View Full Version : Anyone have a ZX81, back in the day?

AndyP & Lenore
11th March 2011, 11:54 PM
I had one. For a short while. But I have to admit, I preferred my Commodore Vic 20.:thumbs up:

ZX81 on BBC News (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-12703674)


12th March 2011, 12:16 AM
Nope, had my Spectrum 48k instead (well still have it actually). ;)

AndyP & Lenore
12th March 2011, 12:28 AM
Nope, had my Spectrum 48k instead (well still have it actually). ;)

eBay....:thumbs up::thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
12th March 2011, 12:31 AM
Love this gif...


A.:thumbs up::thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
12th March 2011, 12:32 AM
Nope, had my Spectrum 48k instead (well still have it actually). ;)

eBay....:thumbs up::thumbs up:

Actually, no. hang on to it. Worth more in 30 years than it is now probably.


12th March 2011, 12:56 AM
Actually, no. hang on to it. Worth more in 30 years than it is now probably.


Oh yeah -it's gonna be worth a few quid when I retire :lol:

Neil - TXJ
12th March 2011, 07:42 AM
Always wanted a Spectrum but my parents got me an acorn electron (more educational they said!) which had hardly any games although Elite was good.

12th March 2011, 09:45 AM
Friend still has his boxed, remember the heat you got off the flat keyboard, those were the days! My friend has the silver printer and the 16K upgrade that we thought was class. Black and white computing at it best!

When it came to the C64 and Spectrum 48k with its wee rubber keys it was a whole new ball game.

Triger I still have the Acorn up in the loft, I think a few parents fell for the salesman trying to push them out the door with the Education I wanted a BBC Model B like my friend but got the Acorn .. Elite was class all the same.

It was great loading up to see "Mostly Harmless!" :thumbs up:


12th March 2011, 09:54 AM
We had a Commodore 64, but my mate had a Speccy. So when someone at school was getting shot if his I bought for £20 quid - bargain!

I think it's still in my folks house somewhere, alongside an original Gameboy, the C64, an Amiga and an old Atari. Happy days :-)

Neil - TXJ
12th March 2011, 10:45 AM
It was great loading up to see "Mostly Harmless!" :thumbs up

It was docking that I always had problems with, getting enough money for auto docking made life a lot easier :yes nod:

12th March 2011, 11:18 AM
Im sure my ZX Spectrum +2 is still in the house somewhere as well along with a load of games...
Glad those days of loading games are over though, could switch it on and go boil the kettle and then make a cup of tea or coffee and come back and it would probably still be loading while making that awful racket as well lol :D

12th March 2011, 02:07 PM
its was the Rainbow colours

AndyP & Lenore
13th March 2011, 12:34 AM
We had the VIC 20, then a C64, then a C128. And progressed onto the Amiga 500 and eventually the Amiga 2000??? Don't remember the last Amiga I got before the Commodore brand went belly up.

Something that has stayed with me for many many years is an article I read a long time ago about the time of Commodore's demise. Someone once said about Commodore...

"Commodore had the market nailed, with a home computer that was more powerful than anything else on the market at the time. But they couldn't market anything. if Commodore were in charge of marketing 'Kentucky Fried Chicken' they'd have called it 'Warm Dead Bird' " Doesn't have the same ring, if I'm honest.

Elite: Ahhh the cause of many very late nights - sometimes at the weekends until dawn. Quite how I met women I will never know.

Does anyone else remember taking the missions which caused a "virus" to spread throughout the cabin of your spacecraft causing funny blobs to appear on your screen?

Also, I remember "saving game data" each time I docked. I always rewound the tape to the beginning and taped over the last saved game data. Did that for weeks, building myself up almost to Elite status. Then one day I started to load my game data in when I started playing one day, only to discover I'd hit record-play on the tape drive. Nightmare. Lost the lot. That program taught me more about Grandfather/Father/Son backup protocol than I ever learned in school.


Mini Me
13th March 2011, 01:12 AM
Aw I had the spectrum... Jet Set Willie was class lol

13th March 2011, 01:16 AM
Always wanted a Spectrum but my parents got me an acorn electron (more educational they said!) which had hardly any games although Elite was good.

same here :( also had Elite, really liked that game :)

13th March 2011, 03:14 PM
Does anyone else remember taking the missions which caused a "virus" to spread throughout the cabin of your spacecraft causing funny blobs to appear on your screen?

I do remember once you were Elite having to go Bountyhunter on a mad wee fast ship and that you had to track him down that took ages.(destroying a stolen experimental ship as the offical site says :thumbs up:) A bit more flash was the BBC model B with Floopy disc drive to save games plus when you docked you seen the inside of the station and what ships were there.

Friend had Ghostbusters on the C64 that you had to save for better cars etc that was a good game at the time. I had the Vic 20 as well with that tape recorder. I think I've still got it.

Anyone remember Carrier Command on the Amiga, it was class as well I’ve actually had talked to the original guy (Andy) that worked on it. There is a brand new version on its way for the PC.......

14th March 2011, 10:25 AM
I have a zx spectrum + the first one that had the hard plastic keys. Still got it in the original box, and it still works!!

14th March 2011, 01:27 PM
Was the Spectrum+2 for me. Great memories on that. I still play a few on emulators here and there. In fact I hacked my PSP to just play old games on the go, never use it for PSP games.

Did anyone see Micro Men when it was on? Was about the Clive Sinclair/Chris Curry battle. Really good though maybe a bit one sided. Still on the BBC iPlayer I think.

I'm also a subscriber to Retro Gamer magazine. Seriously fun looking back at all the past games on different systems....

14th March 2011, 03:40 PM
Micromen was good :D

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14th March 2011, 04:26 PM
I was an Atari man, but also had the Commodore 64, i completed my first ever game on that, Bounty Bob, fantastic game :thumbs up: