View Full Version : Top Gear - "MINI is uncool"

26th July 2004, 04:52 AM
Jeremy & co think that the MINI is now uncool but Jeremy thinks that the convertible is cool, despite it not doing well in their convertible test.
But what a stupid test - they didn't even mention handling, performance, safety, value for money, resale value...

Also during the program they declared the MG-TF to be junk (not true/over simplistic) and German/Swiss scientists to be the best!

ARGH! I preferred the program in the 1980s!

I'll stick to reading Autocar for proper reviews.

Duncan Stewart
26th July 2004, 05:04 AM
I'm rapidly going off "Top Gear" !

26th July 2004, 05:05 AM

MINIs are "uncool" on Top Gear! No no no no no no no!!! This is not happening! I feel ill! :dead:

Although I do agree that the convertible should have been a 2-seater!

Hmph! "Uncool" - well they obviously haven't seen MY MINI! :D

26th July 2004, 05:46 AM
Top gear, Paa!:disapprove:

26th July 2004, 06:13 AM
but its Jeremy Clarksons opnion, so it doesnt really go with the general perception of whats cool, i mean, who dresses like that on national tele!!

26th July 2004, 07:18 AM
Absolutly sh@z. The day i take advice about cool from a man who dresses like him and has his hair cut with garden sheers will be a "sub zero" day in hell:D:D

26th July 2004, 03:44 PM
It'd funny - just got round to reading the article in GoMini a few months back interviewing the co-presenter dude - forget his name - and he loves the mini!!

What was old "jacket & jeans" clarkson giving as his reasons for the MINI now being uncool?

26th July 2004, 05:01 PM
quote:Originally posted by Wul

It'd funny - just got round to reading the article in GoMini a few months back interviewing the co-presenter dude - forget his name - and he loves the mini!!

What was old "jacket & jeans" clarkson giving as his reasons for the MINI now being uncool?

"too many estate agents and hairdressers now have them!!"
This is a man who is getting a ford gt!!!!!!!!

26th July 2004, 05:39 PM
I love top gear and watch it week in and week out.

After clarkson said the MINI was uncool I guessed that it would spark outrage in the MINI Public and owners.

After he said It I was thinking, tomorrow will be a fun day at work reading all the "I HATE TOP GEAR" and "I HATE JEREMY CLARKSON" posts


Big Col
26th July 2004, 08:03 PM
"Mini is uncool"

The only thing I have to say is...no it isn't!

I still think Top Gear is a good show and Clarkston makes me laugh but the MINI is definetly uncool. Hell...even if it is I don't care. I think they rock. :)

Monsta Mo Mini
26th July 2004, 09:13 PM
...it's a bit of fun and he's right about the estate agents - about half a dozen of them around Embra have MINIs!

...just fanning the flames! ;):D

26th July 2004, 10:19 PM
I think Jeremy dresses very well! I hope one day to have his sartorial elegance.

Every second car these days seems to be a MINI. I know cos I'm one of them!! Over the weekend, it seemed that everywher I looked I saw a MINI!;)

I think we should take everything said on Top Gear with a pinch of salt, they're just trying to wind us up. If you doubt your car is still cool just look at how many looks you still get driving about, even when you don't have 40 odd others helping with the spectacle!:p

It could be worse we could have been stuck on the poor wee guy's T-shirt!

27th July 2004, 12:24 AM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col
"Mini is uncool"

The only thing I have to say is...no it isn't!

I still think Top Gear is a good show and Clarkston makes me laugh but the MINI is definetly uncool. Hell...even if it is I don't care. I think they rock. :)

I am with you big col, they rock and Jeremy Clarkson it s numpty when I dont like what he says and very funny when I do, sha mon !!!!

and for the road test on the soft top, all they done was ask a sheep farmer what he thought and guess what " the boot was too small :evil:" I never !!!!!


27th July 2004, 02:25 AM
There are getting to be a lot of ones in estate agency livery though - diluting the brand a bit with all these cars... Chose my mini over a bmw though and quite happy with it.

27th July 2004, 04:26 AM
quote:Originally posted by GAJ

I think Jeremy dresses very well! I hope one day to have his sartorial elegance.

Pretty close now arn't you??:D;)

27th July 2004, 04:36 AM
quote:Originally posted by tribalmini

quote:Originally posted by GAJ

I think Jeremy dresses very well! I hope one day to have his sartorial elegance.

Pretty close now arn't you??:D;)

Steady now, or you'll be getting put on my uncool wall!:D:I

27th July 2004, 05:31 AM
Think of it this way - maybe they'll stop selling so many, so they'll reduce the waiting list and give us more discount - always a silver (or indeed chrome) lining...

I so love driving my MINI I fear for my licence