View Full Version : Riots

AndyP & Lenore
9th August 2011, 01:10 PM
Well, I guess the Keiser Chiefs were correct.

I just can't understand why Cobra haven't sent the army in. This kind of lawlessness surely requires more than just a few more cops to deal with the issue. Especially when the riots have spread to other cities.

My plan for dealing with the problems...

Send the Army/TA in to affected areas with a priority on public control, but permission to shoot looters.
Air force gunship patrols over affected areas with same permission to shoot looters.
Curfew at 8pm to 8am in affected areas.

That should discourage them from coming out again tonight.

Heavy handed? Yes. Shoot 13 year olds? Yes, if their looting.

And I'm making NO race accusations here, it may be the case one particular race is predominately involved in this, but I've seen plenty of "white" boys and girls hurling bricks at cops as well. And we are talking "boys and girls", because a huge proportion of the idiots are KIDS!

Now, moving onto the journalistic side, some of the photography that's coming out of these incidents is incredible. One image taken last night shows a woman silhouetted against a blazing fire, jumping out a second floor building into the arms of waiting fire officers. It's an incredible image, caught by a tog who was just in the right place, right time. It's a copyrighted image, so I don't want to take a screen print and post it up here because if I took the pic, I'd be pissed. You can see the image on BBC news web site here: Image number 9 at the moment, but I think they are adding and removing images all the time. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14453918

Other than motor sport photography, I would LOVE the chance to take this kind of journalistic photography, being in at the thick end of the violence, albeit with the almost pointless protection of a "press" badge on my back. As much as it may get you beyond a safety line, I doubt those badges would stop a thrown brick.


9th August 2011, 02:42 PM
What I find incredible here is that no-one is coming out and saying why they are doing it.... :argh: if the only reason for this is stealing then have a no holds barred policy on looting and that will soon stop the "hangers on" and root out the ring leaders ;)

If found in an area actively participating In causing damage to property and attempting to loot, then hit them with rubber bullets, teargas and water cannons. Then arrest them and make them pay out of their giro per week for the damage. Don't send them to jail as that costa us more than anything !! :ragin:

9th August 2011, 03:48 PM
I agree 100% looters should be shot, shoot the ba$7ard$. All this p!$h about not wanting the police force to be armed is just a load of bollox as far as I am comcerned, I pretty damn sure the sight of or even the thought of being confronted by armed police should be enough of a deterant to prevent anything like this happening for fear of the repurcussions for looting or doing any kind of criminal activity. My solution would be to ARM THE POLICE!!!!! It's long over due. It's fecking disgraceful whats happening in London. Saw on the news this morning that last night a business was burnt to the ground which had been owned and run by five generations of the same family for all these many many years until these mindless thieving a$$wipes decide to torch it along with many many others.

9th August 2011, 04:17 PM
Total disgrace, 23 Currys stores have been ransacked and stores have been issued with instructions on how to safeguard the stores should this start to spread.

This is one of our stores, woman had the cheek to steal a Currys fleece too! Been confirmed she is not an employee. We did have staff trapped in stores also.


Sony distribution centre has also been torched

9th August 2011, 04:26 PM
Wow, wasn't aware of this :frown:

9th August 2011, 04:33 PM
I consider myself a left-wing, but this 'oh the unemployment and lack of opporchancity' argument annoys me. The folk who do this kind of thing are the scum and bullies you get in areas like who have plenty of money (because of crime and benefit fraud) and don't really give a damn about anything. Argh, I hate feeling like a right winger over this, but seriously FFS!!!!!

9th August 2011, 05:28 PM

Doesn't look so stupid now...!!!!

AndyP & Lenore
9th August 2011, 05:40 PM
Girls "bragging" about looting. Say's it all really: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14458424


AndyP & Lenore
9th August 2011, 08:33 PM
Love the way Sky news keeps referring to these neds as "hoddies". Burple must be well p!ssed. :lol:


9th August 2011, 08:51 PM
Bring back rubber bullets send in the army or take all rights away from the looters bring in the snipers shoot them all in the legs and shatter the bones them get the mounted police to gallop over the top of them as they lie injured finished off with sending in the dogs to have a chew at them and finally water Canon to wash all the blood away. Sorted I would say after that.

Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk

AndyP & Lenore
9th August 2011, 08:57 PM
Bring back rubber bullets send in the army or take all rights away from the looters bring in the snipers shoot them all in the legs and shatter the bones them get the mounted police to gallop over the top of them as they lie injured finished off with sending in the dogs to have a chew at them and finally water Canon to wash all the blood away. Sorted I would say after that.

Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk

Fi! Say what you really mean.:thumbs up: 'sake! :lol: :lol:


AndyP & Lenore
9th August 2011, 09:25 PM
Public rule is starting in Enfield, because the police are... "standing around with their thumbs up their arse".


9th August 2011, 09:45 PM
Disgusting behaviour. An embarrassment to the country...

9th August 2011, 11:21 PM
This country delivers no repurcussions for wrongdoing. Kids think they're untouchable (and actually, they pretty much are... 'What you gonna do about it??'), scores of adults just don't give a f*£$. They seem to think it's funny and clever. It makes me feel sick.
I'm delighted that I've got to go down south for a couple of days tomorrow.... :(

Hope Glasgow's not on the cards - plenty folk hanging about here who like a fight for no reason.

9th August 2011, 11:28 PM
Was a bit stunned when we saw the news last night in Folkestone. I think the sun may have addled my brains a bit but while I disapprove wholeheartedly of the whole thing the thing that struck me was how the establishment here have responded to the riots, how the media is portraying it yet when similar behaviour errupted in Libya (would it not have started with smaller outbreaks of rioting etc?) the UK govt went in with bombs to overthrow their govt! I think there's a bit of hypocracy here. In Libya its unrest because of oppression but here its portrayed as greed. And though I'm clearly out on a limb here I totally disagree with using bullets or anyother form of weapons against the offenders. That's knee jerk stuff. When the offenders do face justice I'd like them to be put in the same cells as the bankers and politicians - going right back to Thatcher - who have destroyed the fabric of society. I'd also throw in a few media moguls who also have helped create the sick society we live in.

AndyP & Lenore
10th August 2011, 12:06 AM
Well with the rain tomorrow all this will stop because these pathetic idiots are all brave when it's dry but as soon as they're gonna get their hoods wet they'll stay at home with mummy and her boyfriend. Stereotyping? Yes. :ragin:


10th August 2011, 02:42 AM
I hope all these riots stop pretty soon im due down in croydon a week on friday!!!

10th August 2011, 11:20 AM
It's ok Boris is in charge!

That’s a shocker with Sony, that will take ages to get back up and running. All these laws protecting peoples right are all well and good but it has gone to far in the wrong direction to be politically correct.

The yobs think they are in control, quote when asked in Manchester why? “Cos the police cant touch us, tonight we can do anything….I cant get a job so I want money”

However this has now gone over the top so the government will react on Gangs, they have let this go on so long with this softly softly approach. I was saying last night the yobs have probably made a mistake with this scope of mindless violence and it was going to happen at some point, now its time to turn it around.

Last night at around 1 am the guy on sky news had what looked like two twelve year olds around them, what parents lets their kids stay out period at that time never mind when there is a threat of violence.

The Dogfather
10th August 2011, 12:19 PM
what parents lets their kids stay out period at that time never mind when there is a threat of violence.

Easy to answer that one, scumbags, irresponsible scumbags who probably shouldn't have been allowed to reproduce. Too right wing?

This country needs to wake up and realise that there is an underclass that adds no value to society and that they need to act before its too late.

Instead of them dictating to us how they lead their lives with rioting and lawlessness etc, we should dictate to them.

If they want benefits then they have to earn them, if they want housing they have to earn it. If they want freedom then they have to live within the laws of society. I'm all for giving people a chance but if they choose to break laws then the consequences should be pretty dire.

For me that starts with harsher prisons and the three strikes rule. I'm sure there's a few Scottish islands that could become prisons somewhere in the Shetlands would be good, the weather is ideal.

10th August 2011, 12:26 PM
Easy to answer that one, scumbags, irresponsible scumbags who probably shouldn't have been allowed to reproduce. Too right wing?

This country needs to wake up and realise that there is an underclass that adds no value to society and that they need to act before its too late.

Instead of them dictating to us how they lead their lives with rioting and lawlessness etc, we should dictate to them.

If they want benefits then they have to earn them, if they want housing they have to earn it. If they want freedom then they have to live within the laws of society. I'm all for giving people a chance but if they choose to break laws then the consequences should be pretty dire.

For me that starts with harsher prisons and the three strikes rule. I'm sure there's a few Scottish islands that could become prisons somewhere in the Shetlands would be good, the weather is ideal.

LOL Paul what have the poor Shetlanders done to deserve being dumped with these folk? I think the Faroes would be better but first send all the crooked politicians, bankers, and senior police officers out there to build the accommodation.

I watched Lorraine this morning and I wholeheartedly agreed with her statement that the attitude of 'I can, I want, I can't be touched' permeates all our society. When these poeple see politicians and bankers getting off with corrupt and greedy practice is it any wonder that others think they can do likewise?

The Dogfather
10th August 2011, 12:34 PM
Better idea, stick them on old oil rigs up there then, no need to maintain them though.

You can drop the greedy bankers in with the scumbags for me.

silver spirit
10th August 2011, 03:41 PM
Well put Sheilt.

10th August 2011, 03:59 PM
I see Boris just hinted on skynews Something like “ Yes people have a right to use adequate force to protect themselves and property, I’m not saying for people to become vigilantes just saying they have the right in law to use force to a certain amount”:hand:

Dundee Checkmate
13th August 2011, 10:43 PM
Done 2 tours of Norther Ireland, Belfast. Had guns and and rubber skull crackers, did not make a sodding difference, they still caused riots. Not fun seeing a dead kid in the street, I would imagine the soldiers would not like going around shooting their own people, especially Kids. The Army do enough ****y jobs for crap money!
These riots are no where serious enough to carry out such actions, that's why the government never ordered a state of emergency, as was done in Ireland.

15th August 2011, 11:25 PM
Glad to hear Shielz that someone else shares my opinion of "Her Thatcher" :yes nod:

17th August 2011, 11:56 AM
I noticed on BBC World News that 2 offenders who openly organised a riot on Facebook (but nobody turned up) were each given 4 years prison :thumbs up:
However, some Liberal Democrat TWAT thought the punishment was too harsh and that these silly boys should have been made to sit with some victims to discover how the riots impacted their lives :thud:

Obviously the Liberal Democrat TWAT did not suffer any damage to property or had to pay to clean up his area or he might have had a different opinion :frown:

Should have jailed the thugs for life

17th August 2011, 12:45 PM
We are too soft in this country ..... And when we start to get hard, some politicians and do-gooders say " oh just give them a slap on the wrist " ...... :frown:

Makes you sick !

The Dogfather
17th August 2011, 05:50 PM
I thought the death sentences were a bit harsh, but then again the chances of repeat offences would be significantly reduced. :Whistle: