View Full Version : Simply mad Mini drivers

24th October 2011, 10:19 PM

Simply mad Mini drivers, I think it gets scary when it gets beyond the 43rd second if your short for time. But that is some silly driving it has to be said. :hand:

24th October 2011, 10:35 PM
Possibly why the channel tunnel should n't have been built? At least he was n't smoking while he was driving:hand:

24th October 2011, 11:24 PM
Holly crap that was close


24th October 2011, 11:33 PM
:eek:If you want to stay alive, don't do things that confuse the hell out of / freak out the motorists around you!! You cannae predict how someone having a freak out panic meltdown will swerve to avoid you...

25th October 2011, 08:09 AM
What an idiot, this is what I think of his driving :moonie:

25th October 2011, 03:29 PM
Some driving you admire, it may be on the end of being quick but its with the moderation of safety and then there is the driving that is just plain being a D*ck on the road with no regard for others.

I’d be really annoyed finding a car between me and the truck I was passing on a dual carriageway. At the end they are buzzing round each other like fly’s. It’s not fun when a people carrier with the three kids has a panic and is distracted and gets taken out by a truck!

You just wish there had been a unmarked traffic car following them, some times people need a talking too.

27th October 2011, 01:03 PM
I used to do some pretty daft things in my younger days with my 'Classic' (it was just a 'Mini' then).

The 'worst' motorway one was one evening when my pal and I (he in his 1293 and me in my 1275 tuned Minis) had an impromptu 'race' with a Montego of some sort who was deliberately 'hogging' the middle lane at about 90mph on one of the few 3 Lane sections of M/way and we went past him ton-up on either side, after which he gave up and moved into the 1st lane. Would've looked (and sounded - we both had pretty straight-through exhausts) great on YouTube, but that wasn't available back in the 80's...

It was a bit daft, but pretty tame compared to the vid, where its busy and they're not taking the other traffic into account. However, I know how easy it is to get 'caught up in the moment' and do things which you'd later consider completely stupid. Even now, on NMS Runs, I have to remind myself sometimes that I'm about to get silly and perhaps run out of luck and talent! It's easily done, especially when you're young and 'immortal' (neither of which I qualify for), or in a group of like-minded chums. So the guys in the vid ARE a bunch of kn*bs - they went too far - but quite often there's only a few seconds or inches between having fun and causing a serious pile-up... So I'd consider this video as much of a warning as it is a target for criticism.

27th October 2011, 01:48 PM
the silliest thing oves done.. is over take 7 cars and a tractor on a twisty windy country road with a ar-tic lorry comming towards me.. I got past all of the cars and managed to slam on the brakes and get in behind the tractor.. just as the lorry went past.. was a scary moment and a wet day.. I wont be doing that again in a hurry.. ops

27th October 2011, 05:10 PM
a scary moment and a wet day..

And that wasn't just OUTSIDE the car... :Whistle: :blush:

28th October 2011, 10:18 AM
The scariest thing I’ve done was both on Bikes, I once jumped a river/small burn on a trials bike - yeah that sounds cool and controlled but in actual fact was total loss of control with me deciding Ah feck I’ll stick with the bike when it decided to take off without my consent…;)

Other was pillion doing 138MPH with shorts on and a Scotland top and on the same ride nearly going off the back as my friend decided at lights to take on a 911…. in his 1100 CC bike I sure it was.