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30th March 2011, 07:11 PM
we buy any car.com, any any any.....sorry got carried away!

Guy in work looking at selling his motor, long story short, reckons he could get £1150 but happy with £1000, his wifey gets annoyed & says see what we buy any car will give you, if they offer £800 take it!!

They offered him the grand sum of.................£70! :laugh:

We all found it highly amusing & he's taken alot of stick, especially when he carried on to tell us they also wanted an admin fee & there was an eenie weenie clause stating the online offer might change upon physical inspection of the car!

Bunch of crooks! He'd get more for scrap!

Just thought I'd share this wee story & wondered if anyone else has had a similar experience??

I dread to think though of the poor folk who don't know any better & think they getting a good deal from these thieves!

p.s. sorry if you now have the annoying tune in your head :D

30th March 2011, 07:22 PM
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!! :laugh: daylight robbery!

30th March 2011, 07:32 PM
There are a few on here had similar stories, they give you a price over the phone to hook you and get you in, then take loads off on inspection.

30th March 2011, 07:36 PM
Oh yes, they are a bunch of crooks. I started a thread about it here (http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?21209-WeRipOffAnyCarSeller.com). :thumbs up:

30th March 2011, 08:22 PM

30th March 2011, 08:22 PM
Oops, sorry to repeat a recent thread.

Was so funny though when he told us & it's spread round work like wildfire.

He even spent all day Sunday cleaning & polishing the wee thing just to spite them!

Thieving gits, hope nobody on here has been desperate enough to use 'em or been stung by them :ragin:

31st March 2011, 09:59 AM
Once they have given you their price and before you have even agreed to it or accepted it, they contact all the local vehicle underwriters/dealers to see if they would be interested in it!