View Full Version : Ridiculous

12th August 2011, 11:58 AM
This sory is mad.

Bert and Ernie are as straight as they come.
Ive been a huge fan of Bert and Ernie since I was a young lad, particularly Ernie and his rubber ducky.

They are just top buddies with each other, much like Morecambe and Wise.


AndyP & Lenore
12th August 2011, 12:17 PM
What absolute friggin nonsense! These characters are for PRE-SCHOOLERS! Why in the world would anyone want to teach pre-schoolers about any kind of "loving relationship" between two fabric puppets, whether it be straight, gay or whatever... They should be 100% protected from having to question or deal with this sort of thing.

Owners of Sesame Street are 100% correct in dismissing this as utter rubbish.



12th August 2011, 12:39 PM
Andy you are right.

Whilst Im having a laugh saying that Bert and Ernie are just good pals there is no way that young kids need to be taught about relationships, wether it be hetrosexual or homosexual. Its just a kids programme made to teach kids about sharing, co-operation, letters and numbers.

Sesamae Street directors are spot on saying that they wont take this petition on board.

12th August 2011, 01:48 PM
I remember when childhood TV was innocent and fun, with no 'Agendas', sexual or otherwise being forced into our lives. As Ian said, these programmes are a fun way for very young children to learn basic social, alphabetical and numerical skills, there's plenty of time to introduce more complex 'life-subjects' when they're older. I certainly don't remember watching Captain Scarlet, Thunderbirds or Camberwick Green and fretting over the sexual orientation of the characters... Were Captains Blue and Scarlet more than just good mates? Were the Spectrum 'Angels' a Lesbian Squadron (hmmmmmm... there's a thought), Did Lady Penelope and Parker (her butler/driver, who went on to form Beatles-fixated Brit Band Oasis) ever get their strings tangled? Was 'Nibs' really carpenter Chippy Minton's son.... or a Rent Boy? We'll never know - or even care. Although now some will say that 'International Rescue' and 'Spectrum' were Neo-Fascist organisations operating outwith democratic control and that the 'Baddies' were just misunderstood... could have done with some puppet-style intervention in London etc this week.

Who are these 'Campaigners' anyway? Why don't they find something more worthwhile to spend their time on than Sesame Street? Surely this sort of nonsense just makes a mockery of genuine minority rights issues and gives ammunition to all those crazed right-wing reactionaries.

On a lighter note, but still on the subject of puppets with adult themes - one of the best things EVER on TV was the 'Camberwick Green' spoof on 'Life on Mars' where Sam Tyler was distraught at DCI Gene Hunt "Kicking in a Nonce". It was so well done and true to the 'feel' of the original series - brilliant. And of course there was the 'Team America - World Police' puppet movie, but it lacked subtlety and had way too much puppet vomit.

12th August 2011, 01:53 PM
Political correctness gone mad again.

No way should young children, most pre-school have anything like same sex marriage exposed to them. You could almost say your influencing the children with such tripe.

Now Windy Miller come to think of it was a bit dodgy I cant remember him ever chatting up a girl, and those firemen in Trumpton “Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble, Grub” were said to spend too much time together.

12th August 2011, 02:03 PM
Forgot about the Firemen, Stewart - and what about all those Soldier Boys at Pippin Fort???
There's obviously a whole hidden 60's Free Love agenda here...

12th August 2011, 02:15 PM
It really is crazy, the fact that thousands signed a petition to make it happen.

12th August 2011, 02:59 PM
I'm all for role models for kids, but this is mental.

It doesn't matter if they play hide the soap in the bath or not, they're puppets for crying out loud! They are there to entertain, leave the role models to the parents.

12th August 2011, 03:46 PM
leave the role models to the parents.

Have you SEEN what passes for parenting these days? :thud:

12th August 2011, 06:05 PM
Captain Pugwash? I remember my dad laughing his head off at the antics of the motley crew and tbh I don't think either he or my mother ever cottoned onto the piss-take behind it.

The Dogfather
12th August 2011, 06:24 PM
Captain Pugwash? I remember my dad laughing his head off at the antics of the motley crew and tbh I don't think either he or my mother ever cottoned onto the piss-take behind it.


Captain Pugwash Urban Myth (http://www.snopes.com/radiotv/tv/pugwash.asp)

12th August 2011, 07:15 PM
Beat me to it Paul.....:thumbs up:

12th August 2011, 09:19 PM
Have you SEEN what passes for parenting these days? :thud:

I know, and this week has shown some people really shouldn't be allowed to bring up kids, but you have to start somewhere and I don't think TV is the right place to be getting role models from.

13th August 2011, 07:53 PM
Beat me to it Paul.....:thumbs up:


I found this out a while back, as I had been convinced of the existence of the 'naughty names' (although I couldn't remember form watching as a kid). I'm kind of sorry it isn't true...

Please check the 'Life on Mars' Camberwick Green: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHP3Jih_rfA
it was used in the opening sequence of one of the episodes in series 2.

14th August 2011, 01:15 AM
I'm kind of sorry it isn't true...
Yeah I totally understand that, you so want it to be right and not just an urban myth when you grew up with it on the TV…

Now "Puff the Magic Dragon" was cutting it close..:thumbs up:How they got that past the men in suits and "The Magic Roundabout":smilewinkgrin: with characters clearly stoned.