View Full Version : Deleting of posts - comments welcome thread

The Dogfather
8th October 2011, 01:04 PM
Pretty appalled to see a mod deleting posts from a thread when it would have been just as easy to move them to a new thread.

I thought this was a discussion forum, and a bloody good one at that.

What made this worse was the fact that the person involved in the discussion was the mod deleting the posts, hardly an objective decision IMO.

8th October 2011, 02:08 PM
Hmm.. I'm too busy cleaning cars atm but I'm sure one of the other admins will comment.. Maybe a bit of guidance required...

8th October 2011, 06:04 PM
i took them off as it was off topic and i posted if any one had a problem then PM me.

Andy P has put the thread up for you there you go.

it would have been easy for you to start you own thread on the matter.

8th October 2011, 06:16 PM
and i was on my phone at the time so easyer to soft delete then they can be restored at any time as you will know so dont under stand what your big problem is if it is with me then send a pm and we will sort it out rather than on the forum

The Dogfather
8th October 2011, 08:04 PM
and i was on my phone at the time so easyer to soft delete then they can be restored at any time as you will know so dont under stand what your big problem is if it is with me then send a pm and we will sort it out rather than on the forum

My problem is you deleted them then expected me to PM you to get them back, that’s bang out of order.

Super Cooper the OP didn’t ask for them to be deleted and Andy left them alone he just mentioned that we should stay on topic. At that point no further off topic posts were added other than me asking for the posts to be moved, you ignored that and then took it on yourself to delete them.

IMO that was very poor moderating and certainly not what I would have expected on NMS. There’s only ever been a few threads that I can recall that have ended up with posts deleted (without the request of the OP) and that was only after massive full scale rows.

If it’s down to your phone, perhaps you should only moderate when you’re on a PC then?

8th October 2011, 08:31 PM
My problem is you deleted them then expected me to PM you to get them back, that’s bang out of order.

Super Cooper the OP didn’t ask for them to be deleted and Andy left them alone he just mentioned that we should stay on topic. At that point no further off topic posts were added other than me asking for the posts to be moved, you ignored that and then took it on yourself to delete them.

IMO that was very poor moderating and certainly not what I would have expected on NMS. There’s only ever been a few threads that I can recall that have ended up with posts deleted (without the request of the OP) and that was only after massive full scale rows.

If it’s down to your phone, perhaps you should only moderate when you’re on a PC then?

they where my posts so why can i not remove my own post and there for removing yours so thread made scene dont see what the big problem is as i said it would have been just as easy to pm me as it was start this thread

if you have a problem with me being a mod then PM Alan

as i have no more to say on this matter

The Dogfather
8th October 2011, 08:49 PM
I’m happy for you to have deleted your own posts, I objected to you deleting mine.

I don’t have a problem with you, or with you being a mod. I just have a problem with you deleting my posts. I started this thread because I wanted to know whether this was a decision taken by you or a new direction by NMS.