View Full Version : This made me laugh...

10th March 2011, 10:07 AM
I got this in an email today, and it certainly made me laugh, despite the fact that it cutting it close to the bone with the truth!!!


It's just a shame that fuel prices nowadays are a serious pain in the A$$ and are not a joke!! :ragin:

10th March 2011, 11:45 AM
:lol: but true as you say Ali :frown:

AndyP & Lenore
10th March 2011, 05:27 PM

However, what gets me is this is (presumably) an American joke. The gas prices in America are a joke as it is. So unbelievably cheap its almost laughable.

I know they've been bitching at their gas going up recently, but it's nothing like the cost of ours.

I guess it's all relative, and if you're used to petrol being £2 a gallon for it to rocket to £2.50 a gallon that would bug me too. But when it's £6 a gallon at the mo, for it to go up to £6.20 overnight it's like.... "so what else is new"


10th March 2011, 06:56 PM
:lol: just a shame its true :sad:

10th March 2011, 06:59 PM
Heard a rumour that the £2 a litre mark is not far away.

10th March 2011, 07:32 PM
Heard a rumour that the £2 a litre mark is not far away.

I will need to either:
(a) get a job nearer home
(b) sell the MINI and get some thing that does 70mpg
(c) get the bus!
(d) start tutoring in the evening

I already spend about £160 per month just to work and back. With the increase up to £2, that would be up to ~£245.

It also looks like my pension contributions will rise about £80 per month and there is no pay increase on the horizon.

10th March 2011, 08:00 PM
and there is no pay increase on the horizon.

I know the feeling well :frown:...

10th March 2011, 10:10 PM
I use the car very little at times, I last put petrol in the car in January although most days I’ve been out short trips its still got five lights.

In all honesty I’d sell the car if it went to £2lt. The new Mini Dooper might get near 80 MPG on a run and 65MPG in town but there are not cheap. Cooper SD advertised in the Mail from Mini I got to today as starting from 21K…..:frown:

11th March 2011, 12:30 AM
Fuel has risen 40 cents in the past 3 weeks and is highly likely to hit the $4 per gallon by the end of the month

11th March 2011, 07:19 AM
We're all in the same boat Ken truly is getting harder and harder. Looking back I actually think now if I could go back I would not have bought my current Mini. :sad:

Mon the fish
11th March 2011, 07:48 AM
I'm glad I now live above my work, meaning my R53 is a luxury, as I doubt I could afford 30mpg on a daily basis.

A good hoon now costs over £30 an hour now :frown:

11th March 2011, 09:47 AM
Tell me about it - filled up last night with unleaded from the cheapest place near me and it was 130 for unleaded!

I've bought a bike for cycling to work now - 26 miles a day will at least get me fit!

11th March 2011, 10:50 AM
I currently live near my work as well, but if I had to start going back through to the head office in Edinburgh at these prices...
...then a little calculation makes it a whopping £4700 worse off every year :frown:

Big Gordy
11th March 2011, 01:02 PM
My weekly commute to work is 300 miles :frown:
But I'd rather pay for the diesel than be out of work that's for sure :yes nod:

11th March 2011, 07:05 PM
Unfortunately its is not just the fuel price that will affect us as plastic costs are determined by the platts price almost everything that we buy will rake up in price If this unrest remains in the middle east and the cost of fuel keeps increasing it will take us back years. If we the consumer only spend on the essentials think of the impact it will have and how do they fix it. I don't know would be interesting if anyone really knows.