View Full Version : Help !!!!

4th April 2011, 09:34 AM
ok i live in a house thats converted in to 4 flats and the ivy is realy bad so i am geting a qoute to remove it
but who should pay should it be all 4 of us or just the 2 on the side that its growing ???

HELP please

4th April 2011, 09:38 AM
Like any issue with a building like this it should really be all 4. If there is a roof issue all 4 have to pay even although the roof theoretically is only for the top 2 flats.

Have you asked the other 3 flat owners yet?

4th April 2011, 09:40 AM
i have spoke to 1 but the other 2 are not lived in at the mo 1 is doing it up to sell and 1 is just doing it up to move in

the upstairs 1 is more than happy to pay but have not seen the other 2 so dont know was just wondering if any one knew the law on it as i dont :lol:

4th April 2011, 09:42 AM
As Fi says, ask everyone, but, i don't think that all 4 will have to pay for it's removal as some may consider it to "look" ok.
I'd expect you'd have a far better chance of making everyone pay if there was actual damage being caused

4th April 2011, 09:46 AM
As Fi says, ask everyone, but, i don't think that all 4 will have to pay for it's removal as some may consider it to "look" ok.
I'd expect you'd have a far better chance of making everyone pay if there was actual damage being caused

well thats just it it had come up in the home report that was done on the flat next door to me saying it may be a problem and as i plan on selling my flat this year then it could be a major prob with that its also growing right round my upstairs naubours flat window :O

4th April 2011, 10:09 AM
well thats just it it had come up in the home report that was done on the flat next door to me saying it may be a problemThen with that info you can approach the other 2 home owners who may want to seek an independent quote or may even offer to remove themselves.
You obviously want to get it sorted more than the others for your selling purposes and may end up doing it anyway to enhance your sale, so, best be quick in contacting the other owners as soon as possible to get a quick fix or at least know where you stand

9th April 2011, 09:31 PM
never mind the ivy young stone ...............what about the paintball :yes nod::yes nod::yes nod::yes nod: