View Full Version : For Sale Threads

27th October 2011, 09:22 PM
I would like to suggest that for sale threads are locked so that people, other than the seller, cannot post anything on there.

It has come to my attention that someone recently trying to sell their car on this site had negative posts put up by others who disagreed with the seller's valuation.

Anyone browsing the site looking for a car would have been immediately put off.

Thankfully that person sold their car but I doubt it was through NMS.


27th October 2011, 09:41 PM
Ok Ken, i take your point of view, So how can someone interested ask question about the item for sale

27th October 2011, 09:43 PM
PM surely fine?

27th October 2011, 09:43 PM
i agree that nothing negative has been said.. comments made at the time where simply to ensure the seller was advertising correctly, as it is easy to expect too much sometimes and be dissappointed if no one shows interest.

27th October 2011, 09:45 PM
I agree with Joanna...If I had interest in something.. I would usually PM and I seem to get responses quite quickly

27th October 2011, 09:48 PM
Yeah, the only issue I see with that is transparency. Normally first person to reply to the thread gets first call. If only pm is allowed then the person could choose to sell to only select few cos they don't want to sell to someone else..

Also if their pm's are full and you can't send a message, the only way to get their attention is to open a new thread and that could get messy...

27th October 2011, 09:52 PM
oh don't do that then i won't have a chance to get my own back, personally id just ban the D1kheads :thumbs up:

27th October 2011, 09:54 PM
oh don't do that then i won't have a chance to get my own back, personally id just ban the D1kheads :thumbs up:

That's also an option .... :yes nod:

27th October 2011, 09:57 PM
i agree that nothing negative has been said.. comments made at the time where simply to ensure the seller was advertising correctly, as it is easy to expect too much sometimes and be dissappointed if no one shows interest.

I disagree your comment "I suspect that youd be lucky to get 6k with a car with that mileage" completely discredited my for sale advert and to compound things further your comments were incorrect

Your reason for posting was nothing other then negative, as you were neither interested in the car nor contributing in a positive manner.
You keep telling yourself ur the good guy however :thumbs up:

27th October 2011, 10:02 PM
I stand corrected then.. glad you sold and got what you wanted:thumbs up:

27th October 2011, 10:04 PM
This is to the moderators... would it be worth while having a thing associated with the buying and selling.. like ebay does in terms of positive and negative feed back for buyers and sellers?.. so people can establish themselves as either or?

27th October 2011, 10:10 PM
This is to the moderators... would it be worth while having a thing associated with the buying and selling.. like ebay does in terms of positive and negative feed back for buyers and sellers?.. so people can establish themselves as either or?

Not sure v bulletin can support that but will see what Alan says as everything I've said is only my opinion.

I can say that when people have been selling items on nms it's not been a big issue. People normally describe items accurately and people pay on time.... :thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
27th October 2011, 11:14 PM
This is to the moderators... would it be worth while having a thing associated with the buying and selling.. like ebay does in terms of positive and negative feed back for buyers and sellers?.. so people can establish themselves as either or?

Not sure v bulletin can support that but will see what Alan says as everything I've said is only my opinion.

I can say that when people have been selling items on nms it's not been a big issue. People normally describe items accurately and people pay on time.... :thumbs up:

I agree with Craig here. As much as Supercooper's idea is a good idea, is it a step too far for a site that's not really a MINI/Parts sale site, it's a MINI enthusiasts site which happens to have a "for sale" section for the convenience of members.

For the most part, the for sale threads run their course without controversy, but the OP does raise an interesting question and it's for The Gismo Man to decide yay or nay.

Whatever happens, transparency is crucial.


28th October 2011, 07:12 AM
i myself have the opinion that they would not be pute off but infact they would be getting a better deal i see it as us all looking out for each other.

28th October 2011, 07:33 AM
As I stated in the other absurd thread, I visit a couple of forums that have locked for sale sections.
They work fine and it would be down to the sellers discretion whether they sell to the first or last person.

It would certainly remove some issues as of lately

28th October 2011, 08:06 AM
I think it should be left as is

I did offer In Said thread to remove posts but was never asked to !!

So at this time when we are getting told we are over modding (I know it's not evey one that thinks this ) we have left it.

all it took was a simple post to say yes please or a quick pm to a mod and the said posts would have been removed

But to be fair when u put a title like the one that was there you are allways going to draw attention to it


Mon the fish
28th October 2011, 08:20 AM
^^ this. The title of that thread was always going to attract non-standard responses IMO.

If I was selling my car, I would ask £x for it, and not be too bothered about people's opinions on the value if I'd done my research, and priced my car competitively. A lot of people get too emotionally involved with price when selling their car IMO. I've had experience of this when looking to buy in the past.

And that's not meant as a dig to anyone, so don't start....

MINI William
28th October 2011, 08:32 AM
I think the for sale thread should be left as is. We have had no/ very little problems with the for sale thread. The title of the thread was always going to attract peoples attention to post weather it be good or bad. As others have said its all up to Alan to decide

28th October 2011, 01:59 PM
The for sale thread is a convenience to the members and generally runs by itself as does the rest of the site.
There is an add on available that would support a buyers reputation, much like eBay, but, it is not a genuine vBulletin software release and therefore i will not install it for the sake of perhaps 1 item as we have had recently.

In Mini Pea's particular thread, which happened during my travelling home as did the over modding question raising it's head, we were left in the dilemma of to remove the posts as i normally would do or leave them for my return to deal with.
This would mean that negative posts would be left but you can never win.
Stoney ultimately did the right thing and asked if the OP wanted the posts removed, no response so they were left.

Is it our right as general members to make sure another members thread is correct, i think so, with regards to posting a price, this is purely the OP's choice to specify an amount, current rules require a picture and price, and even now I do not enforce this mainly due to folks know it's required but often say they can't, or don't have a camera etc etc so i simply let them run, no big deal maybe..............

Where i definitely draw the line is personal posts which won't be tolerated.

The site generally runs itself, but we always get accused of over modding and it's hard reaching the balance, i'm always open to suggestions.

28th October 2011, 04:29 PM
Since I started this thread, I would like to thank the people who have posted so far & the mods who do a good job.

If comments on for sale posts are to be allowed, I would like to think that people would either be supportive in public or offer constructive advice via PM. That would be much better than posting on an ad in any way that could put off a potential buyer. Most people usually post a price that is flexible to serious purchasers.

Feel the love!

28th October 2011, 06:32 PM
I would like to think that people would either be supportive in public or offer constructive advice via PM. That would be much better than posting on an ad in any way that could put off a potential buyer. Most people usually post a price that is flexible to serious purchasers.

Feel the love!

Well said Ken I'm liking your style :thumbs up: :thumbs up: