View Full Version : What would your house look like....

3rd March 2011, 02:38 PM
...if it had the International Space Station on top of it?? (http://howbigreally.com/dimension/space/international_space_center)


Pretty cool, as is the "how big would the moon look if it was placed over.."
and the "length of the Space Shuttle Runway" ones too!

3rd March 2011, 04:08 PM
The Mars rover path is well cool - Just goes to show how far this thing travelled when you overlay the starting point at your own house - pretty cool indeed - Nice Find!!!!!

3rd March 2011, 04:50 PM
The shuttle's runway looks a bit bigger than the ones I use! Comes in a wee bit quick though, so it's not surprising but maybe the length is really for the 747 that has to carry it out of there!