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View Full Version : Blowing hot/warm air

6th May 2011, 08:00 AM
I have just had me radiatior replaced. Before it was replaced my interior blower and a/c blew only warm not hot air and no cold. After the radiator being replaced it blows hot air on the hot setting but on cold it feels warm. With the a/c on the hot is hot but the lo/cold is not icy/cold like it used to be. Could it be the a/c needs re-charged and it is just cocinence that it had failed at the same time as the coolant radiator? Any advice appreciated, thanks.

6th May 2011, 12:59 PM
Sounds about right get the aircon re-charged £30 I think from the stealers.

6th May 2011, 01:17 PM
Depending on why your radiator failed can impact your A/C, it sits directly in front of the normal radiator so if something hit it then that's likely the cause.
Happened to me once when i hit a bird traveling to see mikeythemini, had to replace the A/C rad and it wasn't cheap :ragin:

6th May 2011, 08:38 PM
Thought it might need recharged. Had a mechanic look at it today he said the same. Leak test and recharge £40. Will try the stealers too for a price. Thanks.