle on the boot.:thumbs up:

Errrr.......EH?? you two speaking in secret code??!!

17th March 2012, 07:21 PM
Lol - aye Stew getting some Tardis from me.. ;)

There is gonna be cake tomorrow for anyone ontime :thumbs up:

17th March 2012, 07:25 PM
There is gonna be cake tomorrow for anyone ontime :thumbs up:

:laugh: :whiteflag: :clap: You have definitely met me before!! :excited::whoohoo::dance:

let's see what I can do... :angel:

17th March 2012, 07:56 PM
Mmmmmmmm Cake! on the right side of caution the old Nav is saying 38 minutes. :computer::blush: and to think until cake was mentioned I was aiming for 10:30 ish.

Is there enough for everyone or is this now the grand old cake race! :smilewinkgrin:

17th March 2012, 08:57 PM
Enough for everyone :yes nod:

17th March 2012, 11:17 PM
Usu 30 mins door to door Stewart

looking forward to seeing you both :thumbs up: and elmo!

18th March 2012, 11:28 AM
2 mins to go or no cake !!! ;)

Mini Ecosse
18th March 2012, 11:41 AM
2 mins to go or no cake !!! ;)


18th March 2012, 03:45 PM
2 mins to go or no cake !!! ;)

:laugh: ...Did Joanna make it... Wouldn't want her to get caught for speeding... :frown: ...as her explanation would be...

Sorry Officer, You see Craig's got cake and if I don't get there by 10.30 I don't get any... :lol: ... Hope she arrived safely... :yes nod: ... And still got Cake...

18th March 2012, 04:09 PM
2 mins to go or no cake !!! ;)


I wasn't as late as I should have been considering the time I left the house!! :eek:

18th March 2012, 05:32 PM
Was the cake good?:drool:

18th March 2012, 05:56 PM
Nae cake, my mum kept it for herself... Well it was mothers day ;)

Good to see you guys today, glad we got all the work done :thumbs up:

18th March 2012, 06:59 PM
Good for her and quite right!! She did make me a very nice cup of coffee though - better than I make myself AND a very yummy biscuit. After last time when I got in trouble from you guys for having too many of your mum's biscuits I was very good and only had one :yes nod: :smilewinkgrin:

18th March 2012, 10:09 PM
I was only 2 min’s late as well, clock in the car had 1032….. Dam those last set of traffic lights. Very nice all the same of Craig's Mum to go to the trouble of providing Coffee and biscuits. :thumbs up:

Day summed up!

Getting my Wheels swapped Rear to Front and vice versa – Result! :thumbs up:

Getting some Tardis (in fact more than Bargained for) as my sprayer is nearly empty – Result:thumbs up:

Meeting and having a wee chat with some of the Mini Crew as ever a pleasure! :thumbs up:

Spending the next few hours touring about Stirling visiting a few places namely Bannockburn, Stirling Bridge, Wallace monument and Abby under blue sky always enjoyable! :D

Coming back in the house to see Killie score! :thud::whoohoo:

Yeah I’ve had worse days! :smilewinkgrin:

18th March 2012, 10:29 PM
Quality Stewart ! :lol:

If MasterCard did Sundays ;)

18th March 2012, 11:29 PM
do you mean Carlsberg? :lol:

Sportspack Mark
18th March 2012, 11:51 PM
I hope when you had all that gathered expertise that you fitted Joanna's new grille :p

19th March 2012, 12:05 AM
it was more a gathering of people not willing to risk trying!

to be honest we had loads else to do in the time available anyway.

Sportspack Mark
19th March 2012, 12:09 AM
frigs sake! whip it off n get stuck in!

yes, I mean the grille :p

19th March 2012, 12:36 AM
frigs sake! whip it off n get stuck in!

yes, I mean the grille :p

I would if it was my own Mark, but not someone else's as its not made to fit. It needs modified .. :thud:

20th March 2012, 12:42 AM
frigs sake! whip it off n get stuck in!

yes, I mean the grille :p

I’ll have you know Mark and my friends could confirm this from many years of rebuilding Engines, bleeding brakes, rebuilding classic Mini’s, Capri’s and other makes and models to numerous to mention and all manor of work carried out on Clyde marine vessels.

I do a really great job, in fact down to a fine art of “Holding, pushing when told or pumping, fetching tools and reading gauges or warning lights" :smilewinkgrin:

20th March 2012, 12:48 AM
Mark has more balls than me (us?) and had a rip it off go on his own car today, but has abandoned ...the lower grille surround didn't fit :thud:

20th March 2012, 03:35 PM
Mark has more balls than me

That's quite a relief, Joanna... especially for Mark! :smilewinkgrin: :blush:

20th March 2012, 03:41 PM
I do a really great job, in fact down to a fine art of “Holding, pushing when told or pumping, fetching tools :smilewinkgrin:
I know I shouldn't, but this is pure Double-entendre Gold Stewart... this thread is killing me! :laugh::laugh::laugh: :thud:
(We really need a, "Oooooohhh Maaaaatron!" smiley on here.) :bigwave:

20th March 2012, 06:57 PM
I know I shouldn't, but this is pure Double-entendre Gold Stewart... this thread is killing me! :laugh::laugh::laugh: :thud:
(We really need a, "Oooooohhh Maaaaatron!" smiley on here.) :bigwave:

I was thinking Euan’s going to jump on this! I actually had a wee “Behave Euan” till it got deleted as I thought it was a bit unfair suggesting this would be right up your street every time something like this appears.

There goes that theory:smilewinkgrin:

20th March 2012, 11:03 PM
I'm not sure what we can do about him Stewart :frown: nothing will keep his enthusiasm down.

21st March 2012, 12:00 AM
I have a bad habit of actually skimming through posts that I’m doing. It’s only after I’ve posted and read it back I think Mmmmm that’s going to come back at me….and think will it pass or fail the test!

Call it Elf certified!

21st March 2012, 09:51 AM
nothing will keep his enthusiasm down.

:blush: It's the 'Special Vitamins' Joanna, Wa Heeeeeeyyyyyyy! :whoohoo:

Sorry folks, it's a stressful time, and I appear to have regressed to a hormonal 17 year-old... If only I could find one! :smilewinkgrin:

:argh::argh::argh: AAAAAARRGHH! I CAN'T STOP!!!!!

Sportspack Mark
21st March 2012, 01:18 PM
That's quite a relief, Joanna... especially for Mark! :smilewinkgrin: :blush:

Your right! :lol:

I got as far as getting my old Cooper S grille fitted, it all clips into place, just the lower grille surround need a dremel type device to modify it to suit. I know a few fellas over here who have just used brute force and ignorance to get it fitted without trimming but I'm not like that, Id want it right

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/375760_10151386533930034_571150033_23128464_672112 359_n.jpg