View Full Version : Moderation

AndyP & Lenore
25th October 2011, 09:42 PM
Over the past couple of weeks there have been a few threads which the moderators feel have stepped beyond what we feel is appropriate for newMINIScotland in tone and attitude. Not all participants have stepped over the line and only on a couple of occasions were actual moderation tasks carried out.

The moderating team at NMS (to be open and honest, particularly me) is being accused of "over moderation" by stifling discussions when they become contentious.

In the moderators forum we have accepted that "you can't please all the people all the time." Whilst this is true and we could simply rest back say, what the heck, nothing we can do about it, I'm sure all the moderators on NMS would agree that we are;

1. Human.
2. NOT infallible.

So, let's put this to a vote.

Is NMS "over moderated?"

Bear in mind, by over moderation, we are not talking of constantly asking people to fix typo's or moving threads around or banning people etc. We are talking about deliberately stifling debates even if they become contentious and argumentative in their tone.

This is a private poll, no one will see your vote.


26th October 2011, 01:12 AM
Seems all fair to me ..

Mon the fish
26th October 2011, 08:35 AM
I use this forum and MiniTorque. I very rarely use TotalMini, as IMO that is far too over-moderated - bordering on controlling, not moderating. That really puts me off.

This forum is somewhere in the middle of the two; I personally prefer the MiniTorque-style - that can allow some people to over-step the mark, however we're all adults and that forum, to an extent, is self-policing in that other users will bring loose cannons into line without requiring moderation.

However, from what I can see there is no need for any moderators on here to get involved. No-one has been overly nasty IMO. This site runs itself, and I see no need for moderators to get involved in daily posts, as nothing oversteps the mark IMO.

26th October 2011, 09:27 AM
I don't think moderation is the issue, although could be hard to tell unless the OP points out something has been removed etc.

I think the main thing is people are maybe too sensitive and need a thicker skin. I was guilty of this when I first joined here years ago... just gotta take it as banter and debate.

I think there has been underlying digs flying back and forward between some, and maybe this should have been sorted out with help of site admins etc. But im sure they tried.

26th October 2011, 10:14 AM
I come on here every day and can honestly say I have never really noticed over moding inles highlighted as Baz states.
There a re a few threads that I have thought would have been modded but didn't.

It is very dificult to mod when the toys are out the pram.

On a few forums I go on the Sale section is closed to replies, all done via pm as this was an ongoing hassle due to 'comment', would that kind of thing help?

26th October 2011, 12:24 PM
I'm not gonna vote for the obvious reasons, but, i'm absolutely staggered to think that NMS is overly moderated, that is utter crap.
Moderating is editing posts, moving threads, requesting that folks stay on topic in certain areas, etc.

I don't want to influence the poll and any member should vote as they see it.

If a certain few folks are hell bent on creating flammable threads then i've pretty much left it ongoing, but, sometimes this gets just too far for NMS and the many members who do feel they are in a different environment step away.
Even the folks who think it's over modded complain that folks are reacting to their threads in a negative way, where is the thicker skin in that debate.

For every member who feels that members are being driven away it is often the result of forum bickering that causes it, not the modding of the posts.

Perhaps a forum for anything goes is required by those that choose to have their "fun" by slagging others would help keep the peace??

Mon the fish
26th October 2011, 01:56 PM
Over-reacting and needing a thicker skin are the key things. If someone says something you don't agree with, just ignore it and move on. Sometimes people take things too personally.

But I don't think moderation on this site is an issue, unlike totalmini where posts get deleted without reason etc

26th October 2011, 02:01 PM
I don't see why I should have to develop a thick skin to be part of an online group. Being nice or at least polite is much...er nicer - and is always possible. If you develop that, it's a life skill that will always serve you well. In any situation. It's much more interesting to know what someone has to say when they say it politely. Strange how much more authority their words have too...

Anyway I expressed my full thoughts directly last night via PM.

26th October 2011, 02:23 PM
One thing that I find strange is why some members (I think they might be moderators) like to have their names hidden at the bottom of the forum page so that it cant be shown if they are online or not. Whats the need for that, is it a form of over moderating? I dont know.
I certainly dont want to start an argument in here, especially as I have been posting on NMS pretty much since it got off the ground in 2003. Its just something that has come to my mind since this thread was started.

26th October 2011, 02:37 PM
One thing that I find strange is why some members (I think they might be moderators) like to have their names hidden at the bottom of the forum page so that it cant be shown if they are online or not. Whats the need for that, is it a form of over moderating? I dont know.
I certainly dont want to start an argument in here, especially as I have been posting on NMS pretty much since it got off the ground in 2003. Its just something that has come to my mind since this thread was started.

I hide my status Ian, but just cos I can and for no other reason ;)

26th October 2011, 02:42 PM
Over-reacting and needing a thicker skin are the key things. If someone says something you don't agree with, just ignore it and move on. Sometimes people take things to personally.

But I don't think moderation on this site is an issue, unlike totalmini where posts get deleted without reason etc

Your right Gordon, if we are talking about a car etc and you don't agree, yeah that's fine move on.... Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Where the difference is, is when moderators are referred to as NCP Car Park Attendants (as per Billy Connolly who also called them little hitlers) that it becomes personal, as that is a personal attack on their character .....

That is not called for.

Although it would appear that it is me (and the other moderators) that are the problem for being too sensitive and not being able to take a joke... I suppose it's all to do with where you draw the line...

26th October 2011, 04:18 PM
One thing that I find strange is why some members (I think they might be moderators) like to have their names hidden at the bottom of the forum page so that it cant be shown if they are online or not. Whats the need for that, is it a form of over moderating? I dont knowI've done it in the past so that i could do admin work behind the scenes, but, always show my status, personal preference for the mods, i'm not fussed either way

AndyP & Lenore
26th October 2011, 05:38 PM
I don't think moderation is the issue, although could be hard to tell unless the OP points out something has been removed etc.

I think the main thing is people are maybe too sensitive and need a thicker skin. I was guilty of this when I first joined here years ago... just gotta take it as banter and debate.

I think there has been underlying digs flying back and forward between some, and maybe this should have been sorted out with help of site admins etc. But im sure they tried.

Baz as I said in the first post, I'm not talking about the obvious forms of moderation - deleting, moving, editing post etc - I'm talking about stifling debates; that's what I/we have been accused of. If it's the case that the majority feel this has been happening to an unreasonable level, we need to know about it.

The underlying digs flying back and forth is exactly what we stepped in to try and stop and as a result we're being accused of over moderating.

Simply put, we can't win.


26th October 2011, 06:23 PM
I stand by my comment, if anyone thinks we (mods and admins) are stifling debates then please link me to it

26th October 2011, 08:01 PM
Baz as I said in the first post, I'm not talking about the obvious forms of moderation - deleting, moving, editing post etc - I'm talking about stifling debates; that's what I/we have been accused of. If it's the case that the majority feel this has been happening to an unreasonable level, we need to know about it.

The underlying digs flying back and forth is exactly what we stepped in to try and stop and as a result we're being accused of over moderating.

Simply put, we can't win.


Yeah total catch 22 in that case Andy... we have all seen a fair bit of banter and 'heated debate' in our 8 years or so of being here but things seem really fragmented this time round. Especially if things are starting to get personal. Maybe worth nailing all the issues to the post and letting them be vented and understood. However I think this is maybe too late since a few people have already left or shown intention to.

Very sad to see, maybe there is no easy solution

AndyP & Lenore
26th October 2011, 08:43 PM
Very sad to see, maybe there is no easy solution

You've hit the nail on the head baz, there's really no easy solution to the problem. However, is there really a problem when you get down to it. the emphatic results of this poll would suggest not.

It's always sad to see any members leaving (or stating their intention to leave), but if you're getting into a heated disagreement with the guys in the pub, sometimes the best thing to do is walk away for a while, cool off and come back later when the subject will have moved on. Let's see what happens in the long term.


26th October 2011, 08:48 PM
I don't think this forum is over moderated it is a very small forum and I would think most of the time it runs itself. You do need a thick skin, some of time posts often read the wrong way from what they were initially intended to mean. I do think it is healthy for members to be able to express their point of view about the topic subject but not of the poster or any other posters. Make your point once and then leave it at that we don't really need to read 10 pages on what makes a car a hairdressers car for example.

I know I don't post to much these days but that is only because my interest in mini is not as strong as it once was and also the fact I'm getting older and I'm a
Lady!!!!! But I do still read on a daily basis and enjoy reading posts. Over the last seven years I have got to know peoples knowledge and strengths and would come on here and know who to ask a question to and not always about minis. I would say carry on as normal your all doing a good job.

AndyP & Lenore
26th October 2011, 08:50 PM
I would say carry on as normal your all doing a good job.

Thanks Fi, the vote of confidence is appreciated.:thumbs up:


26th October 2011, 08:57 PM
No bother I only type the truth

P.s should Paul read this thread please come back I need to be kept up to date with the mobile phones and the weather. I've come to rely on you.

AndyP & Lenore
26th October 2011, 09:03 PM
P.s should Paul read this thread please come back I need to be kept up to date with the mobile phones and the weather. I've come to rely on you.

Something tells me he'll read it. :smilewinkgrin:


The Dogfather
26th October 2011, 09:13 PM
<removes gag>

Given that this thread talks about departures from NMS, and that fact that I’m a recent departee.

I would like to go on record and say that my reason for no longer contributing to NMS has nothing to with moderating.

</reapplies gag>

26th October 2011, 09:33 PM
my interest in mini is not as strong as it once was and also the fact I'm getting older and I'm a
Over the last seven years I have got to know peoples knowledge and strengths and would come on here and know who to ask a question to and not always about minis.

Did I stumble into a men's club without knowing?? :eek::eek: Oh dear!

And I agree - I am slowly forming my ideas about who I actually listen to for advice. There are a few folk on here who are consistently the voice of reason and it always makes me smile and renews my faith. :yes nod:

Keep up the good work guys:thumbs up:

26th October 2011, 09:38 PM
no It's just the term I use as I close in on the big 50......... no longer a girl or young women I'm now a Lady!!

Did I stumble into a men's club without knowing?? :eek::eek: Oh dear!

And I agree - I am slowly forming my ideas about who I actually listen to for advice. There are a few folk on here who are consistently the voice of reason and it always makes me smile and renews my faith. :yes nod:

Keep up the good work guys:thumbs up:

26th October 2011, 09:46 PM
One thing that I find strange is why some members (I think they might be moderators) like to have their names hidden at the bottom of the forum page so that it cant be shown if they are online or not. Whats the need for that, is it a form of over moderating? I dont know.

I have mine not showing but before it came a mod only thing I used to do it then as well ;)


26th October 2011, 10:51 PM
I think its all very fair and reasonable and not overly moderated... I think what has been done previous was fair, however it is clear that individual/s are a lttle over sensitive and miss a joke and then seem to take it personally and perhaps too far.. other then that everything seems great

30th October 2011, 05:54 PM
So where were we & how's the voting going?

:babypram:WTF!!!! ............ Are you mods having a laugh!!!! , vote rigging or what !!!!

(now before permarage sets in amongst some 'IM HAVING A LAUGH')

Now along with the above noted poll I've being doing a wee one of my own .....
All the results have been checked & ratified & the result is as follows:

I'm a fud! (this has even been confirmed by 'the gaffer' on another site, .... hiya boss :hand:)

Apparently a 'deinviduated fud' :yes nod:(NOW that is a term I actually really like :smilewinkgrin: well it is nearly panto season :rolleyes:)

Anyways, now that everything has calmed down a tad, I'll have my say ...... :thumbs up:

Moderation on NMS has rarely been a problem/issue, as the site is mainly self 'policed', I reckon.
However, (oh yes there had to be one) a few 'mods' have been known to be a wee bit 'over sensitive' & this is where things get a wee bitty sidetracked!
If there is debate, leave it be (have I stolen any of yer weans?), if you dinna agree with a comment, leave it be (have I burnt yer hoose down?), if I hit you with a 'one liner' ......

Please Please Please remember the person you met 'face to face' as a bit of a cocky, cheeky, harmless fella, who only likes a laugh :hand:

Cheers :thumbs up:

30th October 2011, 09:43 PM
Moderation on NMS has rarely been a problem/issue, as the site is mainly self 'policed', I reckon.
However, (oh yes there had to be one) a few 'mods' have been known to be a wee bit 'over sensitive' & this is where things get a wee bitty sidetracked!
If there is debate, leave it be (have I stolen any of yer weans?), if you dinna agree with a comment, leave it be (have I burnt yer hoose down?), if I hit you with a 'one liner' ......

So why do you always cite "this site is over modded, far too PC etc etc" when in actual fact it's your opinion that NMS is too PC
By saying a few mods must imply the majority due to the limited amount of mods on NMS.

Your version of having a laugh actually means something else to you that steps outside the NMS family nature.
Debates are normally left intact, the site is hardly edited and yet you maintain it's overly modded, so, what is it??

1st November 2011, 09:25 AM
I take this thread is now dealt with.. No real surprises I'n the voting and with comments made? :yes nod:

1st November 2011, 12:53 PM
I take this thread is now dealt with.. No real surprises I'n the voting and with comments made? :yes nod:A shame that more of the members didn't vote, but still, for those that like to deal in numbers a little over 91 per cent think the site is not over modded :computer: :idunno:

AndyP & Lenore
1st November 2011, 01:55 PM
A shame that more of the members didn't vote, but still, for those that like to deal in numbers a little over 91 per cent think the site is not over modded :computer: :idunno:

As much as the votes speak for themselves, personally, I've been delighted that a few members have actually taken the time to PM me/us to thank us for the work we do put in and to express their strong opinion that there ain't nothin' broke with NMS. :yes nod:

Onwards and upwards. :thumbs up:

A. :D

1st November 2011, 07:30 PM
Didnt relise there was apoll on the go, if I did I know where my vote would have gone (before it closed!!)

I'm happy as it is as it has always been and hopefully as it always will be :yes nod: :thumbs up:

Keep up the good work mods

2nd November 2011, 12:06 AM
Aw well missed the vote by being on holiday, which is good, because I'm never really sure what's been modded and what hasn't ....doh!! Probably could take that as I don't think the site is overmoderated; but hey, communication is two way......how you perceive what you say will be received and how the recipient actually interprets it!!

I'm with MIMIme......life's far to short to be "Mr Angry" all the time and I believe if you smile you will get much more from life. "Get a life" is often my first reaction to many posts!!

However I do like a "wind up" and although everyone is entitled to their opinion, you just have to accept that some people have dumb opinions.......

silver spirit
2nd November 2011, 10:05 AM
Well put WEEFOSSY.i agree with your overview.! In my humble opinion Moderators should intervene when it becomes personal and aggressive and douse not contribute to the debate. ::-))

2nd November 2011, 01:30 PM
Well put WEEFOSSY.i agree with your overview.! In my humble opinion Moderators should intervene when it becomes personal and aggressive and douse not contribute to the debate. ::-))Which is exactly what i think we are currently doing, unless anyone disagrees??

silver spirit
2nd November 2011, 02:22 PM
I concur.

2nd November 2011, 02:39 PM
:yes nod:

Mon the fish
2nd November 2011, 02:48 PM
The people who think this site is over-moderated really need to give totalmini a try, then come back and see how they feel