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View Full Version : M3RPM - Nenah - Crown St Aberdeen

29th July 2004, 05:01 AM
Just seen a lovely looking (and sounding) Black Cooper S crossing Crown St Aberdeen. Got a flash :D

Looks like fluttering your eye lashes worked Nenah :) new user name looks great and made it so easy to work out it was you :cool:

29th July 2004, 05:28 AM
quote:Originally posted by MartinSullivan

Just seen a lovely looking (and sounding) Black Cooper S crossing Crown St Aberdeen. Got a flash :D

Looks like fluttering your eye lashes worked Nenah :) new user name looks great and made it so easy to work out it was you :cool:

Yes indeedi - t'was me! :DThank you for the compliment on ze wheels - I knew you must have been a NMS member with your kitted out car - niiiiiiice - flags on the mirrors, right? :cool:

29th July 2004, 05:35 AM
Thats the one Nenah, good to see you

29th July 2004, 05:38 AM
Rught back at ya - Hope to meet you properly at the proposed Aberdeen Beach Boule get together

29th July 2004, 05:39 AM
ok, but I will want to steal your car

29th July 2004, 05:45 AM
You'll have to catch it first - I found out on the Cullen run just how much power the BBR has! You've got Sat Nav - is it factory fitted or after market- where in ABZ did you get it fitted? I'm looking to get installed ASAP (to save any more arguements with my map navigator on trips!)

29th July 2004, 05:54 AM
Mine is the factory fit. But I also have a Clarion DVD head unit which as an optional extra can be fitted with Nav. I fitted the new head unit myself in the workshop at work.

Check out www.newministuff.co.uk - the guy that runs it is called Mikeythemini (can usually be found on Mini2). He will give you all the advice you need on Sat Nav units.

29th July 2004, 05:59 AM
Thanks for the link - I had sat nav in my previous car and once you've had a a taste its hard to live without - I'll check it out..cheers!

29th July 2004, 06:03 AM
OK think Mikey is away in spain at the mo, but he is picking his emails up. He did the install in BonnieScotlands car and has supplied stuff for a fair few of us on here.

29th July 2004, 06:21 AM
Half his luck -ooohhh, what I would give for a few weeks in the sun....