View Full Version : Xmas Lights

22nd November 2011, 12:34 AM
Meant to post last week, first crimbo lights up at a gated community here :frown:

22nd November 2011, 12:58 AM
This is acceptable! :yes nod: my work Christmas party is less than 2 weeks away! Think all the xmas light have been switched on here now (have they?) Xmas stuff in September I have a problem with but it's late November now, the clocks have changed and (here) it's dark and wet and miserable! I have a wee set of mini fairy lights in the glove compartment that used to inhabit my old mini around the speedo. I might just get them out and set them up, just for you! :smilewinkgrin:

I think it's about 6 weeks since my friend saw the first ones on Maryhill Rd and let out a loud expletive on the bus. Embrace the fairy lights!

22nd November 2011, 09:19 AM
Aye, my garage will have it's Xmas lights up shortly ;). Once my partition goes up to help protect my PW and my fridge freezer ;). Gotta get the priorities right !! :lol: my outside lights haven't come down from last year and nobody seems to have noticed !! :clap:

22nd November 2011, 10:05 AM
Aye, my garage will have it's Xmas lights up shortly ;). my outside lights haven't come down from last year and nobody seems to have noticed !! :clap:

Yay! :clap:

edit: if you mean xmas TREE, then yes, it needs to be December for that one, but outside lights I am more than ready for - too much gloom around! Although it's a beautiful cold clear day by the river today for a change :)

22nd November 2011, 10:54 AM
First ones are up in our road as well, rather garish it has to be said!

22nd November 2011, 12:09 PM
Meant to post last week, first crimbo lights up at a gated community here :frown:

:shut up::frown::frown:

'Gated' community to keep the 'residents' in I presume?? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Don't get me started!! ;)

22nd November 2011, 03:04 PM
You think that's bad... one of my friends on fb has just said she's just received her first Christmas card :lol:

22nd November 2011, 03:25 PM
Right I am going to be the odd one out so far all x-mas stuff should be locked away till at lest the 1st of dec

It realy should be 12 days before and 12 days after end of .
not start of nov I can under stand the places puting them up ready to be switched on but should be left off till at least 1st dec

Same as stupid Christmas songs should not be allowed out till the same times


22nd November 2011, 03:32 PM
You think that's bad... one of my friends on fb has just said she's just received her first Christmas card :lol:Got that last week too :Whistle:

22nd November 2011, 04:21 PM
Right I am going to be the odd one out so far all x-mas stuff should be locked away till at lest the 1st of dec

It realy should be 12 days before and 12 days after end of .
not start of nov I can under stand the places puting them up ready to be switched on but should be left off till at least 1st dec

Same as stupid Christmas songs should not be allowed out till the same times


I'm gonna change your profile to Scrooge Stoney!! :lol:

22nd November 2011, 05:56 PM
I’m with Rob, the shops had them up too early this year, you walk in start of November and the Xmas tree is up and lights on.

It all takes away that little bit of magic that used to be Christmas that is now just consumerism gone mad.

Don’t get me wrong I love the old decorations malarkey but it has to done with the Christmas spirit.

Anyway Craig if I was you I do a “wham last Christmas” and bugger off from civilisation to you cracking lodge and hope it just snowed for the week.

22nd November 2011, 06:12 PM
I'm gonna change your profile to Scrooge Stoney!! :lol:

yep :) 3137

22nd November 2011, 06:37 PM
yep :) 3137


And Stewart, I would do but it's booked for Xmas and new year ! ;). Hoping to get up in the next few weeks :yes nod:

22nd November 2011, 11:07 PM
you should go to China :lol: we saw Christmas decorations all over the place - in June! My friend who was living there said they just like them, because there's lots of gold and red which the Chinese adore. I've a photo or two somewhere...!

AndyP & Lenore
23rd November 2011, 12:18 AM
Aye, my garage will have it's Xmas lights up shortly ;). Once my partition goes up to help protect my PW and my fridge freezer ;). Gotta get the priorities right !! :lol:

Starting to think you live in that garage. :thud:


23rd November 2011, 10:59 AM
Starting to think you live in that garage. :thud:


Well he does have a fridge, Telly and a heater in there already so I dont think it will be too long before he has a bed in there too then Jude will one day just say right that building is yours (the little one) and this one (the big one ) is mine :lol:

23rd November 2011, 11:57 AM
Starting to think you live in that garage. :thud:


Well he does have a fridge, Telly and a heater in there already so I dont think it will be too long before he has a bed in there too then Jude will one day just say right that building is yours (the little one) and this one (the big one ) is mine :lol:

There is nothing wrong with having a comfortable "Man Cave" :clap:

23rd November 2011, 01:11 PM
There is nothing wrong with having a comfortable "Man Cave" :clap:
Suppose it depends on the correct ointment being prescribed... :blush:

23rd November 2011, 02:27 PM
There is nothing wrong with having a comfortable "Man Cave" :clap:

quite right! And it's got a kettle, tea and biscuits too :yes nod:

23rd November 2011, 06:12 PM
Suppose it depends on the correct ointment being prescribed... :blush:

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:: laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::l augh:

23rd November 2011, 06:33 PM
quite right! And it's got a kettle, tea and biscuits too :yes nod:

don't forget the recent addition of a radiator connected to my central heating and a partition wall going up this weekend while will make it cozy in the winter ;)

And Euan/Ewan.... you first warning wee men!! :laugh:

23rd November 2011, 09:06 PM
Shamefully put up my outside lights today :lol:
Cause i am away on Sunday and not back until after crimbo and Me Julie can't / won't do it i had to do it today.
Only fell off the ladder once, result :thumbs up:


23rd November 2011, 11:34 PM
YAY!!!! :smilewinkgrin::thumbs up: this makes me happy Alan!, Welcome to Christmas :) I'm just back from Braehead where I purchased a chocolate advent calendar for my own delectation. I have NEVER had a chocolate advent calendar and I thought that it was about time I did. Got mince pies too :yes nod: :thumbs up::xmastree:

AndyP & Lenore
23rd November 2011, 11:43 PM
YAY!!!! :smilewinkgrin::thumbs up: this makes me happy Alan!, Welcome to Christmas :) I'm just back from Braehead where I purchased a chocolate advent calendar for my own delectation. I have NEVER had a chocolate advent calendar and I thought that it was about time I did. Got mince pies too :yes nod: :thumbs up::xmastree:

I had one of them.:smilewinkgrin:

When I was 6.:moonie:

What's your excuse? :lol:


23rd November 2011, 11:50 PM
Deprived childhood. About time I had one I reckon!

AndyP & Lenore
24th November 2011, 12:09 AM
Deprived childhood. About time I had one I reckon!

:thumbs up::thumbs up::thumbs up::thumbs up:


24th November 2011, 01:44 PM
And Euan/Ewan.... you first warning wee men!! :laugh:

Chafing again Craig...? You know how tetchy you get when that happens... :hand: :smilewinkgrin: I'll send my nurse with something sooooooooooothing :thumbs up:

24th November 2011, 01:50 PM
Deprived childhood. About time I had one I reckon!

:off topic: But MINIme, if you have a 'Deprived Childhood', you'll have to give up everything vaguely Choclatey, which is arguably a 'luxury item' :frown:

I certainly don't want a Deprived Childhood - I want a DEPRAVED ADULTHOOD!!!! :p Which may or may not involve chocolate.... :blush:

24th November 2011, 02:21 PM
Chafing again Craig...? You know how tetchy you get when that happens... :hand: :smilewinkgrin: I'll send my nurse with something sooooooooooothing :thumbs up:


24th November 2011, 02:42 PM
:off topic: But MINIme, if you have a 'Deprived Childhood', you'll have to give up everything vaguely Choclatey, which is arguably a 'luxury item' :frown:

Mr Elf you are making no sense. I HAD a deprived childhood involving no chocolate advent calendar :sad:. Hence why I am making up for said deprived childhood by buying myself one now!

24th November 2011, 05:10 PM
Chafing again Craig...? You know how tetchy you get when that happens... :hand: :smilewinkgrin: I'll send my nurse with something sooooooooooothing :thumbs up:

Oooooooooooooooooohhh, Matron!!


Do you get Werthers suppositories?? :hand::laugh::laugh:

24th November 2011, 06:03 PM
:laugh::thumbs up: Classic. I hope Craig gets to you first, then he'll have less energy to damage me... :argh:

Do you get Werthers suppositories?? Not sure, but you should certainly NEVER accept sweeties from a strange man... even one in a MINI. Come to think of it - ESPECIALLY one in a MINI, and Heels. That was a hard lesson to learn... :blush:

29th November 2011, 02:34 PM
Mr Elf you are making no sense. I HAD a deprived childhood involving no chocolate advent calendar :sad:. Hence why I am making up for said deprived childhood by buying myself one now!

WELL..... Update!! I got a package in the post this morning - that doesn't happen very often! My amazingly ace mum has sent me a chocolate advent calendar - first one she's ever bought me! :thud: So now I have TWO! Yes, that's TWO!! ;):D:smilewinkgrin::yes nod:

You are never too old for these things :thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
29th November 2011, 02:40 PM
Took some pics of the front of the cinema last night. Our old white festoon lighting was at the end of it's life so we've invested a few hundred quid in blue led festoon lights.

They look better in the flesh than in the pic.


29th November 2011, 02:58 PM
:thumbs up:

29th November 2011, 02:59 PM

sent from my galaxy S ll

29th November 2011, 03:10 PM
I see Andy was up those ladders again! :smilewinkgrin:

That looks really nice, all you need is a dusting of snow..

AndyP & Lenore
29th November 2011, 08:59 PM
I see Andy was up those ladders again! :smilewinkgrin:

That looks really nice, all you need is a dusting of snow..

Snow, cough cough, go and wash your mouth out, lol.;)


29th November 2011, 09:18 PM
ANDY AND DIY, I think not.

AndyP & Lenore
29th November 2011, 09:35 PM
ANDY AND DIY, I think not.

Ha ha! I think you're right.

I stood on the A7 to catch the old bulbs while trying to avoid buses and taxies. Neil hung himself over the parapet fitting the new ones.:thumbs up:


Neil - TXJ
29th November 2011, 10:04 PM
Took some pics of the front of the cinema last night. Our old white festoon lighting was at the end of it's life so we've invested a few hundred quid in blue led festoon lights.

They look better in the flesh than in the pic.


Looking good. 2nd time I have seen tonight the other was Facebook.

AndyP & Lenore
29th November 2011, 10:08 PM
Looking good. 2nd time I have seen tonight the other was Facebook.

We are awash with social media.:lol:


29th November 2011, 11:29 PM
Glad you replaced them ;). Be down soon for our xmas movie :thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
29th November 2011, 11:50 PM
Glad you replaced them ;).

You didn't like the white ones?

Be down soon for our xmas movie :thumbs up:

:thumbs up::thumbs up::thumbs up:

30th November 2011, 02:53 AM
Neil hung himself over the parapet fitting the new ones.:thumbs up:

A.:DA bit drastic, but they do look good :thumbs up:

30th November 2011, 08:58 AM
You didn't like the white ones?

:thumbs up::thumbs up::thumbs up:

Not so much didn't like, more prefer these ones 😜

30th November 2011, 10:17 AM
Blue?? :hand: those lights look Purple to me... :yes nod: