View Full Version : iOs vs Android

AndyP & Lenore
2nd August 2011, 01:44 AM
My iPhone 3gs is due an upgrade in a few weeks. Need to start looking now and narrow down the options.

For those who have an Android phone... Whadayathinkofit? If you had an iPhone and moved to Android, do you regret the move?

Rumours seem to suggest a new iPhone in September/October so will at least need to wait and see what that is like.

Any phone suggestions from anyone?


2nd August 2011, 01:53 AM
I moved from the Android to the iPhone and am glad to be back on the Apple machine, though for some strange reason my e-mail has stopped working on certain accounts.
Not sure if that's an iPhone issue yet or not.

As with most things Apple, it just works

2nd August 2011, 07:51 AM
I moved from the Android to the iPhone and am glad to be back on the Apple machine, though for some strange reason my e-mail has stopped working on certain accounts.
Not sure if that's an iPhone issue yet or not.

As with most things Apple, it just works

Alan, ssl being switched on has always caused probes with my mail collection/delivery. With it off, it works fine ;)

2nd August 2011, 08:12 AM
Alan, ssl being switched on has always caused probes with my mail collection/delivery. With it off, it works fine ;)Trying not to hijack Andy' thread, but, i don't have SSL on the accounts that don't work and it defo causes an error if i switch it on

2nd August 2011, 09:02 AM
I had Iphone for over 2 years and made the switch this year. I for one think it hugely depends on the phone you are going for. Please please go an have a shot of a Samsung galaxy S II it is a serious bit of kit.

I would say that if there were 100 phones offshore on my platform 60% were iphones, that fugure is about half that now, all and I mean all the guys I work with have bought the galaxy S II and all loving it.

I don't know if you seen the news this week but Samsung overtook Apple as the biggest phone seller (Apple took that from Nokia and have been there for a while) the galaxy s II was blamed for Samsung's success.

Mate you will not regret it.

2nd August 2011, 09:35 AM
I had a go with the Galaxy and the Sensation before they came out when we had all the phones in at work on a roadshow. They are superb kit, but I'm just not sure I'd move from Apple, as others have said, it just works.

Customer service is another thing with Apple - my iPhone had started to drop calls so booked a genius bar appointment. They looked at it and agreed it had been dropping, and checked when I'd bought it and found the warranty had expired the day before. They still gave me a new phone for free. Stress free customer service is not to be sniffed at!

Yes it's expensive for what it is but they are all powerful pieces of kit. For me, I wouldn't want to go through adding all the apps again as well as I have a few bought apps.

2nd August 2011, 09:38 AM
Andy I think you should wait for the iphone 5 before making a decision if your serious about staying with apple.

AndyP & Lenore
2nd August 2011, 09:40 AM
Cheers everyone.:thumbs up:

Greig, I'll certainly have a look at the Galaxy S II. Was never impressed with previous Samsung's but that was their old style OS, running Android will make them completely different.

HTC's also run Android, so I'm gonna have a look at those. HTC used to make the Windows Mobile based phones for Orange and they worked.... as OK as Windows Mobile 5 would let them, which was slow and a bit cumbersome. But I believe Win 7 mobile is, again, a radical change on mobile OS functionality. Whether this is just sales BS or not, remains to be seen.

Would really be interested in Scottiecoop's and Dogfather's opinion too... both phone savvy peeps. :yes nod:


2nd August 2011, 06:47 PM
here are my thoughts.

I think iphone for 100% need increase the size of their next generation phone however reduce the depth and reduce the weight.
Once you've had the 4.3 screen you soon get used to it and notice how small the screen on the iphone4 seems and how heavy the phone is and wonder how anyone can live with it.LOL

So I would wait to see what their new phone will be like.

Like people say about the iphone I can also say android phones just work but you get to tweak them loads if you want.

I've owned the Sensation SGII and now have the HTC Sensation I prefer HTC Sense over Samsung's touchwiz battery life is just the same both lasted the same amount of time i.e. you have to charge every night. Although battery gets better after a few charges. These two phones are highly customisable and easy to do for free small things like swype keyboard or for me the slideIT keyboard live wallpapers skins etc etc . Camera is good music easy to download will sinc with itunes.

Andy it's all down to what you like iphone or one of the other phones because they will all do what you want them to do but you get to tweak the Sensation or Samsung more where as you don;t get so involved with the iphone.

2nd August 2011, 07:16 PM
I have an Android HTC Desire and love it, works brilliantly.

I can see the advantages of an iPhone (no ipod needed etc) but for what I pay mine is perfect.

2nd August 2011, 07:36 PM
got a htc desire hd and to me it does a hell of a lot more than the Iphone and is a lot more user friendly

even have 16gb of music on it on memory card

if I want 32 - I just buy a bigger card. plays most mp4I that i have dropped on

personally I detest apple. not user friendly

AndyP & Lenore
2nd August 2011, 11:26 PM
Cheers for the inputs folks...

Question... Will a HTC or Samsung Android phone "sync" with iTunes so I can move all my tunes on to an android phone?


2nd August 2011, 11:34 PM
Yes it will sync.


if mac the more up to date version of software the easier it is to do from what I understand.

AndyP & Lenore
3rd August 2011, 12:17 AM
Yes it will sync.
if mac the more up to date version of software the easier it is to do from what I understand.

Cheers Fi. Would be syncing from a PC - if I went for an Android.


3rd August 2011, 08:59 AM
I have an Android HTC Desire and love it, works brilliantly.

I can see the advantages of an iPhone (no ipod needed etc) but for what I pay mine is perfect.

I have very little music on mine as it chews the battery too much, but then I only really use an iPod on holiday or in the car and I just use my old iPod Classic for that.

16th August 2011, 10:03 AM
Hey Andy. How'd you ge ton with this? I'm goign for an upgrade on monday and am thinking on the HTC Sensation. Just wondered if you'd come to a conclusion yet?

AndyP & Lenore
16th August 2011, 10:11 AM
TBH mate, I've done nowt. Had other things on my mind if you know what I mean. :frown:

My upgrade is due mid September, so I'll start looking for proper first week in September.

Been speaking to quite a few folk though and there does seem to be a common trend... Those who had an iPhone and subsequently move to an android regret the move. It's not everyone, but the majority tell tales of woe about moving away from something that "just works" to something that looks pretty but doesn't work as well. Something I need to bear in mind.


16th August 2011, 10:27 AM
Know what you mean man. Glad you're feeling better.

I'll keep it in mind. I do like the iphone but you seem to get more of a phone for less of a price & contract if you go to something else. Can't justify paying £200 for a phone then £35 a month when Orange informed me my average monthly spend was 47 mins and 149 texts!!! Lol. I could get the sensation for £20 a month, free handset and 300mins unlimited texts.

P.s. It's august now :laugh:

AndyP & Lenore
16th August 2011, 10:54 AM
P.s. It's august now :laugh:

See. it just shows he's not feeling that great afterall.


The Dogfather
16th August 2011, 11:23 AM
Andy, have you had a look at what's coming with iOS5?

I've been running the Beta for a week or two now and when all the 'additions' are switched on it'll be great. My job involves mapping out all the assistance that Apple/Android customers get from the handset manufacturer (if/when there's a problem). Apple's support is the best by far IMO.

Email is a bit of a nightmare, often issues are caused by the email service provider not the handset.

You might want to take a look at Windows Phone 7 as Mango makes big improvements and it'll work well with Windows. Its still no iOS but I love its simplicity compared to the tortuous Android OS.

My view on how I'd order them is as follows -
1. Apple
2. HTC WP7 (Mango)
3. HTC Android
4. SE Android
5. Motorola Android
6. Samsung WP7
7. Samsung Android
8. LG Android
9. Nokia Symbian
10. Any BB

The Dogfather
16th August 2011, 11:33 AM
personally I detest apple. not user friendly

Seriously? Not user friendly?

iOS is very easy to use, in fact my Dad uses my old 3GS now, his first comment after he got it to replace his old HTC Hero was how much easier it was to use/setup compared to Android.

If you'd have said Android was more customisable and less restrictive I'd have agreed with you. Android is the OS of choice for geeks as you can do so much, but its incredibly complex.

AndyP & Lenore
16th August 2011, 11:34 AM
P.s. It's august now :laugh:


Fixed it. :lol:


16th August 2011, 11:37 AM
Seriously? Not user friendly? You picked him up wrong, he said it's a lot more user friendly ;)

The Dogfather
16th August 2011, 11:38 AM
personally I detest apple. not user friendly

this was the comment I had a problem with

16th August 2011, 11:46 AM
this was the comment I had a problem withAh, never saw that :Whistle:

16th August 2011, 12:15 PM
Got to agree Paul, as much as I love android and how less restrictive it is, I miss my iphone/iOS too, everything that my iphone did, done it well.

16th August 2011, 12:19 PM
Apart from my recent problem with the iPhone not sending e-mails from most of my POP3 accounts i can happily say i am so glad to be back in with the iPhone and getting rid of the Android.
I did manage to get $110 for the old Droid on fleabay :thumbs up:

As a side note, i deleted all my e-mail accounts and manually inserted them again into the iPhone and all is working well

The Dogfather
16th August 2011, 12:24 PM
Unless your wanting the ability to customise and change the way your handset works, then I think the real decision is about cost. Whether this is upfront or hidden away in the contract.

Apple devices cost a premium over Android, but you get the better support and integration with other Apple equipment with the iPhone. Having turned my back on Microsoft PCs I doubt I'd consider anything else other than an iPhone.

The Dogfather
16th August 2011, 12:25 PM
Apart from my recent problem with the iPhone not sending e-mails from most of my POP3 accounts i can happily say i am so glad to be back in with the iPhone and getting rid of the Android.
I did manage to get $110 for the old Droid on fleabay :thumbs up:

As a side note, i deleted all my e-mail accounts and manually inserted them again into the iPhone and all is working well

Could be that your network/ISP was blocking non authenticated SMTP traffic on their network....

16th August 2011, 12:29 PM
You rate Blackberry under Nokia? That's a statement!

I've had a few work Nokia and Blackberrys, while I'm not a massive Blackberry fan for email it does what it says on the tin. As a mini-computer, which lets face it are what iPhone and the droids are, they are really a mile behind.

16th August 2011, 01:12 PM
Could be that your network/ISP was blocking non authenticated SMTP traffic on their network....I re-entered exactly the same info back into the phone settings.
When i first synced the iPhone with my PC all mail accounts worked fine, then, it just stopped sending, so, having read some info on the net i tried deleting the accounts and manually enter them again with exactly the same details and it just worked again

The Dogfather
16th August 2011, 03:14 PM
You rate Blackberry under Nokia? That's a statement!

I've had a few work Nokia and Blackberrys, while I'm not a massive Blackberry fan for email it does what it says on the tin. As a mini-computer, which lets face it are what iPhone and the droids are, they are really a mile behind.

Nokia smartphones are built so well, E72 was a really classy device that was let down by the OS. I can't wait to see what they do with WP7.

Yes, BBs are good for email but really dislike the build and the OS.

The Dogfather
16th August 2011, 03:15 PM
I re-entered exactly the same info back into the phone settings.
When i first synced the iPhone with my PC all mail accounts worked fine, then, it just stopped sending, so, having read some info on the net i tried deleting the accounts and manually enter them again with exactly the same details and it just worked again

Must have been user error then :p

26th August 2011, 04:44 PM
Well I got my Android phone. Damned if I can figure out how to work it. Anyone have the HTC sensation? If so can you tell me how I use it to backup?

26th August 2011, 05:41 PM
Ive have one. What do you want to back up? General things like contact pictures music etc etc I have backed up on my laptop using HTC sync

Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk

26th August 2011, 05:42 PM
Also check out xda forum for android everything you need to know will be there

Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk

AndyP & Lenore
26th August 2011, 06:05 PM
Well I got my Android phone. Damned if I can figure out how to work it. Anyone have the HTC sensation? If so can you tell me how I use it to backup?

Are you on the same number?


30th August 2011, 12:00 PM
Yup Andy. Am still on the same number.

Scottie, was trying to backup my contacts. Can't use HTC sync as I'm on a Mac. Have got them to backup to gmail now though.

AndyP & Lenore
30th August 2011, 04:43 PM
Well Grant, what do you think then... as someone who's gone from an iPhone to an Android phone, what do you prefer?


31st August 2011, 10:19 AM
Well Grant, what do you think then... as someone who's gone from an iPhone to an Android phone, what do you prefer?


Well, straight out of the box it was a bloody nightmare to use. An iPhone just works and works pretty well. The HTC needs time spent with it. After sitting down over the weekend I figured out how to set and auto backup to gmail, set up my email and contacts (Had to hack the iTunes backup to get them though!) and browsed the App store.

There's tons more that can be done with an Android than an iPhone. The App store has so much more Apps and they do a lot more.

My 2 cents, if you're not tech minded or can't be patient enough to sit down and learn to use it then stick with the iPhone. Otherwise if you are then you might be in for a real supprise. I have to say I do miss the iPhone and how easy it is but I get everything I want from my HTC and more, just you might rip your hair out trying to work it, but it is worth it in my opinion. I certainly don regret it.

The Dogfather
31st August 2011, 11:55 AM
The Android Marketplace and the Apple App store have the same number of apps (this month at least). The Android Marketplace is expected to surpass the Apple on numbers from here on in.

Mind you, they do have to keep removing apps from the marketplace on a regular basis as they are spyware/viruses etc.