View Full Version : Require some information

27th January 2012, 12:58 AM
Hi everyone. Sorry for asking. But really need instant response. I just found the service history of my car just now. I am quite shocked to see that they are several issues that are recommended to be done immediately. Before I tell what the problems are, this last service is interim service done by kwik fit by previous owner. I am not sure whether these are real problems or their business strategy to steal money from ppl but can you guys give some insight into it?

It is said that coolant and oil level is low. I just wondered whether the interim service ever change the engine oil and topup the coolant or not. Then, what the hell that the guy who selled the car to me paid for??? and it is mentioned that there is an oil leak. is this somethg expensive to be rectified??? pls anyone

27th January 2012, 01:58 AM
Not really answering you question, but regardless of what anything says or anyone I always think and I think I’m right saying you bought the car in a private sale.

Get the car serviced then you have a base line to work from. Find a reputable garage and get them to service and take a look for any problems.

At the very least and best case scenario the car gets a good service and nothing major is found. If anything is found you could save cash by finding the problem before it does damage to the engine.

27th January 2012, 02:19 AM
Yup your guess is right. I bought it from private seller. He took care of the car but the thing is he is not Mini or car enthusiast who would take the car to mini specialist or dealer who will charge high price. I dont know what to judge about kwik fit service but he told me that lots of garage in UK would try to rip off their customers believing that they dont know much about cars.

I am pretty sure there is no leak under the car. I think so. and I dont blame him about the tyres and brakes cause the rear brakes still have 7mm left so they are pretty new. I am worried about the engine and coolant right now. the radiator thing also make me worried but not as much as the engine cause it's the heart of a car!!!

27th January 2012, 07:31 AM
Checking the oil and coolant levels are normal checks that should be carried out by owners. Both are easy to top up. Using some oil is pretty normal, but I have not had to top up coolant for a long time.

Maybe post where you are on here to try and find a good garage near to you.

27th January 2012, 09:05 AM
If they carried out a service then oil should have been changed and would NEVER be low. Also coolant should be checked and topped up. This is my experience with an independant garage I have used for 22 years.

Re the brakes, they are prone to rust but if they are worn unevenly then that will need attention ;)

It's my view that kwik fit only did a safety check on the car....

Mon the fish
27th January 2012, 09:08 AM
R53's can leak oil from a few places, sump gasket is a common one.

Also the expansion tanks are known to fail, check for runs of coolant on it. Coolant shouldn't drop, unless there's a leak

27th January 2012, 10:54 PM
Hi. If I am not sure what kind of coolant had been used in the car right now, can I just top up any kind of coolant? I am sure there are several kind of it right? I am thinking of buying prestone 50/50. the same thing goes to engine oil. Can I just top up without what kind of oil already been there? cheers

Mon the fish
28th January 2012, 09:17 AM
Oil-wise, top-up with 5w/30 until your next change, then you'll know what's been put in.

I'd change the coolant and the oil, better for peace of mind and then you'll know when it was last done