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The Dogfather
5th June 2011, 01:57 PM

5th June 2011, 04:11 PM
Stuck for you Paul ;)

Mini Ecosse
5th June 2011, 08:33 PM
Yes please :thumbs up:

6th June 2011, 05:39 PM
Like the look of day two with the new road, always nice to see new parts up there. I think its great that the Mileage is hovering around the 230 mark, its always the last 40 miles that I find tires me out when we are doing near the 300 mark.

Keeping day three a back track past Durness has to be a winner.:thumbs up:

Mini Ecosse
6th June 2011, 06:11 PM
Two routes to pick from: -

OPTION 1 :thumbs up:

6th June 2011, 08:46 PM
Hi Paul
I think I've already said yes so maybe you could add myself and Catriona to this. Thank you

Forgot - happy to go along with whatever everyone else wants.

Duncan Stewart
28th July 2011, 07:59 PM
I'm still up for the run. Don't mind what sort of car leads it :thumbs up:

28th July 2011, 09:31 PM
As always it’s more about the roads and the people enjoying them over the cars. Although we do look great all Mini, but what’s an MX5 between friends I can hear Crombers now (about four miles behind)….:smilewinkgrin:

I just thought it was quiet as its next year and thought you probably had a lot on.

29th July 2011, 01:22 PM
Hi Vidal... sorry, Paul! My friend and his wife are coming up from Norwich for a holiday next year - but they can't give me dates till the end of the year due to trying to organise/synchronise their time off work, so I'm leaving my 'diary' open for now as I can't commit to anything till I know when they're coming.

31st July 2011, 04:15 PM
Cheers Paul! :thumbs up:

1st September 2011, 09:32 PM
Mmmmmm !!!!!!

(best route maybe's but now a slower pace :cool:)

1st September 2011, 11:56 PM
Yeah, I guess because I'll be so far ahead you'll not be sure of the correct line through the bend...... :Whistle:

'Shnigger'................ You'll be like the F1 pacecar with a wad of MINI,s up yer arse :hand:

Mini Ecosse
2nd September 2011, 11:29 AM
'Shnigger'................ You'll be like the F1 pacecar with a wad of MINI,s up yer arse :hand:


4th September 2011, 03:51 PM
I did not know they were RW drive, past about ten up north on a run; there was a few car clubs up the Highlands. MX5, Smart and Ferrari although the latter could have been just classic as there was some older 911 and Astons on the Road.

Sorry I was going to take a look at that view point and small Ferry but past the Road before I remembered and thought – dam its now five miles back!!!!

Dont mind at all, I'm right thinking the MX5 is a slower car to that of the S?:smilewinkgrin:

12th October 2011, 07:07 AM
hey. do you happen to have dates?

12th October 2011, 06:48 PM
Spotted this any one know these roads????

Seems the new Landrover did our HT road.


13th October 2011, 11:34 AM
Can you put myself and fi down for this one for next year please? Circumstances have all worked agains us for every other HT so far, and I'll be buggered if i'm missing another one! Got to say you're spot on. the road from Tongue > Durness is a total joy in a Mini (prob ok in an MX5 too tho ;)), we did it a couple of times a year or two ago. we didn't get as far as Ullapool tho, as we were staying in Tongue and had a few other places to visit first! :D:D:D
Day 3 will almost certainly be Tongue > Durness > Ullapool > Garve, it should feel different as we are attacking the roads from the opposite direction as well. The 'new' road looks great on Google Earth, I've driven it a couple of times but many years ago. I would have included it in earlier runs but we've never had the time to spare. Trouble is I'll probably not be able to reccie it in the van as its a bit narrow....

11th January 2012, 02:46 AM
Thought I'd post up an update: Yeas its early booking but they take no money and you can Cancel no problems as far as we know up to a week before I think.

Plockton Accommodation - 23rd June

Paul - Plockton Hotel
Duncan - Plocton Hotel
Stewart - Plockton Hotel
MINI Ecosse - Plockton Hotel
Weefossys - Plockton Hotel
Alex - Mum's (It gets a good right up apparently AA ten stars and is free):smilewinkgrin:

Tongue Accommodation - 24th June
Two main hotels in Tongue: -
Tongue Hotel
Ben Loyal Hotel

Duncan - Ben Loyal
Stewart - Ben Loyal
Paul - Ben Loyal
Mini Ecosse - Ben Loyal
Weefossys - Ben Loyal
Alex - Ben Loyal

11th January 2012, 08:20 PM
Hi is there particular hotels/guest houses people are staying in ... so that everyone isnt all over the place?

12th January 2012, 04:10 PM
Thought I'd post up an update: Yeas its early booking but they take no money and you can Cancel no problems as far as we know up to a week before I think.
Are you getting the info from NM? or only posting NMS info, just to remind everyone that Paul is only updating the run on his site, if from Paul then you'll have to keep this thread updated

12th January 2012, 04:37 PM
Its just a Copy from NM as things had moved on. If your not on NM it would be easy to think nothing was going on with the run and as anyone can see a few have got in early and booked the B&B's...Plockton has a good few places to stay but is extremely popular as it’s a well known picture postcard destination that the tourist boards advertise and Tounge has basically two options that are a few hundred yards from each other.

I'll keep it up to date if that's what you want, but in general it was just a heads up to those only on NMS.

Alex from NM
12th January 2012, 10:06 PM
Aye, should point out there's no rooms with a view left at the Ben Loyal now. We're overlooking the car park. Mind you, it will be full of MINI's so maybe it is after all :cool:

29th January 2012, 06:18 PM
Update: Just to keep it in line with NM.

Plockton Accommodation - 23rd June

Paul - Plockton Hotel
Duncan - Plocton Hotel
Stewart - Plockton Hotel
MINI Ecosse - Plockton Hotel
Weefossys - Plockton Hotel
Alex - Mum's (It gets a good right up apparently AA ten stars and is free):smilewinkgrin:
AndyW - Plockton Hotel

Tongue Accommodation - 24th June
Two main hotels in Tongue: -
Tongue Hotel
Ben Loyal Hotel

Duncan - Ben Loyal
Stewart - Ben Loyal
Paul - Ben Loyal
Mini Ecosse - Ben Loyal
Weefossys - Ben Loyal
Alex - Ben Loyal
AndyW - Ben Loyal

The Yellow Clubman returns!:thumbs up:

14th March 2012, 09:57 AM
Stewart, unfortunately I'm definitely a 'no show' this year :sad:
I already have a week's holiday booked in June, and various other commitments around that time. Also getting an eye operation in the next few months, possibly sooner, so can't over-book myself.

30th April 2012, 11:30 PM
I need to pull out of the run. Middle son announced an August wedding date as they've managed to get a cancellation ATM their preferred venue in Edinburgh. Was looking forward to the weekend away but now need to store some cash for this instead.

1st May 2012, 12:15 AM
You'll have to register on NM cause no info being supplied on NMS

1st May 2012, 11:27 AM
I need to pull out of the run. Middle son announced an August wedding date as they've managed to get a cancellation ATM their preferred venue in Edinburgh. Was looking forward to the weekend away but now need to store some cash for this instead.

I'll miss my wee running partner :(

I’ll post up on NM for you on the Sign up thread. Although I do realise you have a tendency to show up on said run…..unexpected like :smilewinkgrin: well for two years you did....:cool:

Update: Done!

1st May 2012, 10:16 PM
You'll have to register on NM cause no info being supplied on NMS

This is true but Paul is online here often enuf so he will read this thread I'm sure !!

1st May 2012, 10:44 PM
This is true but Paul is online here often enuf so he will read this thread I'm sure !!Is he, i thought he bailed out when the toys left the pram :Whistle:

1st May 2012, 10:56 PM
yeah he's online fairly often.

2nd May 2012, 12:27 AM
I'll miss my wee running partner :(

I’ll post up on NM for you on the Sign up thread. Although I do realise you have a tendency to show up on said run…..unexpected like :smilewinkgrin: well for two years you did....:cool:

I know! It's easy saying take me off the list but as the date draws nearer the urge to go takes over.... Who knows ....lol

2nd May 2012, 08:12 AM
Is he, i thought he bailed out when the toys left the pram :Whistle:

Yep well he was online last night when I posted that comment ;)

2nd May 2012, 02:08 PM
Hi guys, I've taken the decision to stop contributing to NMS. As a result I won't be updating this thread further.

If people still wish to come along on this run updates will be provided through NM. Apologies for the inconvience.......

Yep well he was online last night when I posted that comment ;)He may be online but he's already mentioned he won't be contributing, hence my post

2nd May 2012, 09:55 PM
I know! It's easy saying take me off the list but as the date draws nearer the urge to go takes over.... Who knows ....lol

:thumbs up:

Yeah remember last few times…” Wait is that sheilz walking towards us in Ullapool” and driving round a bend to find a Red Clubbie parked up at the side of the road on Skye….:smilewinkgrin:

As for the politics involved I thought posting on NM would make sure we got a confirming nod from Paul. :thumbs up:

25th June 2012, 06:33 PM
Well that's us back home safe and sound. A huge big thank you once again to Paul for all his hard work. Despite the weather, 2012 was another epic with some great new roads and the best ferry crosssing ever. As always the banter in the evening was a terrific laugh, as was the food and drink. Even Mom hasn't tried to BBQ venison on a run before!
Didn't take too many pictures, but will post up some of the ferry crossing later; they are a bit soggy though. Hopefully Stephen will have saved the day, picture wise, to do the whole run justice.
Unlike movie sequels, the Highland Tours just get better, role on number 5. Thanks again Paul.

Duncan Stewart
25th June 2012, 07:21 PM
Huge thanks to Paul for another superb mini adventure :thumbs up: Helen & I had a great weekend.

Duncan Stewart
25th June 2012, 08:08 PM
A few piccies

The Hotels locations were stunning - What a view to wake up to!





The runners



Over the sea to Skye!


What does that dog smell :Whistle:


Come back Malcolm - you forgot your Mini ;)




25th June 2012, 09:53 PM
Great pictures Duncan, looks like the sun was shinning a bit more in your pictures....lol
Attached are a few of us getting on and off "The Ferry". My camera was soaking wet and was misting up, so apologies for the poor quality. As for me I was even wetter and reduced to a "pile of fodder" for the entire Skye midge population. Don't know how they get to the bits they get to!!

Waiting for the Ferry

Road to nowhere

Ready to go

A very precious cargo

this boat does not go in a straight line, currents are very very strong.

25th June 2012, 10:11 PM
Some more pictures from the Skye end

crash landing on the other side

Soggy picture - apologies, couldn't concentrate because I was being knawed in some tender places

Is that Dad in drag?
apologies again Stewart and Alex for the blurring


And finally Helen & Stewart


Sorry Paul that I didn't get one of your car coming off the ferry, but here's one of you getting a "leg over"

26th June 2012, 12:21 AM
good to see you had a good time :thumbs up:

26th June 2012, 10:26 AM
Great Photos ;)

Mini Ecosse
26th June 2012, 01:46 PM
Well that's us home, we broke our journey home at Inverness where we took the opportunity to visit some friends.

Many thanks Paul for organising HT4, we had an amazing time, thoroughly enjoyed the run and the company :thumbs up:

Below is the first of some of the most amazing landscape/seascape photos I have ever taken;):laugh:.

The colours and scenery were truly magnificent, can you spot the pair of golden eagles in the distance?

Will post some others with mini's this evening.


26th June 2012, 02:01 PM
Brilliant photos everybody - Duncan's first pic (Plockton) is stunning! :camera: :clap: but Tongue is nice too... :drool: :blush:

Really sorry to have missed this trip, brought back happy memories of last year... glad you all enjoyed it - here's to 2014 Paul, and by the way, the wee Mazda's looking pretty good :cool:
(not quite as good as a MINI tho! :smilewinkgrin: - hope Sioban's back is OK after that pose - the perils of Champagne for breakfast methinks)

26th June 2012, 02:11 PM
apologies again Stewart and Alex for the blurring


Och Aye, that's oor Stewart right enough - jings, if he's no too fast for yon fancy electric camera! :motoring: It surely must be the Highland air! :yes nod:

Mini Ecosse
26th June 2012, 05:03 PM
Some photos from HT4, not in any order!











Mini Ecosse
26th June 2012, 05:06 PM
and more











Mini Ecosse
26th June 2012, 05:09 PM
and finally,










26th June 2012, 06:26 PM
Good pics looks like you guys had a good time

26th June 2012, 06:45 PM
Superb Pics Stephen ;)

26th June 2012, 07:23 PM
Again big thanks to all the folks for making it a great weekend. As always the company makes the run and especially when the food and entertainment with the Football where spot on. Adding an England game just added that wee sparkle to the nights banter and fun. "Rooooney"

In fairness we had dry roads most of the second day. The new roads freshened it up even if at times especially on that Roller coaster run before Kylesku I thought these road builders are having a laugh. Big shout to my point man Alex on that bit as we all know at times your only seeing sky and no road. And the crazy run up to that view point before the Ferry was good fun as well and that's coming from captain slow as well, but these hill bends were so wide it was a joy to try and follow Alex in his s.

Taking the Scenic route tracing the road back home seemed a good idea at the time and I did stop off many a time but it sure was a long day. Thankfully broken by a few Mini meets with Alex and Gill. We had our own wee Highland Tour for the last twenty – thirty miles over loch Carron again to a drink and chat at the Castle café. Gill even roasted the S through the Tunnel to get the desired effect. You just don’t get the note from a Cooper. I knew by FB they could have only been 20-30 mins behind me. I even finally got to stop at that wee Castle/House before the turn off to Kylesku when you are heading north.

Anyway a few pictures of the few days. Lost half an hour chatting to a biker heading to Applecross for the first time and taking the Coast road as well, well it would have been rude not to share after he pointed out he was heading to a place called Applecross do you know it??? ;)

Cheers again folks.








Best point man you could have asked for on the way home on the single track roads from Durness, 90% pulled in for him :thumbs up:

















26th June 2012, 07:27 PM
Stephen and Stewart, superb pictures. Stephen think that is the best picture of The Beast I have seen. Have to say though my motorbike picture (Flying Dutchman getting on the Kylerhea Ferry) is better than your bike....he he he!! :D


Duncan Stewart
26th June 2012, 07:45 PM
Cracking Pics everyone - reminders of a fab weekend :smilewinkgrin:
We met the "flying Dutchman" again on the road home a Perth - small world!

28th June 2012, 12:41 PM
Well just out and brimmed the wee car. Total dent to wallet for petrol £113. But then I did get 54 MPG on the way home on the Car computer. Worst bit was from Applecross to Ullapool for some reason as I only got 40 MPG real world but then I was sitting in third most of the time till off the coast road. You lazy guys in the more powerful stuff with cars that pull in forth no problem up hills going round bends ;)

When I think of the Money each month driving around town playing Pothole lottery with the roads at the very least this £113 had the best smiles per mile and gave the car a wee work out that I always thinks does it the world of good.

857 Miles averaging 47 MPG over the trip.:thumbs up: and yes its not about the MPG but about the fun :smilewinkgrin: but still nice to get a decent return on the Jungle juice.

28th June 2012, 03:33 PM
When I think of the Money each month driving around town playing Pothole lottery with the roads at the very least this £113 had the best smiles per mile and gave the car a wee work out that I always thinks does it the world of good.

Wise words mate! :thumbs up:

30th June 2012, 12:11 PM
The pics are lovely Stewart. Looks like you guys had a ball. Dougall was dead jealous being parked up at work instead of cruisng the highlands. I did tell him to be grateful, his week was a hell of a lot better than mine but you know what minis are like!

30th June 2012, 03:06 PM
Sheilz its was just nice to chill out away from city roads, took almost 850 miles before some arse was sitting two inches off my rear near the Airport, welcome back to Glasgow! Took another ten minutes before I had to play pothole dodge and thought Aaaaaaaa its good to be back…:ragin::smilewinkgrin:

Although next time I think we will negotiate the price of the ferry before they have us on midway across..;) Got chinned £10 on that one……;)

Andy w
1st July 2012, 12:05 AM
Stewart you know the words sing along
Don't pay the ferryman,
Don't even fix a price,
Don't pay the ferryman,
Until he gets you to the other side

The web page says more than that

Alex from NM
1st July 2012, 08:05 PM
Yay, finally back home after a

First of all a big thankyou to Paul for arranging this run under pressure http://forums.northernmini.co.uk/images/smilies/biggrin.png It was much appreciated.

Secondly to everyone on the run for making this the most enjoyable event in the MINI calendar. It has become the only 'must do' event which is why I want to keep it going with HT5 http://forums.northernmini.co.uk/images/smilies/smile.png I have a bit of plan for this which I will post up elsewhere shortly

Pics will follow when Gill the master photographer gets her shots sorted out and posted somewhere I can link from :thumbs up:

1st July 2012, 10:32 PM
Yeah lesson learned is to be in the right gear for the tight bend heading skyward, but bloody annoying when you decide “Right plan A is not working down to third, oh wait I’ve now lost even more power from the change, dam second it is” By this time the S is looking the part with ease. After near three hundred miles and enough tight bends heading up hills I'd gladly take the - "Will still go up anything in Forth"

For quick bursts your probably right with it being more involving in the lower powered car but if you had seen that roller coaster road that must have been around the 200 miles mark, it basically knackers you as Alex will concur. After that my cog dynamics were all to pot trying to chase the S on the more open road.

2nd July 2012, 12:38 AM
Knew you were still a good ol' card-carrying Cog-Swapper Ali!!! :smilewinkgrin:

Alex from NM
2nd July 2012, 09:35 PM
That road was mental like. I loved my R50 and driving it hard and fast was in lots of ways a more rewarding experience than driving my R56 S fast, knowing you were at the limit of what the car could do. I can't drive the S at the limit as the car is faster than me! I still have a good go every now and then mind ;)

3rd July 2012, 01:41 PM
That road was mental like.

I'm sure we passed this at the start of the 26 miles......;)

Mini Ecosse
12th July 2012, 08:48 PM
Looks like someone else beat you to the best job in the world Malcolm :thumbs up:


12th July 2012, 09:39 PM
Drat and double drat..........that was my job!! Great wee video, makes me want to go back.

Alex from NM
13th July 2012, 10:37 PM
Erm, better late than never... ;)

http://s1075.photobucket.com/albums/...nd%20Tour%205/ (http://s1075.photobucket.com/albums/w437/awooga69/Highland%20Tour%205/)

Credit where its due, these all belong to Gill

Mini Ecosse
14th July 2012, 10:02 PM
Erm, better late than never... ;)

http://s1075.photobucket.com/albums/...nd%20Tour%205/ (http://s1075.photobucket.com/albums/w437/awooga69/Highland%20Tour%205/)

Credit where its due, these all belong to Gill

Some great photos Alex......... Oooooopppppsss that should be Gill:thumbs up:

Duncan Stewart
20th July 2012, 07:33 PM
Erm, better late than never... ;)

http://s1075.photobucket.com/albums/...nd%20Tour%205/ (http://s1075.photobucket.com/albums/w437/awooga69/Highland%20Tour%205/)

Credit where its due, these all belong to Gill

Great photos :thumbs up: