View Full Version : Static Underground, Tarantino Night 11th March 2011, The Lane, Edinburgh

16th February 2011, 12:23 PM
For those interested in a new mini scotland night out ;)


A Night of Quentin Tarantino at Static Underground.

Date: Friday 11th March 2011

Static Underground / The Lane / Queensferry Street Lane / Edinburgh

Doors Open from- 10.00pm - 3am

Prices £6 Regular / £3 Student (Tickets & on the door)

Following on from its successful opening night in November 2010 and the most recent success of February’s Neon night, Static Underground is back! …and this time it’s Tarantino Night!

Celebrate Static Undergrounds 3rd event with a blast of Reservoir Dogs, slashings of Kill Bill and the brooding melancholy of Pulp Fiction along with other cult classics such as Jackie Brown, Death Proof and Inglourious Basterds. We look forward to seeing lots of Umas, Keitels, Sam Jacks, Bruces and Travoltas on the night.

Static Underground Resident DJ’s: Adam Hill / Daniel C / DeckAid

Guest DJ’s: AzaraT / DJ Kyle / KrissCues / Stuart Simpson / TonyKeo

Dress Code: Eye Patches / Bloody Wedding Dresses / Black Suits / Dark Shades / Yellow Jumpsuits / Man-tails / School Girls / Balls & Chains / Blood Stained T-shirts / Robes / White Beards… (Dressing-up Optional)

Music: An Eclectic mix of Commercial House / House / Electro House / Progressive House / Trance
See the Static Team for tickets
