View Full Version : FAO Andy - snacking!

7th March 2012, 06:01 PM
Hey Andy, seen this?

I almost didn't post it knowing the "debates" that have happened on it, but thought it was an interesting take on it. Guy in the states taking a cinema chain to court over not letting him take his own snacks into the cinema.


AndyP & Lenore
7th March 2012, 11:15 PM
That's quite a biased report from someone who is clearly no fan of the multiplex - or at least their food offerings. Claiming the "nachos smell of feet", "rotating sausages" - erm.... Hot Dogs to the reasonably informed... and not many cinema's would survive if they did sell stale popcorn. In fact this last fact is an oxymoron... they are bitching that cinema's a booming and selling tons of these over-priced sweets then claim the stock is stale (can't be both ya eejit).

And in actual fact Vue allow anyone to take their sweets in, I'm pretty sure Odeon allow it also, but I know Cineworld used to forbid it but I'm not sure if that (admittedly unpopular rule) still stands.

But some of that article is very true... the majority of our turnover comes from ticket sales, the majority of our profit comes from confectionery sales. We are, to all intents and purposes a sweetie shop with a built in movie theatre.

At the Pavilion we would much prefer folk didn't bring their own food in but we certainly don't stop them. Something that did really piss me off a week or so ago was a local business owner (from a local cafe-restaurant that Lenore and I frequent regularly) came in to see a film and brought a huge bag of her own sweets in with her. I plan to visit her tea-room next week. I'm going to go in, order a toastie and soup and crack open my own can of coke and a mars bar. See what she says.:ragin:


8th March 2012, 12:56 AM
This is something I feel quite strongly about where the big multipexes are concerned. The astonishing prices Cineworld charge mean I always smuggle my treats in.

My wife/kids are dairy and gluten intolerant so they always take mostly their own stuff in anyway and we let the boys buy a smallish pic'n'mix each (which always comes to a fiver!) but where my food is concerned I now treat it as a game to see if I can get away with it.

I've tried Cineworld's coffee and to be fair its not too bad (the guff they sell at the Vue is truly awful) but on more than one occasion I have smuggled in a Venti latte from Starbucks (I know, still overpriced milk but I like it).

But if I feel like falling off the healthy eating wagon, I'll head to the closest Morrisons/Tesco/Sainbury's where they have a deal on Ben and Jerry's (usually £2 for a 500ml) and buy a Phish Food Low Fat Frozen Yogurt and shove it in my bag. They charge £3.75 for just 3 scoops at Cineworld! Always remembering a teaspoon from home to avoid the suspicion of taking a plastic one from them but not buying ice cream! As soon as the lights are down the top is off and I'm right in there!

I did have a slight thaw on my hands when I went to see HP Deathly Hallow's 2 and had to wait an age for the ads to finish but disaster was averted (mainly 'cos I was starving).

I don't really use smaller independent cinemas that often but I wouldn't smuggle into them as they're a different kettle of fish to the large faceless multipexes - I'm actually hoping to use one of these for the 3rd year of the documentary film festival I run with a friend (shameless plug: www.edindocs.com).

I was also shocked to hear the mark ups on popcorn when I saw Heston's Mission Impossible where he tried to improve cinema food - link here if you didn't see it - quite enlightening:


AndyP & Lenore
8th March 2012, 10:34 AM
I was also shocked to hear the mark ups on popcorn when I saw Heston's Mission Impossible where he tried to improve cinema food - link here if you didn't see it - quite enlightening:


Bear in mind those mark-ups are for the cheapest of cheap guff the multiplexes buy in. Yes, popcorn is a profits driver, but the popcorn we buy is almost exclusively sold to independents and is significantly more expensive than the awful reconstituted polystyrene the 'plexes tend to buy.

I've actually stood in a cineworld foyer and watched the ticket tearer physically stop a guy from coming in because he had a half drunk Starbuck cup with him. He was ranting and raving and insisted on seeing the manager. Staff member refused to get the manager (epic fail) but relented after 5 mins of the argument. Manager arrives, sees common sense and lets the guy through immediately. Very very poor customer relations incident. If I was that customer I simply wouldn't be back. If he was trying to walk in with a bag of fish and chips stinking the place out, fair enough, but a half drunk cappuccino? Oh dear.:frown:


8th March 2012, 10:56 AM
I have to say I take my own snacks in due to not likening normal popcorn I like the toffee stuff and the big ones don't sell it but I know Andy dose so if I was going to Andy's then I would happy buy his but that is cos I know Andy as well :lol: and happy to support local local places but the big places like to rip people off and don't give a crap about the customer

8th March 2012, 02:42 PM
Bear in mind those mark-ups are for the cheapest of cheap guff the multiplexes buy in. Yes, popcorn is a profits driver, but the popcorn we buy is almost exclusively sold to independents and is significantly more expensive than the awful reconstituted polystyrene the 'plexes tend to buy.

Absolutely, good point. It's not about giving the customer what they want at all.

The level of customer service in these places is awful, the worst being Vue at Ocean Terminal in Edinburgh. They actually sell tickets for a VIP section with nicer seating. I've bought it a few times and it makes a wee difference. However, they wait until the trailers start, then go around with a torch checking you've got a VIP ticket if you're in that section. Always causes a stramash as some people don't realise they're in a VIP section and are asked to get up and move. Doesn't always go down too well, and it's such an easy fix that they just won't address.

Do you show documentaries Andy? I've got a wee idea that might interest you. Will PM tonight.

AndyP & Lenore
8th March 2012, 06:17 PM
Funny story....

My dad INVENTED "Premium seats" in the cinema - 70 years ago!!!

When he was 5 or 6 years old his mum and dad gave him a hank crank projector for his birthday. He hung a white sheet on the wall in the lounge and used to charge his mates for entry to watch the movies. It was free if you sat on the floor, a halfpenny if you sat on the hard seats and a penny to sit on the comfy couch = Premium seating upgrade!!

You're right though, Vue's premium seating doesn't work. I haven't seen anyone come in and check the correct ticket has been purchased for months. We regularly see folk staggering in during the trailers and just sitting in the first seat they find - often the premium seats. If I'd paid the upgraded price I'd be pissed they didn't and are sitting in those seats anyway.

Just one of the many reasons we're staying away from premium seats at the Pavilion.

Documentaries... Not really. Unless they have significant public appeal (read: box office potential).


10th March 2012, 10:06 AM
Documentaries... Not really. Unless they have significant public appeal (read: box office potential).


How about this:


Trailer is here:
