View Full Version : Speed Limit Increase

29th September 2011, 05:13 PM
Heard today that the government is looking to increase the speed limit on motorways to 80mph from 2013 !!

Bring it on ;) ;)

AndyP & Lenore
29th September 2011, 05:33 PM
Heard today that the government is looking to increase the speed limit on motorways to 80mph from 2013 !!

Bring it on ;) ;)

Oh cool!!! Then I can do my normal 90 (allegedly) with little risk of prosecution. :lol: :D

A. :D

29th September 2011, 05:41 PM
I think this is actually a good thing, Cars can drive comfortably at this speed M-Way especially the higher powered cars. I’m a stickler for speed limits as I just can’t afford to see points go on my licence but it would be nice to know I can go over the 70 to safely pass an HGV as quick as possible and disrupt the outer lanes for less rime.

Question is does this give the masses licence to then think 80-90 MPH is acceptable as its just over? I don’t see the greens going for it as well as the higher speed uses more fuel .

29th September 2011, 06:03 PM
Fantastic news if it's true I would be happy I often set my cruse control at 75 just to be on the safe side so 80 would be fantastic :)

Bring it on is what I say :)


Mon the fish
29th September 2011, 06:16 PM
As much as I would like to see this, I can't see it happening for tree-hugging, wet, leftie, 'climate change' reasons.

And as I live nearly 100 miles from the nearest motorway, it won't really affect me anyway...

AndyP & Lenore
29th September 2011, 07:04 PM
First stage started: BBC News Clicky Linky (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-15116064).

It's only a consultation, but it's the first step.


AndyP & Lenore
29th September 2011, 09:02 PM
HANG ON!!! This is only Englandshire and Welshshire. Transport must be devolved to the idiots in Hollywood so we've nae chance.

A. :(

29th September 2011, 09:36 PM
HANG ON!!! This is only Englandshire and Welshshire. Transport must be devolved to the idiots in Hollywood so we've nae chance.

A. :(

so Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson are going to decide out fate? :thud: we are in big trouble ! :lol:

The Dogfather
29th September 2011, 09:38 PM
Well in that case the only time you’ll be able to use the extra speed is a night time, down south the motorways are either too busy or there’s roadworks. :D

Dundee Checkmate
29th September 2011, 10:52 PM
Who needs motorways, get the back road limits up:thumbs up:

However I do drive a truck so 70 mph would be nice, been restricted to 56 mph on the motorway is way to slow.

30th September 2011, 04:12 AM
No matter.

1st October 2011, 10:59 PM
It's about time!!! :thumbs up:

2nd October 2011, 12:38 AM
No matter.

Why no matter ??


2nd October 2011, 08:02 AM
yeh man i agree we need the A roads up to 80 too and a minimum of 60 on them falure to comply should result in me pouring petrol over your car while u travel along at 30 mph on a 60 mph limit then flinging a wind proof mach at it. only a good thing modern cars are more thn up to the job of 80 mph on the motorway.

2nd October 2011, 08:44 AM
80 would be great but if passing on the inside was legal there would be less hold ups due to incompedent idiots hogging lanes, it works in the States. Either legalise it or enforce the idiots that dont pull over to the left!!

2nd October 2011, 10:13 PM
Too many idiots not paying attention to allow undertaking, although I agree for the majority it would speed things up!

As I read it the 80 will be more enforced, so while everyone (allegedly) does about that now, anyone flying along will get pulled. At the end of the day, the police haven't enforced it for years, so the Government get some good publicity changing a law that will be popular but largely doesn't change a thing.

At the end of the day though, it's a good thing to happen. Modern cars can easily handle it, and most people on the motorways are the same.

3rd October 2011, 09:44 AM
My pet hate are the middle lane hoggers, having driven in the USA for a long time now the "undertaking" rule is a good one and makes you more aware of whats going on

3rd October 2011, 09:49 AM
My pet hate are the middle lane hoggers, having driven in the USA for a long time now the "undertaking" rule is a good one and makes you more aware of whats going on

And if Americans can understand it, how hard can it be? :Whistle:

Alex from NM
7th October 2011, 06:07 PM
I reckon in the unlikely event this actually goes through there will be a zero tolerance policy on motorway speeding

AndyP & Lenore
7th October 2011, 07:08 PM
I reckon in the unlikely event this actually goes through there will be a zero tolerance policy on motorway speeding

They'll no doubt say this is the case when it's started, but practicality wise, it's simply not possible to have a zero tolerance policy on something when it is impossible to calibrate every car with the same machine.


The Dogfather
7th October 2011, 07:42 PM
No need to calibrate, ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law.

If you’re exceeding the speed limit then you’ve broken the law, regardless of what your speedo says. They could have a zero tolerance with regard to the 70mph limit tomorrow.

AndyP & Lenore
7th October 2011, 07:59 PM
No need to calibrate, ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law.

If you’re exceeding the speed limit then you’ve broken the law, regardless of what your speedo says. They could have a zero tolerance with regard to the 70mph limit tomorrow.

It's nothing to do with ignorance. If you've just bought a brand new car there's no guarantee the speedo in that car is any more accurate than a 12 year old micra. I would imagine they have no option but to allow a certain amount of lee-way just as they do now... Isn't the general rule of thumb 3mph + 10%.. or something like that?


The Dogfather
7th October 2011, 08:26 PM
Ignorance of the speed you’re doing is no excuse in the eyes of the law. You are either speeding or not.

The ’10%’ leeway is an enforcement decision and has no legal standing. The police could in theory prosecute you for doing 71mph on the motorway if they wanted. They just choose not to, this is probably to stop people challenging tickets on the basis they didn’t follow correct setup or the machine wasn’t calibrated often enough. Its purely a financial decision and has nothing to do with your cars speedo.

7th October 2011, 08:38 PM
I believe that the speed limits are appropriate for the roads they are set on in most cases.. however if someone is doing 81 in a 70 rather then 71, there is a fairness and descression from the police, as in accordance to the law the consequences of doing 81 in a 70 is far more than just marginally exceeding the speed limit.. the proposed 80 mile an hour limit I think its justified as I would say the vast majority of people on average sit somwhere inbetween 70 and 80 on motorways.. one thing I would say is that I think its nuts having a 60 mph limit on a twisty windy country road as well as a safe smooth single carriageways.. therefore the twisty windy country roads should stay at 60 and the good single carriage ways in my mind should have a limit raise to 70...

The Dogfather
7th October 2011, 08:50 PM
I believe that the speed limits are appropriate for the roads they are set on in most cases.. however if someone is doing 81 in a 70 rather then 71, there is a fairness and descression from the police, as in accordance to the law the consequences of doing 81 in a 70 is far more than just marginally exceeding the speed limit.. the proposed 80 mile an hour limit I think its justified as I would say the vast majority of people on average sit somwhere inbetween 70 and 80 on motorways.. one thing I would say is that I think its nuts having a 60 mph limit on a twisty windy country road as well as a safe smooth single carriageways.. therefore the twisty windy country roads should stay at 60 and the good single carriage ways in my mind should have a limit raise to 70...

The reason why single carriage ways don’t have higher speed limits is due to the risk of a head on collision. Mind you a head on at 60 and a head on at 70 and you’re dead either way.

Your twisty lane is less likely to be as busy as the straight single carriage way and your less likely to be travelling at the maximum speed - so the risk on an accident is reduced despite the twist road. The worst roads for accidents are probably roads that vary between twisty and straight like the A947.

7th October 2011, 09:32 PM
yep I agree.. at the end of the day no matter what the road type or speed limit is there is still the occasional person that takes silly risks that really isnt necessary, and makes it dangerous for themselves and everyone else.

Alex from NM
8th October 2011, 10:41 AM
Although ACPO guidelines (http://www.parliament.uk/documents/post/postpn218.pdf) recommend a 10% + 2mph there is actually no requirement to do so. In the famous North Wales zero tolerance policy of a few years ago people were regularly getting fines for 31 in 30 zones. Sad but true. I think a similar policy would be adopted on an 80 policy. Keeping the ACPO guidelines would mean people rattling down the motorways of the UK at 90mph without fear of prosecution. Scary thought when you see some of the standard of driving at 70mph.

edit - also an interesting statement from ACPO

...“ACPO looks forward to taking part in the Government’s consultation and will be considering with colleagues in England, Wales and Northern Ireland the implications on current enforcement thresholds and whether these would need review.”

appreciate that doesn't include Scotland in that statement