View Full Version : Facebook

28th February 2012, 01:25 PM
So, i finally decided I had to join Facebook so that i can link to it from NMS, think it would be easy, but nope, the registration was ok, but, because i have to develop an App for the link to work my account is being looked into.
I have to supply more information and confirm with a colour image of my passport showing my birth date in order to proceed.
No wonder i hate social networks, add that within seconds i was getting friend requests, which, dont get me wrong, is what the site is all about, but, there is no way to to disable that during the registration process.
All i wanted was to be able to link NMS to it so that folks could single click and post messages from within NMS or facebook etc

So, to all the folks that have already sent me friend requests, please bear with me until i wait for Facebook's response to the App problem

28th February 2012, 02:13 PM
I don't really understand what you're trying to set up but it sounds a right hassle.

I do know that things I put in one place are not necessarily suitable for the other due to different types of friend with different interests. Is this an optional, sometimes link type of thing?! Not quite clear whether it's worth your pain and effort. Personally I wouldn't dream of giving my passport photo to such a site!

28th February 2012, 09:03 PM
No prob boss I am one of those people who sent a request :lol: your name popped up and was like I know him :lol:

And yes Jo it an option to have it on or not it's good to have on tho as its a good way of people finding out about Nms :)

29th February 2012, 02:45 PM
I see a button! what happens?! :unsure:

29th February 2012, 02:46 PM
.....aaaaaaaaannd, it's gone.


29th February 2012, 03:18 PM
Finally got confirmation back from Facebook, so far i am able to create the link button that appears at the top of the page, however, when i make it active the site crashes, so, am working on it.

The ultimate aim is to allow users to make posts on NMS that should appear on face book allowing the like button and other stuff i know nothing about :lol:

29th February 2012, 04:28 PM
yep its all mental TBH i will not be using it but knbow whaqt you are trying to do you can also do it with twiter as well not that i am saying to do that :)

29th February 2012, 06:08 PM
Ok, so, face book is now live, users should be able to click on the link at the top of any page and sign into your face book.

I strongly recommend folks to clear all cookies and cache, down side is you will lose all your log ins etc, but, most of my problems were caused by this.

Once linked users should be able to select whether to publish to face book as well, I am aware that this check box may be missing, it should be visible beside the post reply button.

Problems encountered may not get fixed for a while, I'm still in the uk but will get to it eventually.

One thing, I believe there may already be an NMS page setup, who owns it and can I be allowed to take it over?

AndyP & Lenore
29th February 2012, 06:24 PM
Alan, there's an NMS "Group" set up. Not a "page".

Once you've acoveted my friend request I can add you to it and make you an admin. Craig and I are already admins of the group.


29th February 2012, 06:25 PM
Cheers Andy, will get round to it tomorrow

AndyP & Lenore
29th February 2012, 06:27 PM
Cheers Andy, will get round to it tomorrow

:thumbs up::thumbs up:

29th February 2012, 07:32 PM
can I point out that the fb group is 'Open' making EVERYTHING on there public. I choose to use THIS forum over others because that isn't the case here, you have to be a member to see stuff. (As far as I understand!)

Can we consider making the fb NMS group Closed just for a little bit of control over who is seeing stuff we write? Not posting much on there because of this just now. People seem to have to request to join anyway, which would be the same if it was closed it just means that not everyone and their dog can view the conversations.

Is this connect button posting to our own profiles rather than to the group page?

29th February 2012, 11:24 PM
The link connects to your face book

1st March 2012, 10:50 AM
Alan, there's an NMS "Group" set up. Not a "page".

Once you've acoveted my friend request I can add you to it and make you an admin. Craig and I are already admins of the group.

A.Done, but, i'm having mega problems, when i activate facebook in the adminCP i cant access the forums or the adminCP and have to use another device to disable facebook, works ok on my biker site, albeit the publish to facebook button is missing when posting new threads or replying to existing threads.

Sassin frassin face book :ragin:

1st March 2012, 12:24 PM
you still not added me yet :lol:

1st March 2012, 12:53 PM
you still not added me yet :lol:might cancel it anyway, it won't work properly, one of the many reasons I didn't really want it.

Am now inundated with emails every time someone posts or likes etc, can that be switched off?

1st March 2012, 01:01 PM
Yeah you'll need to go into your settings and you've got options for when you'd like them to send you email notifications, otherwise you get swamped!