View Full Version : Banks - So annoying!!!

16th January 2012, 08:08 PM
I needed to apply for a loan to pay for the new car. I did so and the money should have been through for Friday without a problem.

However, I called them today to check my agreement and direct debit form had reached them.

Called at 9 am, "no it is not on the system but call back later."

Called at 4pm, "yes we received it on Friday but there is a problem with the DD form, so we have sent you a new one to fill in and send back."

Turns out that since I altered it, and corrected it (made a mistake with a number) they will not accept it. Even though I initialled it, all details for the account are now correct matching my sort code, account number, name, address and signature they say its not acceptable!

Now, get this. They sent the replacement one second class. I said that's no use. "Oh, you could go into a branch and sometimes they will be able to fax it to us!"

I said that's no use, just email me one now and I'll print it off and send it in pronto. "We can't do that".

So, I was not surprised to find it was not at home today despite them saying it was posted on Friday.

The saddest part of this story is that it is now not looking very likely that I will be able to get my car on Friday :stamp:

16th January 2012, 08:13 PM
What a fiasco Ken, not good at all. The form thing doesn't surprise me but you'd think they would be more helpful. Hope its sorted asap bud.

17th January 2012, 01:20 AM
:sad: so frustrating when you do everything you can and other arses spoil it for you :frown:
Good luck getting it sorted quickly, I want to see a new wee cooper on the block. :bye:

AndyP & Lenore
17th January 2012, 01:49 AM
Very frustrating. You have my sympathy; I hate being so close to a new car you can touch it, only for the whole thing to be held up because of third party incompetence. :ragin:


AndyP & Lenore
17th January 2012, 01:52 AM
Any reason you didn't finance whatever you needed to finance on a secure loan on the car through mini finance? I'm sure you had good reasons, it's just these circumstances are avoided when you do that.


17th January 2012, 08:56 AM
Having worked for a bank, I understand the stupid processes they have. The one I find hilarious at the moment is being asked security questions to withdraw my own money at a branch I have had my account at for over 30 years and I used to work there for 5 years and some of the staff that serve me I used to work with !!! :thud:

Hope you get a speedy resolution but knowing banks I'm not optimistic ... :frown:

17th January 2012, 10:20 AM
Having worked for a bank, I understand the stupid processes they have. The one I find hilarious at the moment is being asked security questions to withdraw my own money at a branch I have had my account at for over 30 years and I used to work there for 5 years and some of the staff that serve me I used to work with !!! :thud:

Hope you get a speedy resolution but knowing banks I'm not optimistic ... :frown:

Had a bank account for 30 years??? Craig, you told me you were only 27 mate :thumbs up:

On topic, thats pretty crappy news Ken. I do hope this does not delay you getting your car. On the flip side, I lost faith in my bank when I charged £8500 to my DEBIT card to buy my S and they never even referred such a large amount for security question, just dumped the whole lot through...yet I used my card to buy an iMac for something like £800 and they referred it then...crazy bunch!

17th January 2012, 10:43 AM
Yeah I'm another ex-bank worker and it's crazy the red tape you have to go through these days.

Best of luck Ken - really hope you get this sorted for Friday :thumbs up:

17th January 2012, 11:42 AM
Had a bank account for 30 years??? Craig, you told me you were only 27 mate :thumbs up:


I only said I looked 27 Neil :laugh: :lol:

17th January 2012, 12:47 PM
I only said I looked 27 Neil :laugh: :lol:

LOOKED 27........http://www.specsavers.co.uk/

17th January 2012, 02:44 PM
LOOKED 27........http://www.specsavers.co.uk/

:thumbs up: :yes nod:

17th January 2012, 03:48 PM
Picked up my Mate a few years back taking him to pick up his then new car- his original car had been written off in a smash when a Jag had decided to put him up a verge and through a fence into a tree because he had not seen him. Anyway we waved to his wife and kid thinking next time we are back we will have the new car on the drive.

We both went into the Dealers with the new car sitting ready to go looking very smart, only to sit down and have the bank say “Nah” Money is not in yet and wont be in till tomorrow. This was about half five at night and he had phoned from his work to the bank to make sure it would be in at noon only to be told not to worry it would be in.

Totally denied, deflated we headed back to his home leaving the new car to the next day. It’s a crap feeling.:ragin:

18th January 2012, 10:01 PM
Santander - avoid like the plague!

The replacement direct debit form that "went in the post" on Friday has not arrived yet! I phoned today and asked for another to go in the post immediately, first class today - that was before I knew it hadn't arrived yet. So it will be back on the phone to them tomorrow. If I ever get the money I will be writing a letter of complaint and be asking for some compensation for stress caused and the phone calls I had had to make.

I am very close to telling them to poke it!

18th January 2012, 10:25 PM
Santander - avoid like the plague!

The replacement direct debit form that "went in the post" on Friday has not arrived yet! I phoned today and asked for another to go in the post immediately, first class today - that was before I knew it hadn't arrived yet. So it will be back on the phone to them tomorrow. If I ever get the money I will be writing a letter of complaint and be asking for some compensation for stress caused and the phone calls I had had to make.

I am very close to telling them to poke it!

hope you get it sorted :sad: can you not do it online i know with first direct it can all be done online !! and if you switch and meet the criteria they will give you £100 :thumbs up: can get you a pack sent out and i will get £50 for it :lol:

Big Gordy
19th January 2012, 12:49 PM
Just pay cash.......saves all the hassle :Whistle:
You could always stick it on your tesco credit card.......think of all the clubcard points you'd get:p

19th January 2012, 01:32 PM
Or use the MINI financial services for standard HP. I imagine you would get approved straight away and then you sign and thats the car good to go.

20th January 2012, 12:06 AM

The fantastic staff at Peter Vary have offered me a deal better than the useless bank were so picking the car up tomorrow. I cancelled the proposed loan with Santander.

Looking forward to it, will post pictures soon.

20th January 2012, 12:09 AM
:clap: so happy for you ken!

20th January 2012, 12:24 AM
Glad you got it all sorted out Ken... :thumbs up: ... Look forward to seeing the photo's... :yes nod:

20th January 2012, 12:28 AM
Woohoo !! Great news Ken ;). Looking forward to the pics :yes nod:

20th January 2012, 11:41 AM
Great news Ken. I don't want to stray off topic, but I was always made to believe it was safer taking a loan from the car company anyway as if you have problems with the car you can stop the finance until the car is sorted or the dispute settled, but with a bank, they will demand payment regardless as they have just given you a straight up loan and don't care about your car. (please correct me if I am wrong with this)

20th January 2012, 01:31 PM
Great news Ken. I don't want to stray off topic, but I was always made to believe it was safer taking a loan from the car company anyway as if you have problems with the car you can stop the finance until the car is sorted or the dispute settled, but with a bank, they will demand payment regardless as they have just given you a straight up loan and don't care about your car. (please correct me if I am wrong with this)

Your correct Neil. In most cases a bank loan is known as a "personal loan" and the bank don't really care what it is spent on or if there are probs with the goods. ;)

20th January 2012, 01:33 PM

The fantastic staff at Peter Vary have offered me a deal better than the useless bank were so picking the car up tomorrow. I cancelled the proposed loan with Santander.

Looking forward to it, will post pictures soon.

Brill news :)

20th January 2012, 02:11 PM
Greta news Ken, send me some pics when you get her and I'll sort you out a new sig bud.

20th January 2012, 02:26 PM
You would think with the state the banks are in they would bend over backwards to bring in custom on loans. That’s really poor from them that in the end you had to say “ Get stuffed”

Well done PV on getting a deal done so you can get the car.:thumbs up:

( I have no obligation with Peter Vardy and all opinions are of my own!- oh and the fact they owe me a brand new Astra GTC!”):smilewinkgrin:

20th January 2012, 02:32 PM
Fantastic news Ken - PV did me a great deal on mine in December as well.

Looking forward to pics (which reminds me, I must get mine up on here!) :thumbs up:

Martin c
20th January 2012, 03:36 PM
That's great news, got mine financed through PV as well.

Looking forward to the pics :thumbs up:

20th January 2012, 05:36 PM
Greta news Ken, send me some pics when you get her and I'll sort you out a new sig bud.

Top bloke, many thanks Greig.

20th January 2012, 06:19 PM
Got it! ...and it is lovely. So smooth to drive. What a difference regular tyres make.

Will get pics done soon.

Once again, thanks to the people at PETER VARDY. In my opinion they are well worth speaking to if you are looking for a new MINI.

20th January 2012, 07:34 PM
excellent I will be bothering you with Cooper questions before long I'm sure ;)

20th January 2012, 08:48 PM
Got it! ...and it is lovely. So smooth to drive. What a difference regular tyres make.

Will get pics done soon.

Once again, thanks to the people at PETER VARDY. In my opinion they are well worth speaking to if you are looking for a new MINI.

Great to hear Ken, cannot wait to see the pics. I dunno why, but I still get excited when I hear about people picking up new cars.

20th January 2012, 09:52 PM
Great to hear Ken, cannot wait to see the pics. I dunno why, but I still get excited when I hear about people picking up new cars.

Most of us do Neil! :yes nod: it's because we like to hear others being excited about something we'd also be excited about! Huge purchase, lots of heart poured into the choice and a new member of the family :smilewinkgrin: What's not to love.

21st January 2012, 12:00 AM
Totally sympathise with you at the moment Ken - we've been waiting a month for a mortgage approval going through & despite our financial adviser providing all statements (stamped, dated & signed by the bank) & conforming to all their requests....they will not accept that our deposit is not potentially "laundered" cash!! It's been building in accounts over a period of time, clear to see where it is - no offshore accounts, all British banks yet it's still not been accepted :argh:

I've taken holidays for the (alleged) move on Tuesday, we have to move out as we're letting our current property & the deal is sealed & signed. Don't the banks realise the stress they're continuing to cause people, we have a 2.5yr old & a 5 month old about to be made homeless. My wife & I are soooooooooooo stressed now & there's absolutely nothing we can do. Thought about changing lenders, but our adviser has mentioned he's having issues across the board, no matter what company he uses - we clearly have sufficient funding in place, sufficient income to pay off their loan comfortably - they are now jeopardising the builder being able to continue with another two homes that were to be built off the back of our funding, this means a possible loss of jobs for those contractors....they're only in it for the money, eh :frown:

21st January 2012, 07:12 AM
This is terrible, I really feel for you. I hope that you get everything sorted.

No wonder the value of property and the amount of house sales have crashed as it seems nobody can secure a mortgage easily.

21st January 2012, 10:35 AM
Totally sympathise with you at the moment Ken - we've been waiting a month for a mortgage approval going through & despite our financial adviser providing all statements (stamped, dated & signed by the bank) & conforming to all their requests....they will not accept that our deposit is not potentially "laundered" cash!! It's been building in accounts over a period of time, clear to see where it is - no offshore accounts, all British banks yet it's still not been accepted :argh:

I've taken holidays for the (alleged) move on Tuesday, we have to move out as we're letting our current property & the deal is sealed & signed. Don't the banks realise the stress they're continuing to cause people, we have a 2.5yr old & a 5 month old about to be made homeless. My wife & I are soooooooooooo stressed now & there's absolutely nothing we can do. Thought about changing lenders, but our adviser has mentioned he's having issues across the board, no matter what company he uses - we clearly have sufficient funding in place, sufficient income to pay off their loan comfortably - they are now jeopardising the builder being able to continue with another two homes that were to be built off the back of our funding, this means a possible loss of jobs for those contractors....they're only in it for the money, eh :frown:

I do hope you get this sorted Ok. This is a terrible situation to be put in. Looks like just an excuse to not lend. Perhaps you would have more luck using your own bank which will have seen your saving and spending habits. Good luck with it