View Full Version : New MINI Show 2011 - trying to set a date

11th January 2011, 12:43 AM
The venue is very heavily booked for the whole year however I have just been offered a Bank holiday weekend - this would mean that people are off both the day before & the day after so no worries about getting home late on a school/work night

AndyP & Lenore
11th January 2011, 01:03 AM
Bank holiday weekends are traditionally very busy for us, but we would do our best to make it whenever it is on. Really enjoyed last years weekend. And, no matter what you do, you'll never please all the people all the time.

What bank holiday is it? Please tell me it's the royal wedding day 'cos I'd move mountains to stay away from the telly that day.


11th January 2011, 08:32 AM
That makes it easier for me Mikey as it should coincide with time off for Jude ;). Fingers crossed you get the date you want ....

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