View Full Version : A mini version of me.....

9th June 2011, 06:04 PM
Just ordered up a mini version of me........

from this website, can't wait to see the results, anyone ever done anything like this before??


9th June 2011, 10:54 PM
Ha ha! Awesome!! What are you doing in your minime?? :)

10th June 2011, 07:23 AM
The body is labelled as 'Yeah Yeah'

I actually got this through Groupon - For 29.99 - and had a sneaky £8 groupon voucher to use - So it only cost me £22.
However shipping charges added on a further £13.99!!
But i think for the money, and the fact that the head is hand sculpted, and then cast, painted and put on a pre-fabricated body, you cannot argue with £36 in total!!!!

Will be posting up results in around 5 - 7 weeks hopefully!!!