View Full Version : Cats & Dogs

AndyP & Lenore
31st July 2004, 04:48 AM
Heard a great saying the other day. Anybody with cats and dogs can relate to this.

Dogs have owners, cats have staff.:)

31st July 2004, 06:50 PM
My 2 cats DEFINITELY have me as staff !! :)

31st July 2004, 10:23 PM
Correct for me Devil Cat:evil:

1st August 2004, 07:41 AM
Ohh yes, they surely do!:D:D

AndyP & Lenore
1st August 2004, 08:12 AM
Another one.....

When you call a dog, it comes running. When you call a cat, it takes a message and gets back to you when it's ready.

1st August 2004, 06:16 PM
I've got a siamese, Sophie, and we are most definitely her staff. My youngest son is her chef and I am her chief leter-outer at 3am. In return she takes home gifts of bonnie wee birds, unfortunately most of them are not quite so bonnie by the time we reach them. I am currently looking for a catproof collar, ie one she cant remove, with big noisy bells on it.:(

1st August 2004, 07:18 PM
Our two have reflective collars on, with a magnet for the cat flap, and two bells.
I'm afraid that doesn't stop the mice and bird population being under threat! (Big pile of feathers in the hall a few days ago - no sign of anything else though!)

Big Col
2nd November 2004, 11:16 PM
Don't blame me! Wul gave me the idea in the "I AM B O R E D" thread! He practically dared me to do it!

3rd November 2004, 12:22 AM
Mickey is a 14 weeks old moggy and the hormones have hit. Django is a 6yo. male who looks like a panther. Mickey doesn't let Django have any peace. In fact, it's kinda like Tom & Jerry, but with Jerry being played by a kitten.

Mickey has taken to crapping in the bath. He sees it as a logical extension on the litter-tray theme. Not the most pleasant surprise of a morning...

Ah, cats. We are indeed staff, but more than that, we are servants. Mickey will attack if hungry - usually at 3.42am; can't someone explain the clocks going back to him? - and there are few things worse than been woken by a cat attaching itself to ones scalp via needle-like claws.

But we put up with it, bless their little furry feet. They're BA$TARDS, the lot of them, but we still love 'em. A bit like kids, I guess...


3rd November 2004, 01:28 AM
Hey who ever said that obviously never owned a Scottish Terrier dog he like's killing cats :p:D

Dog's rule cat's pee on your Rose bush.:D