View Full Version : Tablet

7th March 2011, 04:15 PM
As some may know I'm looking for a tablet pc. This will be used mostly for Internet browsing, email, music and the odd movie.

The motorola is looking the favourite with the samsung I'n second place. The archos 101 was a contender but small storage and firmware issues put it out the game (thanks for the link Andy ;) )

My question is, is it worth paying the extra for the 3G built in or would I be better just getting a pay as you go 3G dongle?? I would like to be able to use it anywhere which is why I'm looking at the 3G models. I can get a 3G dongle with 12gb of usage valid for 12 months for only £82 so it works out cheaper than most built I'n data plans ;)

Thoughts appreciated :yes nod:

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7th March 2011, 04:56 PM
Motorola Xoom would be my choice, looks to have the best overall spec, without being restricted to Apple only programs (if you know what i mean)

As for the 3G - Mmm tough choice, depends what you will be using it for and your predicted usage! if you run out of allowance, add on GB can cost an arm and a leg!!

7th March 2011, 06:07 PM
Motorolla xoom is streets ahead of anything else craig. I have a lad out here and he is called "gadget" there is nowt he doesn't know on these subjects and he said 10000000% motorolla mate.

As far as 3g defo mate, but for me built it, pain in the arse having to carry the dongle then plug it in etc. That's what I'd do.

7th March 2011, 06:38 PM
Really depends on where and how often you need 3G coverage. if it's everyday or a few times a week, then yes it would be essential. But if it's one off (once a month, or even a couple of weeks) I'd be tempted to get a dongle. Also depends if you need it when you're not in a place where you can get wifi, which frankly won't be many these days surely?

Other option is the Mi-Fi, a colleague has one from 3 and thinks it's brilliant but it's not all that cheap. He has it running all day in the office for his iPhone and iPad but it really isn't cheap.

AndyP & Lenore
7th March 2011, 06:58 PM
Craig, Endgaget reviews the Xoom here (http://www.engadget.com/2011/02/23/motorola-xoom-review/). Final comments, "Spectacular, but a spectacular work in progress.":confused:


7th March 2011, 07:08 PM
I have the current versions of the iPad and the galaxy tab. The tab is too small for web browsing but I much prefer the android to iPhone apps. Not got 3G as I use them only in the house so it's wi fi if out and about but then I would only really use my phones. A htc desire s which is great phone by the way and on other days I use my bb 9780 depending on the mood. Not having flash on the iPad can be a pain it the bum mind. I may well get a xoom also

The Dogfather
7th March 2011, 07:12 PM
As you know Craig I'm better placed than most to comment, my view is that you should wait at least for another 6 months.

Moto can make some great hardware, but I'm not sure that the OS or the device are as polished as they should be.

My personal choice would be the iPad, not the 2 just the iPad as there'll be some great bargains around as the fanboys sell on the old model. The specs aren't that different and who needs a camera on a tablet.

7th March 2011, 07:19 PM
thanks for the replies.... yeah, I'd have an iPad in a heartbeat if it wasn't for the unsupported flash thingy.... not sure why they haven't sorted that yet... :frown:

I would use the 3g bit if I was working away from home (which is prob about 6 to 8 times a year) and normally no wifi that is reliable where I stay.... I just hate not having access to the web, even just for browsing to take the boredom away... ;) It would also been used whilst I'm at my work in the quiet times as I'm not allowed to use the internet at work for anything other than work (although I can't even download new drivers from Dell or HP without telling the ISO what web address I want to download from!! :argh: :ragin: )

I think 1GB per month would suffice...

Interesting what that article said Andy... the plot thickens !! :yes nod:

AndyP & Lenore
7th March 2011, 08:33 PM
TBH Craig, the lack of Flash doesn't make the ipad unusable - certainly not for me anyway. The only site which I use regularly and I can't view videos on is BBC News site. I can't think of a single site recently that I've gone to use and said... "sod this, this isn't working because there's no flash on this iPad, I'll crack open the laptop".

And it looks like even on the Xoom, there's no flash "out the box". Whether you can install it or not, I really don't know. I have to admit, I speed-read that article so I guess the devil may be in the detail there.


7th March 2011, 11:28 PM
I just hope you get something that stops saying "sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk" :lol:

8th March 2011, 08:42 AM
I just hope you get something that stops saying "sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk" :lol:



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8th March 2011, 10:24 PM
TBH Craig, the lack of Flash doesn't make the ipad unusable - certainly not for me anyway. The only site which I use regularly and I can't view videos on is BBC News site. I can't think of a single site recently that I've gone to use and said... "sod this, this isn't working because there's no flash on this iPad, I'll crack open the laptop".

And it looks like even on the Xoom, there's no flash "out the box". Whether you can install it or not, I really don't know. I have to admit, I speed-read that article so I guess the devil may be in the detail there.


Apparently flash is coming to Xoom "soon", but not confirmed when.

Also, I've not tried this, but there is an app called skyfire which renders flash in a format that can play on an iPad and iPhone - http://www.skyfire.com/

8th March 2011, 11:18 PM
Apparently flash is coming to Xoom "soon", but not confirmed when.

Also, I've not tried this, but there is an app called skyfire which renders flash in a format that can play on an iPad and iPhone - http://www.skyfire.com/

Thanks for that.

Due to iPad 2 coming out the current iPad was on special. Got the 64gb 3G model for £550 ;)

Happy boy - picking it up on thurs from tescos :yes nod:

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The Dogfather
8th March 2011, 11:24 PM
We get a crackin deal on one as well through the staff scheme at work

8th March 2011, 11:27 PM
We get a crackin deal on one as well through the staff scheme at work

You know me and orange signal !! :lol:

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The Dogfather
9th March 2011, 06:40 AM
Its also T-Mobile's as well now and there's new/improved masts everyday :p

AndyP & Lenore
9th March 2011, 11:04 AM
Apparently flash is coming to Xoom "soon", but not confirmed when.

Also, I've not tried this, but there is an app called skyfire which renders flash in a format that can play on an iPad and iPhone - http://www.skyfire.com/

Just installed that Skyfire app and it seems to work. I was able to view flash video footage on BBC News's web site, which before would have been a no no.

Only used it once and quickly, but looks promising.


9th March 2011, 11:32 AM
Just installed that Skyfire app and it seems to work. I was able to view flash video footage on BBC News's web site, which before would have been a no no.

Only used it once and quickly, but looks promising.


Yah !! Here's hoping it continues to work fine ;)

9th March 2011, 10:59 PM
Thanks for the link Euan. Just installed and watched the historic last trip of the space shuttle discovery on my iPad.

Thank you.

10th March 2011, 11:01 AM
No problem, I saw it reviewed in a magazine and meant to install it and this thread reminded me of it!

10th March 2011, 11:13 PM
Installed sky fire on my new iPad and I can't get it to work..... What am I doing wrong :rolleyes:

11th March 2011, 12:04 AM
I'm using it now to view this forum. Use like you would safari etc etc or least that is my understanding. When you click a link that would use flash just click on the bottom left button (video)

27th March 2011, 11:01 PM
As some may know I'm looking for a tablet pc. This will be used mostly for Internet browsing, email, music and the odd movie.

The motorola is looking the favourite with the samsung I'n second place. The archos 101 was a contender but small storage and firmware issues put it out the game (thanks for the link Andy ;) )

My question is, is it worth paying the extra for the 3G built in or would I be better just getting a pay as you go 3G dongle?? I would like to be able to use it anywhere which is why I'm looking at the 3G models. I can get a 3G dongle with 12gb of usage valid for 12 months for only £82 so it works out cheaper than most built I'n data plans ;)

Thoughts appreciated :yes nod:

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Hey guys!

So glad I stumbled across this thread... I have been debating recently between an iPad 2 or something else & after seeing what you guys have written I think the Motorola looks awesome! One of the only drawbacks is the number of apps available as yet. Are there any other options?? Dell Inspiron Duo? Or is that not even in the same league?? ;)
I would rather use a dongle for my internet as I don't as yet have wireless at home.....so that's another plus for the motorola right??


gillian :)

27th March 2011, 11:08 PM
Gillian please please go in and have a play with them. That is the only way you'll really tell.

IMO the Ipad is way to restrictive and there are other bits of kit out there doing way more. The samsung Tab is one beautiful piece of kit.

I have had every gen of ipod, a 3g and 3gs iphone and I am ordering a galaxy tab and a Sony Ericsson arc for my new phone. Sorry but had enough of apple they, imo, are no longer the front runners in this technology.

27th March 2011, 11:16 PM
Gillian please please go in and have a play with them. That is the only way you'll really tell.

IMO the Ipad is way to restrictive and there are other bits of kit out there doing way more. The samsung Tab is one beautiful piece of kit.

I have had every gen of ipod, a 3g and 3gs iphone and I am ordering a galaxy tab and a Sony Ericsson arc for my new phone. Sorry but had enough of apple they, imo, are no longer the front runners in this technology.


I too have been a very loyal Apple customer & have 2 iPods and have also had a 3G & 3GS iPhone....mainly because I broke my first one! Oops! Let's just say it was an innocent bystander in a water fight! ha ha
But yeah, something has been holding me back automatically going for the iPad...I think it's the whole internet connection thing...am I right in thinking you can only use the iPad with wifi? So would have to have a data package? I must go and have a play with them all like you say!


gillian :D

27th March 2011, 11:22 PM
No gillian you can get one with 3g so you'd need a data package with that. The galaxy tab has the same as standard (not an option, sounds like another well know rip off brand) and you can actually use the tab as a phone, a big phone, but never the less a phone.

I have played with the ipad (1 that is) and it is nice no doubt but doesn't do enough for me to warrant the price. I have tried to stay loyal as I love apple stuff, well did.
On the mobile front have a look at this click (http://www.o2.co.uk/comingsoon/xperiaArc) and tell me this not only looks stunning but what a piece of kit.

The Dogfather
28th March 2011, 06:49 AM
You've obviously never seen a Xperia X10, terrible handset with a unresponsive screen, I'd never have a Sony Ericsson. BTW current Galaxy Tab is thicker than a iPad 1 and not that great, the one I had was very buggy as well. Samsung are supposedly going to bring out thinner next gen ones soon.

There's 3 new phone coming from SE the Arc, Neo and Play more details here: -


I'd wait until June to buy a tablet or Android phone, as it gives them time to sort out the bugs on next months new releases.

Mind you if you must get one soon then this is launching: -


28th March 2011, 07:51 AM
You've obviously never seen a Xperia X10, terrible handset with a unresponsive screen, I'd never have a Sony Ericsson. BTW current Galaxy Tab is thicker than a iPad 1 and not that great, the one I had was very buggy as well. Samsung are supposedly going to bring out thinner next gen ones soon.

There's 3 new phone coming from SE the Arc, Neo and Play more details here: -


I'd wait until June to buy a tablet or Android phone, as it gives them time to sort out the bugs on next months new releases.

Mind you if you must get one soon then this is launching: -


It was the Arc I was thinking about, what's your thoughts paul?

28th March 2011, 08:13 AM
Hi guys,

Yeah I might hold off just now until they sort out any issues! I'm happy with my iPhone so really not interested in a handset - really just want a tablet to be able to surf the net from the comfort of my couch as my computer is not a laptop! Ha ha


gillian :D

28th March 2011, 08:14 AM
According to the papers this morning there aren't any iPad 2's to be had anyway! Ha ha

gillian :D

The Dogfather
28th March 2011, 10:24 AM
Gillian, I'd wait.

Let the early adopters take the hit with the bugs and high prices, in a few months the bugs will be sorted and the prices far more reasonable.

28th March 2011, 10:48 AM
We sold our iPad 2 stock within 14 minutes on launch day! They are a fantastic device and will take a huge amount of beating to knock them off the top spot, for sheer features alone on the iPad 2 it's a winner. Not sure how its restrictive other than the file type playback? Also with iPhone 4 you can now create your own wifi hotspot to run your ipad on wifi.

Samsung galaxy is ok but very clunky in comparison, as Paul says it is quite chunky and not the best looking bit of kit.

Motorola Xoom is the only contender i see harming iPad, had a play with one last week and it was superb. Most of the guys in work also agreed. Watch this space.

28th March 2011, 08:53 PM
Gillian, I'd wait.

Let the early adopters take the hit with the bugs and high prices, in a few months the bugs will be sorted and the prices far more reasonable.

Motorola Xoom is the only contender i see harming iPad, had a play with one last week and it was superb. Most of the guys in work also agreed. Watch this space.

Thanks for the advice guys! Will hang back for a few months and see what happens! :)