View Full Version : Jaws Closing at Universal Studio's Orlando

AndyP & Lenore
3rd December 2011, 12:07 AM
I know there are a few Orlando fans on this site - MINI William and Family, Craig & Jude and others.

Just thought I'd share this news.

Jaws ride to close at Universal Studios Orlando on January 2nd 2012. (http://www.insidethemagic.net/2011/12/jaws-ride-to-close-at-universal-studios-orlando-replacement-rumors-include-harry-potter-expansion/)

Lenore and I are massive fans of this ride and USO is my favourite theme park in the Orlando area. A couple of years ago we were out there in September and the park was pretty quiet and we rode the Jaws ride, got off, walked around to the entrance and got right back on. Then we did that again another 3 times.


3rd December 2011, 01:42 AM
I loved it, always wanted to stand by the big shark hung up for that Kodak moment. Glad I got to do it.

I know it’s on a new generation now that probably does not even know what “Jaws” was but it’s a real shame:sad:. Sometimes it’s nice just to keep the classics. I loved the earthquake ride as well with the water rushing down.

Glad I also seen the shuttle on the launch pad as well.

AndyP & Lenore
3rd December 2011, 10:42 AM
Stewart, the Earthquake ride is now called Disaster. It's essentially the same ride but the 20 minute pre story is very different and very cool. But, tbh, I thought Disaster would go before Jaws.


MINI William
4th December 2011, 08:08 PM
Jaws is a great ride. Been on it loads of times. We were there earlier on in the year and it was starting to show its age

4th December 2011, 09:09 PM

My gran tried to through me at him when he jumps up all burnt ! haha

Was gutted when Back to the future went ! just as gutted with jaws !


4th December 2011, 09:23 PM
There is the very spot. The Back to the Future was good as well, the big train was there just right of jaws if memory serves me right. I cant remember what themem park it was in but that Alien one with the jets of air to make out its breathing on you was well done. It one of those places I hope to get back too.

At the time years ago I only had the SLR camera that was a bit bulky for the theme parks so left it home. Friend took his new Olympus all singing and dancing compact and took all the pic’s

After about a month or so back said I said you’ll have to get the pictures developed ( yeah it was back in 97) still nothing a few months later said right give me the film and I’ll get it done.

He had changed the Film out, put it in the wee black plastic box and it was never seen again. So I standing at the shark, with Michel J fox, and at the viewing platform with the shuttle behind me was lost not to mention me under the Saturn rocket

4th December 2011, 09:34 PM
Magic kingdom :smilewinkgrin: Its lilo and stitch now, same idea but more aimed at kids

That was this year, took my girlfriend for the first time and she loved it!!

My mum has a collage of 19 years worth of pics of me and my sister in at the hanging jaws :D

Hope they keep it and stick it next to the DeLoren!

AndyP & Lenore
4th December 2011, 10:16 PM
.... I cant remember what themem park it was in but that Alien one with the jets of air to make out its breathing on you was well done. It one of those places I hope to get back too.

Hollywood Studio's - The Great Movie Ride. Very lame these days and very dated even though the park is only 22 years old. Alien segment is probably the best of the entire tour.


4th December 2011, 11:47 PM
I think the one stewart is talking about was the one at magic kingdom where he breaks out the glass ?

AndyP & Lenore
5th December 2011, 12:27 AM
I think the one stewart is talking about was the one at magic kingdom where he breaks out the glass ?

I must admit, I haven't seen that one. :idunno:


5th December 2011, 12:35 AM
It was called Alien encounters im sure. It closed about 5 years ago and its not even a Disney film so i dono why it was there in the first place :confused:

AndyP & Lenore
5th December 2011, 12:48 AM
Just Google'd it and that's definitely the same as the Stitch attraction which is there now. Stitch was awful. Lenore and I just cringed all the way through it. I can see how the Alien theme would have worked way better. But you can see why Disney would have wanted to change it to one of their own family members.


5th December 2011, 01:29 AM
So the Alien one is still there but rebranded. It was all strobe lights and it felt like the Alien was running behind you then stop at your seat. I always think the ride with the actors were really well done considering these guys must do the same thing so many times a day but always looked up for it.

I think the Idea was the Alien came out a tube, then all the special effects did there stuff. I loved it anyway:smilewinkgrin:


I think it was this!
Wow this does nothing for me............


Wish I had not looked now, think king kong is gone as well!:sad:

Tell me they still have the Indi live show?????

5th December 2011, 07:07 PM
I’ve been nearly every year of my life (sad I know) but I can see the changes over the year. I’m quite young but a total movie buff so I got all the stuff but my girlfriend went this year and didn’t quite get everything like she just didn’t link the Diiiiiiiiiiiii nid diiiiiiiiii nid with the film so I think they are trying to bring the rides up to date more with the like of MIB, Harry potter and The Simpsons (still preferred back to the future lol) but the new harry potter ride is AWSOME!

They still have Indiana Jones lol!

Check what everyones wearing in the stitch video! mental even in the winter.

5th December 2011, 07:16 PM
The guy coming down the rope and the whole show made my visit that and the Star Wars stuff. Only been the once it was when they had there 25th year celebrations in 97 I know as I still have the hopper pass ticket on a noticeboard. I got into the spirit of it all and enjoyed every minute but a mate actually got sick of the whole park thing so the second week we toured about in a 3lt convertible to the space centre, Coco Beach and over to the Gulf of Mexico.

Comment of the holiday “I don’t want to see another bloody plastic tree” ;)

5th December 2011, 07:37 PM
We flew into miami once spent a few days then drove upto vero beach then into orlando ! its a loong hot drive but its really good ! do hit a few hillbilly towns on the way up too :lol:

5th December 2011, 08:02 PM
We jumped off the plane and got right onto the hire car half asleep, we were staying only a few miles from the parks on some main drive. Think it was a 30 min drive from the Airport. Anyway Got lost trying to get used to the wrong side of the road went into one of these 7-11 stores and said to the guy working can you give us directions.

Behind me was a guy you could have placed in a Miami Vice episode with the bandana, tattoos, the lot. He said no problem we will show you turning to and I kid you not a Dodge 4x4 truck thing with about another five guys looking the same.

So we followed them for about ten minutes and just when I was thinking right this is getting dodgy this part looks run down and should we just turn off. They just stopped and one jumped out.

Thinking oh well first hour of the trip and we are already screwed. Put down the window and the guy leaned in and started with a few last directions and shook hands and said have a great holiday.:sheep:

We pulled out and gave a wave and two turns later we were on a big freeway that was the main drive we were looking for. Felt guilty for judging as would have been driving around all night trying to find the dam road.:smilewinkgrin:

I wanted to go to Miami the Second week just to see it but Americans staying at our complex told us not to, and that put us off shame really.

AndyP & Lenore
5th December 2011, 09:53 PM
Stewart, you were incredibly lucky. That could easily have ended a very different way. Reinforces your trust in humanity though.

Bryceffc, Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey is absolutely AWESOME! I'm not keen on motion simulators - I can't do Simpsons and I hated BTTF (as mild as they were, they just make me feel sick) - but HPATFJ is simply stunning as an adventure ride.
