View Full Version : Looks like a dark day for Rangers.....

14th February 2012, 01:13 PM
HMRC are asking the courts to put Rangers into Administration .... This can only end badly...

14th February 2012, 01:46 PM
Yeah I lost interest a while back! Sad day for Scottish football, Celtic will now win a title by default and thats not the way any fan wants to win a title, it cheapens it and everyone will remember that.

Club run into the ground by idiots, don’t blame Whyte but I neither trust him either. SPL has been rank for seasons with any real class players long gone. Both Celtic and Rangers have had delusions of grandeur in Europe for years when they are signing the left over’s and would be lucky to be classed as championship sides down south these days.

I still think it will work itself out but its painful viewing from the side lines and at times I’ve not even known the scores at the weekends that’s how much these days I’m interested which is a shame.

Enjoying following the fight down south all the same and Newcastle doing well, well when they are not getting humped like last week.

14th February 2012, 01:55 PM
It's not just Rangers, Hearts could go the same way with HMRC. Now that Romanof is getting bored, anything could happen.

Mon the fish
14th February 2012, 02:49 PM
The deluded celtic fans make me laugh, that they don't need rangers etc. They do. Both old farm clubs need each other - will celtic still have 50000 fans per week, when all they have is cannon fodder to play against? Fans will lose interest without the 4 games of hate.

Wouldn't bother me if we lost both, the league and the national team's future would be better off without them.

14th February 2012, 04:24 PM
The league and the national team's future would be better off without them.I kinda agree with that, some scottish fans still believe we could be a force, but, i think it's time to throw in the towel as far as international games are concerned

14th February 2012, 05:13 PM
Hearts and Rangers are amalgamating.They will be known as Heart of Midlothian Rangers Club.

Or HMRC for short!!

Sorry! I get my coat....

14th February 2012, 05:25 PM
The deluded celtic fans make me laugh, that they don't need rangers etc. They do. Both old farm clubs need each other - will celtic still have 50000 fans per week, when all they have is cannon fodder to play against? Fans will lose interest without the 4 games of hate.

Wouldn't bother me if we lost both, the league and the national team's future would be better off without them.

Agreed, and IF Rangers were to fold then would ESPN or Sky be interested in Scottish football? No chance. No TV games...no money!

14th February 2012, 05:30 PM
I think that’s wrong about the internationals. If anything its good to see fans of both sides unite and enjoy Scotland play even if we all know we are rubbish. A football team is part of out identity in Scotland and our fans are generally well behaved and welcomed ambassadors for our country.
We lost so much of what made Scotland great but slowly I feel we are clawing our way back…Will we ever be world champions not on your Nelly but its all about us standing up and being counted and its good for the country on the whole I feel.

I’m a Rangers fan and I would emit both sides of the OF are nothing short of an embarrassment at times and publically reminds us every OF game about the evils in our society that the media just love and stir up.

But our football means a lot to so many and this just weakens anything that was good in the game. The actual product in the SPL is so dire to years gone past, but we always have lived in hope. Gifting one side a title does not help especially when it will just lower the product further.

14th February 2012, 05:49 PM
Well it’s official we are now in Administration:frown: and the league is all over. Sky are going to love the fact they don’t have a Helicopter Sunday, what an anti climax that will be to an SPL season.

14th February 2012, 07:30 PM
I was down Ibrox way earlier today and panicked a bit when I saw a big green and white sign in front of the stadium, then I realised it was just the ASDA sign.....:smilewinkgrin:

Mon the fish
15th February 2012, 02:26 PM
Disagree with the international comment; I go to all the Scotland games so I'm obviously biased, but our international side is now almost exclusively made up of players playing every week in the EPL, and holding their own.

We may never win anything, but then neither will england either; we're producing good players, who are playing at the highest level, and we get to visit some nice countries; what's not to like!?

15th February 2012, 07:05 PM
**BREAKING NEWS** - Rangers have just signed a new TV deal for the 2012-13 season. From July 2012 all of there games will now be shown on the History Channel! (a'l get my coat then)

15th February 2012, 08:32 PM
Q. Whats got four legs and more money than Rangers ?

A. Harry Redknapp's dog.

15th February 2012, 11:47 PM
Whyte cant be trusted but then can any board or owner these days. The Numbers don’t add up with an estimated 30m gone missing.......:ragin: That's not even going into the 18m that was used to pay off the banks that was supposedly his investment with his own Money. :confused:

Rangers income for the nine months Mr Whyte has been in charge should be about £26m.

£24m from Ticketus against a share of season ticket sales for the next four years.

£5m for the sale of top goalscorer Nikica

The combined total of these figures is £55m.

Mr Whyte has publicly stated that the monthly cost of running Rangers is about £3.75m.

Based on this figure, the cost of running the club during Mr Whyte's tenure would have been about £34m.

In theory, that should leave a surplus of £21m.

If the £9m figure claimed by HMRC over alleged unpaid VAT and PAYE is added, then the surplus cash figure would stand at £30m.

Indigo - I wish the Gers could get who ever represented him. .D.O.B and his dogs name and he gets off, although I do have a soft spot for old Harry……..:smilewinkgrin:so enjoyed he woke up thinking I could go to jail and went to bed thinking he could walk into the England job! Harry your a star!

16th February 2012, 12:42 AM
**BREAKING NEWS** - Rangers have just signed a new TV deal for the 2012-13 season. From July 2012 all of there games will now be shown on the History Channel! (a'l get my coat then)

;) it's time for the return of the Dons, Neil!

They were dead good when I was in primary school. Alex Ferguson brought the European Cup Winners Cup into my music class :) think I was about primary 5. I was disappointed that Neale Cooper didn't bring it in as HE was my sister's PE teacher's brother.

16th February 2012, 10:29 AM
;) it's time for the return of the Dons, Neil!

They were dead good when I was in primary school. Alex Ferguson brought the European Cup Winners Cup into my music class :) think I was about primary 5. I was disappointed that Neale Cooper didn't bring it in as HE was my sister's PE teacher's brother.

Showing your age there Joanna...I wasn't even born in 83 :thumbs up:

16th February 2012, 05:16 PM
A Scottish team winning a European Cup is large enough odds but out with the big two I don’t think will ever be seen again.:sad:

I like my Newcastle and have no love for Man-U but if they get to a final I support them as I like Sir Alex showing them who is boss half the Managers in the EPL are Scots :thumbs up:

16th February 2012, 05:28 PM
the world is in a state of shock with only one word in peoples mouths today WHITNEY


i will just me coat as well

16th February 2012, 06:23 PM
John the difference is Rangers will bounce back stronger and on top, poor Whitney will not!

16th February 2012, 06:29 PM
Don't know about that....her record sales are booming and they are talking about a re-make of the Bodyguard!
More success than The Gers can expect!

16th February 2012, 11:09 PM
Showing your age there Joanna...I wasn't even born in 83 :thumbs up:

:smilewinkgrin: I know!! but I've realised that resistance is futile. Fortunately people lead me to believe that I don't look quite as old as I am. I live in hope that they're telling the truth.

19th February 2012, 07:26 AM
John the difference is Rangers will bounce back stronger and on top, poor Whitney will not!

But you are now a Newcastle fan so why are you bothering?

19th February 2012, 02:42 PM
Always been a three team fan (Rangers, Newcastle and Real Madrid) just gave up on the dead horse that is Rangers and the SPL for the time being:smilewinkgrin:. I don't mind Rangers losing a title we were running our luck with the impressive three in a row but as everyone can see the players are all over the place and rightly so not knowing if they have a future at the club or even a job next week. I don't mind Rangers fighting with one hand tied behind there back but when it gets to this obvious mess you can’t help but be a bit disgusted at the way the club was left to run and now the overall effect on the team on the park.:frown:

I feel for the die hard fans that have paid out there hard earned money season after season, I take my football easy as its just and always has been an interest that I have enjoyed but I've never got sucked in as it were, life's too short! Rangers have been a welcome distraction over the last few years when things were not so great elsewhere with family health issues. Thankfully that is changed and maybe its this new outlook that has caused me too drift away and see a bigger picture that football isn’t important enough in my life at any rate to get beat up about it and to just enjoy what is good in the game.

I look forward to Rangers dragging themselves back from the brink and actually regaining a challenge, these administrators have done more in a few days transparent wise than anyone at the club in a decade. When so many other outside influences are dropped and the team can concentrate on the football side of things I’ll enjoy it like the next man, till then I can enjoy whats going on down south and abroad.


19th February 2012, 11:37 PM
A 3 team fan when the times ain't good, how many are out there like yourself?!

19th February 2012, 11:54 PM
I'm a Newcastle FAN, but follow Aberdeen and AC!

20th February 2012, 01:02 AM
Very true Neil. Thankfully have followed and taken an interest in immeasurable better leagues out with for many years. I’m not saying I don’t support Rangers as I do and will always be the case and I very much want them back to focussing on football than the many many problems they have faced over the last few seasons.

Been a Newcastle fan since the early 90’s and latterly Real the last six or seven so not at all when things are not so bright down Govan way. Walter winning three in a row would be considered good times and did not subtract my interest down south or abroad.

It was testament that Iborx was the highest attended game there this weekend in the UK when fans had every right not to show up or drop there interest. As has been the case over the years like in the 80’s for Rangers and Celtic in the early 90’s when they almost went under. With so few going to watch season after season before wee Fergus bought the club. Every club has its low points and with it the fans drift as is there right. You don’t lose your love for your clubs but I’m not singular in anyway from those fans that stopped turning up at Ibrox or Celtic park on mass those past years when things were so very grim.

Gladly I have the aptitude to understand personally when its times to put Rangers on the back burner for the first time in my life, it does not mean I support them any less but just how a rate the currant state of affairs. Unless the team is fairly challenging on the park and its down to the Manager and players if they win I’ll take more interest. I’ve supported Rangers many seasons when they have lost titles but the main thing was the joy of the fight, the challenge was there even when the side was poor. There is no enjoyment watching so heavily a handicapped side under perform by colossal intrusions off the park.

Anyway this is my Mini fix, but even I understand how fascinating all the back ground stuff is. Is the new owner a self known patsy for a bigger plan so other parties would look the good guys by letting a self-confessed fan of the club wipe out the club debt before retaking over the club thus having the full backing of the fan base???? Who knows!

20th February 2012, 04:44 AM
A 3 team fan when the times ain't good, how many are out there like yourself?!No Surrender, yep, count me in that bracket, am also a Newcastle fan and reckon i've been to see them as much as Rangers.
Obviously very difficult for me to attend games now, but, throughout your life there are times when things get pushed aside only to be rekindled when time allows.
For some this ties in with good results etc
I remember going to see Rangers at Ibrox and less than 10,000 "fans" turned up

Mon the fish
20th February 2012, 09:02 AM
Hopefully this whole escapade will make people take more interest in their local team....

20th February 2012, 03:04 PM
You know I followed Pollock Juniors and I mean with a group of friends we went home and away for a good few years, even had my own parking space for the home games, (Cheers to the old guy at the gate with the cones all those years) Some of the Ayrshire cups were tantamount to just eleven v eleven fighting with a small break for some football. It used to kick off big style! Great fun with some football thrown in for good measure.

The banter was always good with the opposition fans as you mixed none of this segregation nonsense. Best one I remember was an Arthurlie V Pollock that’s like Gers v the Tic in Juniors and the insults were flying a bit between the fans all in good humour mind and this guy that looked about eighty had been slinging insults to a counter part 50 yards to his right. Before everyone knew it this guy set off as fast as he could swinging for this other guy about seventy and they both ended up on the ground. Funny as he actually had a battle cry thinking everyone would pile in but we all just laughed.

Think that was the game I seen the only double red car I’ve seen in football, basically a straight red followed by another for hitting the ref - life ban from the game!

20th February 2012, 03:20 PM
Stewart, brings back memories. My cousin did similar to that when we were playing in local amateurs. He thought their centre forward was going to hit him after a tackle, so he retaliated first....red card. He then pushed the referee, who fell over....whimp,.....was banned for remainder of the season.
Those were the days, who needed amateur boxing?

20th February 2012, 03:28 PM
I take it he did not play for Arthurlie? This was going back just short of twenty years ago...It could have been just a season ban just at the time I remember some saying that's him out the game for good.

20th February 2012, 03:45 PM
No Stewart we played in the Edinburgh District leaque. I'm talking about 30+ years ago....doesn't time fly.