View Full Version : I've a new (old) car but still have the Mini (always will).

26th May 2011, 09:52 AM
Morning all.

Just wanted to show off my new purchase; a beautiful 1958 MGA coupe.

‘the old lady’ looks stunning in black with shiny new wire wheels and as an extra added bonus (?) thanks to a previous owner a webesto sunroof (circa 1978).

Will be off on many an MG / classic run this year and a good few shows but do plan on getting myself to a Mini run this year, has been far too long.



2746 2751



26th May 2011, 10:35 AM
Mate that is jaw dropping, you are one lucky guy. If you are ever looking for a co-pilot ;)

26th May 2011, 11:34 AM

Gorgeous MG! :cool::cool::cool::cool::thumbs up::thumbs up::thumbs up::thumbs up:

26th May 2011, 12:40 PM
That is one very very nice motor, love MG's, restored a 1968 MGBGT years ago and that was Black with Chrome Bumpers and Wire wheels, that looked good to me but that MGA you have there is truly stunning :thumbs up:

Enjoy :thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
26th May 2011, 01:13 PM
That is absolutely stunning!:cool::cool::cool::thumbs up:

I hope you have many happy miles in it.

One day, I'm gonna treat myself to a wee corker like that. But I'd need a garage to keep it in.


26th May 2011, 01:51 PM
Thank you all for you admiring comments they are very much appreciated.

She’s only been out once since I got her (nearly three weeks ago) as the weather’s been so terrible, am keeping busy with tinkering, going over the breaking system, changing engine oil and filters, radiator coolant etc.


GCA3N – am sorry to say that the better half has that seat booked out (and the limited boot space too) for the next moth but she may be otherwise engaged in July !

Parkibob – do you still have the GT, would love to see pictures and hear some tales of break downs etc.

Andy - you'd most definitely need a garage, the old lady is currently in a rented garage space near my office in the city centre. That is until we move; other half wants more space, bedrooms and garden !!! all I need to be happy now is a garage !

AndyP & Lenore
26th May 2011, 02:10 PM
Andy - you'd most definitely need a garage, the old lady is currently in a rented garage space near my office in the city centre. That is until we move; other half wants more space, bedrooms and garden !!! all I need to be happy now is a garage !

Thats good to hear. But where are you keeping the new car? :lol:

A. :lol:

26th May 2011, 02:12 PM
Really nice Matthew ;). I have the double garage but no money for the classic :rolleyes:

Wish you many happy miles !

26th May 2011, 02:30 PM
Thats good to hear. But where are you keeping the new car? :lol:

A. :lol:

;););) is a complicated life having two ladies :cool:

Craig - am not up for swapping !!!

26th May 2011, 03:13 PM
Looks a cracker :thumbs up:

26th May 2011, 05:24 PM
Matthew, sadly the GT went to fund a wedding (bad move all round as the car would have outlasted the marriage for sure and we are talking MG's here lol) :frown:

Hope you have many hours of happy motoring in her, She's a beauty :cool:

26th May 2011, 08:32 PM
Very Nice, could see it out and about if its in Glasgow...........

26th May 2011, 08:52 PM
Very Nice, could see it out and about if its in Glasgow...........

You will if it ever stop raining or looking like it will...

But she's not too keen on city traffic; no synchromesh on first and with drums all round the locals are very scary drivers, out the city she's a dream...

29th May 2011, 10:45 AM
Very nice Sir.