View Full Version : Checkmate Grill

Fartin Martin
15th February 2011, 06:55 PM
How easy is it gonna be for me to change my chrome grill for the body coloured one? a mate of mine has a checkmate also, and is thinking of trading is in this year..so I asked if I could swap him grills which he's cool with

So I wanna go from this

To this

Bearing in mind I has the front spots..is this much of a problem?

Cheers guys

Fartin Martin
16th February 2011, 01:02 PM
anyone? :p

16th February 2011, 01:13 PM
Grill itself is a piece o piss to change. Not so sure about the lights, maybe see how they attach?

Fartin Martin
16th February 2011, 01:16 PM
Grill itself is a piece o piss to change. Not so sure about the lights, maybe see how they attach?

is it a bumper off job..like this..http://www.grillcraft.com/installs/install_detail.aspx?install_id=166

I'll go look at the lights the now and put up pics

Fartin Martin
16th February 2011, 01:26 PM


looks as if I can just take the actual lamp off and then the grills shud come off no probs..its just the one slat on the bumper that I think might be a problem! and I can get in behind it :confused:

16th February 2011, 01:45 PM
The lower one is yeah, again it doesn't take long and is straight forward

Fartin Martin
16th February 2011, 02:23 PM
The lower one is yeah, again it doesn't take long and is straight forward

cool..I'll try find out how to remove the bottom bumper..cos never done anythin like tht before aha

Mon the fish
16th February 2011, 02:29 PM
From memory, to get the bumper off there's a screw either side of the radiator, a screw in each wheelarch (near the top of the bumper), and 3 underneath.

When you take the bumper off, watch as the sidelights remain attached to it

Fartin Martin
16th February 2011, 02:33 PM
From memory, to get the bumper off there's a screw either side of the radiator, a screw in each wheelarch (near the top of the bumper), and 3 underneath.

When you take the bumper off, watch as the sidelights remain attached to it

Cheers man..thought there would have been a guide some where but there ain't..don't wanna bloody break something aha

Mon the fish
16th February 2011, 02:34 PM
It tells you in the Haynes manual, but it's stupidly easy to get off. You don't even need to take the wheels off - you can access the screws on full lock

Fartin Martin
16th February 2011, 03:01 PM
cool...will have a wee bash and see if I can get mine off then! :D cheers matey!

16th February 2011, 03:18 PM
There is also the external temperature sensor hooked into the bumper as well so you will need to unplug that as you draw the bumper away from the car.

Fartin Martin
16th February 2011, 03:39 PM
There is also the external temperature sensor hooked into the bumper as well so you will need to unplug that as you draw the bumper away from the car.

cool man cheers!! jeezo I'm gonna have fun!! naaaat!! lol